Foreigner's Mistake

Book 7: Chapter 126: Magic Sword ~ 34

Book 7: Chapter 126: Magic Sword ~ 34

It was after the sun had set and it was dark when she heard the horses whinnying. Isolde, the head of the Holy Sword Clan, had finished her inspection of the area and returned, and everyone had already finished their dinner.

At the moment, the road through the valley of Horwood is blocked because of a large explosion near the Dark Green Forest, which is the destination of the road, and the road has been lost. In other words, there is no way for people to pass through.

The High Mentor's secretary steps out from the tent set up for the nightly camp to make sureAs Sheryl had predicted, the horse was controlled by the deputy leader of the task force, of which she was the leader. Sheryl also steps out of the tent with a lit torch to greet him. The cold night air stung Sheryl's skin.

Team Leader

Derek looked at Sheryl's face in the light of the torch, and his voice was filled with relief. His complexion showed considerable fatigue.

Thanks for your hard work, deputy leader.

Don't be.

He replied simply, but his horse was one step away from blowing bubbles, too. After dismounting and asking the secretary of the High Mentor to take care of his horse, Derek finally sat down on the ground and breathed heavily. It was evident that he had pushed himself very hard to get this far.

Derek thanked Sheryl briefly for the bottle of water and gulped it down.

There's not much left, but there's still some dinner left

Oh, thank goodness

Finally catching his breath, Derek smiled at Sheryl as she said this. Sheryl reaches out a hand to Derek on the ground.

The report comes first, though.

Oh man. That's a harsh team leader, you are

Derek finally got up with Sheryl's help and stretched a little, slapping the butt of his pants. Derek's attitude was a little shaky. But to Sheryl, he is more approachable that way.

I'll have your report to High Mentor in the presence of the Head of the Clan., is that all right?

I don't mind, but......If possible, I thought it would be more accurate if I could report the incident with Zelphys-dono of the Holy Sword Clan, who was watching the event with me.

Zelphys is not here. I sent him to check on the target.

Derek was taken aback by the sound of a woman's voice coming from behind Sheryl. He guessed that she was the head of the Holy Sword Clan. The head of the clan Zelphys had been talking to using the calling stone was a woman although he did not expect her to be wearing a rugged mask.

When he made a small nod and apologized for allowing Zelphys to contact him, the head of the clan shook her head from side to side and made a small, deep behind-the-mask laugh.

That's mutual. Well, then, deputy leader and all that. Let's hear your report.

Derek gave a wry smile and entered the tent, his tired body whipping around. Inside the tent, the Mentor, who had already finished his meal, the three lecturers who were following him, and the secretary to the Mentor were all looking very serious. Behind the tent was a wooden box resembling an altar with candlesticks on either side. A cloth with a complex pattern on it is laid on the floor. This would be the center of the inverted magic circle, the place of the ritual.

Acknowledging Derek's appearance, the High Mentor nodded and ordered the meal to be cleaned up. The meal, however, was a simple affair, at least not the kind of meal one would expect a High Mentor of his status to eat though it was far better than the food Sheryl had eaten on her journey with Isolde before coming here.

On a tidy desk, the secretary briefly unfolds a map of the neighborhood: five, marked, four of them the location of the altar for the inverted magic circle, the other in the center of the circle. This would be where the head of the Holy Sword Clan would wield her sword.

With permission, Derek placed one of the pieces on the map. This was the spot where Baron Dantes' army and Satoru and the others fought. It was a popular battlefield since ancient times, and it was called Kurt's Garden.

But, of course, there are still fears in High Mentor's mind.

But.....We still don't know what Satoru is capable of.

The head of the Holy Sword Clan did not reply to the High Mentor's mutterings. Perhaps that is her concern as well. Derek shook his head from side to side.

......The target, Satoru, as we reported, only defeated Baron Dantes using the Giant Killer. What was his strength?(?)

And Zelphys only caught a glimpse of him, but Derek could not see him in the dust of the battlefield. Well, there is no doubt that he is a different kind of person when he wields the Giant Killer with ease.

The head of the Holy Sword Clan flipped her hand and slammed the desk with her palm. Everyone's attention was drawn in that direction.

Well, it can't be helped. If push comes to shove, we should fight in such a way that we can contain Satoru within the circle. No matter how much soul Satoru has, he will lose his magical power as long as he remains within the circle.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the confident voice of the head of the Holy Sword Clan No, there is an exception. It's Sheryl.

If Satoru indeed had over 100,000 soul, how long would it take to reduce them to zero? No one knows. Isolde said that the way to fight is to contain Satoru within the circle, but in the end, it is an endurance battle. She certainly had excellent skills against a big man with a big sword, but was it really possible for a woman slightly smaller than herself to control him?

Two people noticed Sheryl's expression of concern. Isolde and Derek. Sheryl is an outsider in this situation, so she needs to be careful about what she says. Just as Derek was about to throw a question at Sheryl, the High Mentor's words fell.

Then, we must do our best to maintain the circle as planned. Head Clan, please give us a signal when everything is finished.


After smiling at the head of the Holy Sword Clan, who nodded composed, he turned his smile away and turned to Sheryl.

Team leader Maylander. You and the deputy stay at a little distance.


As for Sheryl, she has a slight objection. It is true that from a distance, one can see the whole scene, but it is difficult to take immediate action if something happens. However, as long as the High Mentor, who is in charge of this place, has instructed her to do so, it is only logical that she should follow his instructions. In the first place, she is not supposed to be in this place.

After seeing his granddaughter's face as she nodded grudgingly, the High Mentor gave Derek a soft smile.

Deputy Leader. I know she's a rebellious granddaughter, but please supervise her for me.

It's a difficult task, isn't it? But I accept.

Derek's response elicited a small chuckle from the room. Everyone present knows that Sheryl is the granddaughter of Graham Coogan. Sheryl, her face flushed a little red, looked at her grandfather and the deputy leader as if she wanted to say something, but did not interrupt them.

We'll be finished tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at the latest. Everyone except the secretary on watch should be well-rested and ready.

The High Mentor looked around at everyone and his declaration once again filled the room with tension.

This incident was not something to be taken lightly. It is a historic event for the Academy of the Wise, the symbol of knowledge in this world, and the Holy Sword Clan, which has been in existence since ancient times, to fight together against an enemy.

It will be over tomorrow or the day after. Derek looked at Sheryl, exposing himself to the undeniable tension that was passing.

That's all well and good, but I'm hungry and can't stand it. Please give me something.

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