Forced to Date a Big Shot

Chapter 814: Will Lin Jing come?

that person……

Kill her, or he?

Xue Xi was a little confused, and when he wanted to continue listening to some useful information, he was pushed out of his dream by Xiang Huai again.

He unexpectedly woke up again.

What's the matter with this person? I sleep at night and wake up frequently?

Xue Xi lay on the bed and curled her lips. She thought for a while, but she didn't understand who the person in the academy was asking Xiang Huai to find. Why did he kill him? Maybe it was some heinous bad guy?

Can't figure it out, just don't think about it.

Xue Xi closed his eyes and fell asleep quickly.

This night, there is no dream.

Next, a few people celebrated the New Year at Xue's house and prepared for Xue Xi's birthday party by the way.

The Xue family prepares a birthday party for Xue Yao every year. Last year, Xue Xi also refused because of the college entrance examination. So this year, she finally agreed. Xue Sheng has a kind of big party to hold the first 18 years. All the birthday parties are back with great momentum.

Therefore, he almost invited all the friends in the entire Bincheng, not only that, he also invited Ye Li's friends, and even Song Wenman and Ye Lai's students.

People who can think of are basically invited here.

Xue Xi has spared no effort here and directly invited her head teacher, Lao Liu, and asked Lao Liu to contact Xue Xi's classmates. Anyway, during the New Year, everyone will come back, and anyone who wants to come will come and play for a day.

At least hundreds of invitations have been sent out.

The day before the banquet, the people at the old house were urged by Father Xue to come and help. Father Xue always wanted to maintain the relationship between the two rooms and wanted Xue Sheng to look after the brotherhood and take care of Xue Gui.

Liu Yiqiu was reluctant to come here. She used to look down on Ye Li at home. Her parents were both poor university professors and had no money or status. But her family was born into a wealthy family. The old lady found someone. , The wife who begged repeatedly.

Unexpectedly, one day, he would actually be reduced to helping Ye Li.

Although Liu Yiqiu understood that he could not fall out with Ye Li, he still had some emotions in his heart.

When she arrived at Xue Xi's house, she happened to see Ye Li sitting on the sofa sending a WeChat message, moved forward and glanced at the phone.

Ye Li frowned, quit WeChat and closed the message.

Liu Yiqiu didn't see what was sent, but he saw the name of the sender: Lin Jing.

Lin Jing... the name is too familiar, this is not...

Liu Yiqiu was shocked: "Sister-in-law, you Lin Jing, isn't it the Lin Jing everyone knows?"

Ye Li: "..."

She was a little bored. She felt that Liu Yiqiu didn't get her consent and looked at her mobile phone as a little disrespectful, so she said lightly, "What are you here for?"

She changed the subject, Liu Yiqiu curled her lips, her eyes rolled, and she didn't speak any more.

In fact, there was nothing busy at home, and they were all handed over to the nanny. The two sat there for a while, and Liu Yiqiu gave a symbolic performance. In less than an hour, they left.

Ye Li breathed a sigh of relief when she left.

But in the evening, Xue Sheng received a call: "Old Xue, your family, this time the cowhide is too big!"

Xue Sheng was taken aback: "What's wrong?"

The man opened his mouth: "It's all going viral outside now. Lin Jing will come at your daughter's birthday party. I asked, it seems that it is the tone from your house. Will Lin Jing really come?"

Xue Sheng shook his head: "No, she shouldn't come."

The couple are so busy, how could they come to Bencheng to watch the TV news tonight, and Xiang someone is in a poor mountainous area right now!

He also discussed with Ye Li, and didn't send an invitation to the two people, lest they couldn't send it, making them embarrassed.

But as soon as Xue Sheng said this, the man said: "I knew it was fake, but the problem is that now in the entire Bincheng circle, everyone knows that Lin Jing is coming! If not, you guys Does the family need to save face?!"

Xue Sheng:!

He was driving hands-free, so Ye Li happened to hear this.

Ye Li's face flushed with anger, "It must be Liu Yiqiu, it is too much! What are you doing outside to spread rumors? I know, she must be making us embarrassed! I don't understand, we are ashamed, they are also Xue Family, isn't it ashamed?!"

Xue Sheng was also a little angry.

It's night now, and I will send an invitation letter to Lin Jing. There is only one day to prepare, and it must be too late!

Besides, I specially invited Lin Jing to come here to show them the Xue family. This is too much to be on the stage.

Xue Sheng frowned: "Nothing at this moment, stop talking nonsense."

After hanging up the phone, he and Ye Li spoke: "You can't trouble Lin Jing."

The two thought of going together.

Ye Li's thin body was trembling a little, he held the table angrily, with red eyes: "The big deal is to be ridiculed for a few words. I am nothing, anyway, these years, I have been accustomed to ridicule, just feel wronged Xixi! This is Xixi’s birthday banquet, but it makes these unpleasant."

Xue Sheng sighed silently and stroked Yeli's shoulder: "Xixi won't care about this."

Ye Li nodded: "Of course I know that Xixi is a good boy, but I just feel that this banquet is imperfect because of these broken things."

Xue Sheng's eyes became cold again: "We won't be back next year for the New Year."

Ye Li continued nodding.

Xue Sheng sighed: "This time, Xixi has been wronged, but it’s enough for us to do it lively. Xixi doesn’t care about the opinions of those people. That’s right, Xiaoxiang said that after the birthday party, he thought Give Xixi a surprise, so let me allow him to take Xixi out for the night. I didn’t agree, now, let them go. Xiaoxiang’s recent performances are also okay, without coveting our daughter’s beauty, I believe it He once."

After speaking, he couldn't help but mumbled: "Wife, you said your daughter is so good-looking, so Xiao Xiang slept next to her daughter's room. He won't come to harass him in the middle of the night. Will Xiao Xiang, okay?"

Ye Li:? ?

A little far away, but Xiang Huai still heard the conversation between the two:? ? ?

He held himself back, wasn't it just for the birthday night to let the old man agree to take Xixi out? ! Unexpectedly, he was suspected of his ability.

He is so difficult!

Fortunately, his father-in-law was fooled into passing the test.

Thinking of this, Xiang Huai glanced at Xue Xi again. Xue Xi who was watching only felt hot behind his back, but when he turned around, he found that Xiang Huai was no longer there and entered the room.

At this moment, Xiang Huai is sending a message to Lin Jing: [Mom, where have you been? 】

Lin Jing: [I got my son in Bincheng! Tomorrow will definitely support me Xixi! 】

[PS: I went to test subject four today, and we were so cold in the outdoors at a temperature of more than ten degrees below zero with a small breeze. After being frozen for two and a half hours, when I got my driver's license, I also successfully got a fever. This chapter is a chapter with temperature. Well, it's the end of the month, it seems that the double monthly pass is about to start? Everyone vote for one? Our seventh place this month is too far behind! 】

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