Forced to Date a Big Shot

Chapter 815: Birthday party (1)

The next day, Xue's cottage was overcrowded.

Xue Sheng's achievement in Bincheng shows that he is a very good person. Even if he starts from scratch, the people in Bincheng will give him face.

What's more, Xue Xi's boyfriend is the founder of the God of Fortune Group, and all the rich and powerful nobles in Bincheng are here.

Men get together and talk about business.

When Father Xue entered the door, he was greeted by Xue Sheng to the first place, and he was very happy when he sat there showing his place.

Originally, when he came, he felt that this son was far away, and now he has a faint style of being a family member. He asked, "Boss, there are a lot of people here today. Which chef did you hire in the kitchen? People from here are here to help. You still don’t agree. During the Chinese New Year, the chefs’ schedules are full. Don’t serve dishes that you can’t get!"

Speaking of this, Xue Sheng said, "Oh, I really didn't invite a well-known chef, but Xixi said that they had already looked for it, using the master from the cafeteria when she was in the orphanage."

Father Xue was stunned. The wrinkles on his face were a little unfolded because of surprise. Immediately, his brows were tightly frowned together: "Master in the cafeteria, what good food can you make? You are too silly. Boss, I know you don’t want to use people at home, but at this time, how can you be so sloppy about the scene where Xixi’s birthday party will not be mocked!"

In fact, Xue Sheng didn't know what to do, but when Xue Xi brought it up, it would be difficult to refute her daughter's opinion. Although she also found some helpers, she was still a little worried.

He hesitated and opened his mouth: "It should be possible?"

The old man waved his hand hurriedly: "You hurry up and contact the hotel outside and ask them to deliver it. It's still too late!"

Xue Sheng was about to say something, someone next to him said, "Hey, the dishes tonight are here."

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Most banquets are buffets.

The complete dishes are placed there. If everyone is hungry, take the plates to pick them up. The cakes and drinks are the same.

A few large and exquisite disks were placed in the dining area, and the small plates next to them were also ready. It just happened to be dinner in the evening. Seeing this, everyone walked over there.

Elder Xue also followed here, and the people around him were also supporting him. Someone asked, "Your eldest son's food must be good. We must taste it!"

After all, Xue Xi's boyfriend is the founder of the Fortune Group!

Someone deliberately asked in order to please: "I don't know which chef is invited?"

"Yes, who did you invite? Is it from Kyoto? The best one here is the celebrity chef in the Dorsett Hotel, but it's difficult to make appointments..."

"It's definitely hard to make an appointment, that's Fan Dashou's apprentice!"

The compliments of a group of people made Old Xue Xue couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

I couldn't help but complain a little bit in my heart. Since there is a birthday party, why don't you prepare it in advance? There is not even a chef who can do it well.

He coughed embarrassingly: "Just an ordinary chef, the banquet was decided in a hurry, so he invited one casually. Are you hungry? Let's take a look at what dishes are made today."

When these words came out, everyone looked at several dinner plates.

Except for a few common dishes, today's main dish plum Zhuxiang?


Everyone looked at Xue Sheng, a little puzzled.

This dish, in fact, is also normal. If you want to eat it in various hotels, there are also. But the reason why this dish has not become the main dish is that this dish is too ordinary. If you want to be top-notch, in fact, It's a bit difficult.

In celebrity chefs, no one except Fan Dashou would treat this dish as their signature dish.

Old man Xue's face turned dark, and he stiffened his face and opened his mouth: "Everyone, try it. It's made by ordinary chefs. I don't think I'm very sensible..."

Not very sensible.

Five words, let everyone understand.

It must be the Xue family who hired a poor chef to make this kind of oolong.

I just felt that Xue Sheng came back for a banquet, and even Miss Xue’s boyfriend came. This banquet would definitely be very important, but I didn’t expect it to be.

This shows that Miss Xue's family is not valued by her boyfriend. If she really pays attention, how could she not help hire a well-known chef?

After all, although the schedule is rushed, according to the forces of the God of Fortune Group, at least one can be invited.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and finally smiled awkwardly, picked up the plate and took a step forward.

Liu Yiqiu also followed a few ladies and came over. Seeing this dish, he couldn't help but speak: "Oh, my sister-in-law usually talks about Xixi's boyfriend so well. I didn't expect to... hurt, but Men's career is the main thing, it is impossible to really revolve around a woman."

The others immediately understood the meaning of this sentence.

It was just saying that Ye Li said how much Xiang Huai valued Xue Xi, but in fact, they didn't take it seriously...or rather, they didn't pay that much attention.

Everyone smiled at each other, and they all said nothing, after all, no one wants to be this villain.

Seeing that everyone was not cooperating, Liu Yiqiu curled his lips, turned his head and saw that someone next to him had already taken a bite, so he couldn't help but opened his mouth like a question: "How is the taste?"

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