Foreigner's Mistake

Book 7: Chapter 127: Magic Sword ~ 35

Book 7: Chapter 127: Magic Sword ~ 35

After leaving the battlefield, Satoru and the rest walked for about a quarter of a koku (1 hour), and once again set up camp for the night by applying magical power to the seeds of the World Tree. The sun had set by the time they finished cleaning up the battlefield, but as expected, they were not so thick-skulled as to decide to camp for the night in a place where several hundred people had died at one time.

The reason why Leia was pouring water down the valley floor for the war dead was simple. Half of the reason was to offer offerings to the dead, and the other half was that those who had died with lingering regrets were likely to turn into zombies or ghouls. When the dead are left in a solidified state without any memorial services, negative power tends to accumulate. Also, when the stench of the dead attracts animal race members, they are easily turned into rampaging beasts by the negative power of the dead. The reason for this was to avoid such a situation.

Leia is said to be able to use special magic for Immortal King called Corpse Creation, which, as the name implies, creates corpses (zombies), but according to her, she has never used it.

I don't want to, they certainly don't need food, and they are useful for performing simple orders, but they have a sense of aesthetics. The stench of decay they emit is also very strong. I just can't bring myself to use the corpse.

She said. It is true that the image of the word Immoratl King gives the image of leading a flock of such immortals, but she is not that concerned about it.

Today's main dish is a stew made with the wild hare that Minerva found and Satoru hunted during their journey.

However, the atmosphere is heavier than usual. It is because of the somewhat stale atmosphere that Satoru, the leader of the group, gives off.

Minerva is actually not bothered by it, but because of the gloomy atmosphere around her, she repeatedly tries to speak up and then stops. Solor, of course, doesn't mind, but she doesn't talk as much as she should.

Satoru bears the guilt of killing an army of 500 people, and Rico, Liz, and Leia sensing the heavy atmosphere have a hard time talking to him.

After finishing the meal almost silently, they prepare for bed while cleaning up. Normally, a night watchman would be needed, but since the tree grown from the seed of the World Tree is impervious to insects and beasts, and since Leia and Solor, two people who don't need sleep, are present, this party doesn't have to worry about that.

After preparing her own bed, Liz made up her mind and walked over to Satoru, who was sitting on his bedding.


What's the matter?

The smile that he had tried and failed to give a soft smile stuck to Satoru's face. Satoru's sense of guilt is also quite deep-rooted. And she was the one who awakened it. Lies was aware of that. Before blaming Leia, she should have thought about that as well, but she neglected to do so.

She straightened her posture and sat down in front of Satoru, then looked back at Satoru's magical slaves behind her.

And to all of you. I am sorry, I was wrong.

She bowed deeply.

It is easy to see that she regretted blaming Leia after the last battle. That battle, which looked like a one-sided massacre, must have been a big shock to Liz, who was 14 years old and had lived in a small society where such battles did not take place.

Satoru replied with a serious face.

...... No. Liz is not necessarily wrong.

That's not true.

It's no different. Killing is a mistake. If we forget that, we cease to be people.


Liz gasps. She realized that Satoru was taking his own guilt more seriously than she thought. Leia, Rico, Minerva, Solorthe other slaves were staring at Satoru, their Lord with bated breath.

Even those guys today said they were avenging the murder of the children. They themselves are not guilty. It's me who is guilty.

That's ......

Liz chewed on the word cycle of hatred.

The man who drove her mother to death and forced Satoru to die using herself (Liz's) as a hostage was evil. But even such an evil man has parents who wanted to avenge his death. From the Baron's point of view, Satoru and the others are the big bad guys who killed his son.

Unless we stop somewhere and repent, hatred will continue on a chain.

Then Liz realized another fact. Leia almost annihilated the enemy soldiers. In other words, the chain of hatred will stop as long as it is not spread that they are the ones who caused that annihilation. That's why Leia resorted to the annihilation method.

But I killed the general and Leia killed his soldiers. Solor killed those who were watching. I mean, that's all there is to it.

Satoru muttered to himself as he lowered his gaze. It was an expression he had never shown before.

No matter how much I prepared myself to bear the guilt, sin is still sin. You can't escape it, and you can't change it.

Satoru, who had been lying on his face, stared at his clenched fist and clenched his teeth. A pain flashed through Liz's heart as she felt that her own naivete was one of the factors causing Satoru to suffer right now. This Onii-san from the other world is fully aware of his sins, but I've always been a spoiled brat...

Satoru, who had been clenching his fists for a while, looked up. He sincerely makes eye contact with Liz. Liz also caught his gaze and gulped.

......After all, you still want to follow me even after what happened? My, our journey.


Without hesitation, Liz firmly nodded her head. There is the strength of will.

Then, please stay the way you are, Liz. If we lose our sense of guilt and feel like doing something bad, stop us.

Liz realized with a start. Minerva had taught her about the role of each person in the party, and Satoru had taught her.

That's my role ......

It won't be easy. You need to see things calmly, keep an open mind, and look ahead. If our Lord is the general of the army, then you are, right, the military attach.

At the sound of Leia's voice from behind her, Liz turns her head, bites her lower lip, and thinks.

Indeed, it is difficult. She has to look at the whole picture without being too rough-minded. In this party overflowing with power, she has to be a powerless being and not let herself be carried away by the power.

I wonder if I can do it.

Can you do it?

Liz looked up at the sound of Satoru's voice. Satoru's strong face was more severe than ever, even a little scary. It is not the kind of face he would make for a girl who has not even reached adulthood. But that is why he is so sincere.

Liz nodded decisively at this rugged man.

......I will do my best. If by doing so, even though I am powerless, I can be of help to everyone

I see.

The answer was filled with the strong will of Liz, and Satoru nodded gravely. He stared intently into Liz's eyes. Without running away, Liz also stares back into Satoru's eyes. Liz did not miss the small flicker in Satoru's eyes.

Satoru quickly extends his arm.

.....If you don't mind, come.

Liz read exactly what those words meant. Satoru had designated her as his partner.

No, there's nothing unpleasant about it(?)

Shaking a little, Liz took his hand. Satoru was also ready to accept her hand. Besides, it was the first time for Satoru to have an evening with her after declaring that she would also participate in the sexual desire treatment. Even though Satoru may not have completely lost his feelings, he was prepared for it and made up his mind.

Liz was either confused or happy. Which is stronger the latter.

Should we leave?

Leia's voice behind her made Liz think for a moment.

The meaning of Rico's showing Liz her act. And the reason why Leia dared to speak like that. Liz, who took it as her intention to show the other magical slaves how prepared she was to do what she could have done if she had just quietly left her seat, looked back with her hand still in Satoru's and smiled with a beaming smile.

No. That concern is unnecessary. It's hard for me to be bothered with it all the time.

......, yes, but...

Leia looked at Satoru with a slightly mischievous expression. Satoru knew that she was thinking of something else, but It's what the best magical slave who thinks the best of himself is trying to do.

I don't tell you to watch. Do as you please.

At Satoru's reply, Leia shrugged her shoulders a little and whispered in her ear as she approached Solor. Solor nodded several times. She doesn't seem to have any intention of leaving. To be honest, I'm wondering what Leia is up to, but now that she's said so, it's hard to tell her to go away.

Rico and Minerva are showing signs of being lost, but they too show no signs of moving. He doesn't want to show them too much.

Liz took Satoru's hand and swallowed hard. The fact that she was shaking slightly could not be due to nervousness alone. After adjusting her breathing, she opened her mouth to Satoru as if she had made up her mind.

I'm glad you chose me. I am still new to this, but I will do my best to serve you.

Satoru rolled his eyes at Liz's declaration. It didn't feel like someone was coaxing her into it. It was probably a statement that she thought hard about in her own way.

There is no need to be so concerned. ......

Liz's weak voice made him shake his head strongly from side to side.

No, I want to serve you. I want to do so to my Lord, who always works hard, takes care of me, and protects me. If Onii-san wants to use me in any way, that's fine with me.

Satoru was amazed at her determination of Liz and said so clearly. He knew from their previous conversations and interactions that Liz had no knowledge of sex. She had experienced it twice, or to be more precise, the first time was while she was unconscious, so she had only done it once.

Still, he is impressed by the strength of mind of the girl who says that if Satoru wants to use her on his own, that's fine, and if not, she wants to serve.

She wants to do something. Perhaps it is an act of wanting to erase the guilt of always having to do things for others.

Her hair has changed color and length, and her resemblance to Alice has diminished, but her egoism is similar to Alice's. If they look alike, will they have similar personalities?Satoru shook his head. The one you need to look at now is not the girl who is similar to Alice. It is the individual named Liz.

No,......, Fine, do as you want.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

The waistband and shoulder straps were loosened at the same time, and the dress fell to the floor. She was not wearing any underwear on her chest and only has her underwear. She still has the body of a young girl, and it is no wonder that she is a little young. Even so, her breasts are still full and firm, and she has a nipped-in neckline. Her body is not far from the stage of becoming a woman from a girl. Rather than being glamorous, her body is innocent.Upstodatee from n(0)/ve/lbIn/.(co/m

The girl who approached Satoru on her knees with a hint of excitement on her face took Satoru's face between her hands and put her lips on his.

Haa....nmhh, chu

The kiss was faltering. The tongue did not enter. She pecked Satoru's lips, again and again, making a chu-chu sound. Not only lips. She rains kisses on his cheeks, forehead, the tip of his nose, the corners of his eyes, and all over his face.

Satoru hears Liz's excited breath in his ear. Confused, Liz still hugged Satoru's head and rained kisses on the top of his head as well. Her breasts, which would grow in size from now on, swayed in front of Satoru's eyes, the smaller areola and nipple showing unreliably at their tips.

I wonder if this means that I should lick them Satoru thought and reached the tip of his tongue into the cleavage of her breasts.


The hand that hugs Satoru's face is filled with strength. With his face buried in the cleavage of her smaller breasts, Satoru inhaled deeply. The sweet, distinctive smell of a girl in the throes of puberty pungent in Satoru's nostrils. Satoru's hand stopped moving as he was about to reach for the stream. A voice called out from behind Liz.

With teary eyes, Liz opened her eyes. In a rear cowgirl position, Liz sees four of Satoru's magical slaves. All of them are as good-looking and beautiful as they look.

Finally, the tip. Come on, do your best, Liz

They see me inserting itLiz feels a strange sensation welling up from deep within her. Shame is coming back to her, but she doesn't want to pull it out now. Rico showed Liz the place where Rico and Satoru were connected, even though she was feeling particularly ashamed. She showed it to her. What's the point of being ashamed of myself? I'm going to show these senior magical slaves that I'm ready!

But I'm still on the tip of the icebergthat's what she thought, and a sense of dread passed over her. Even now, Satoru's penis is still tightly packed inside her. I wonder if I will break when I thrust deep inside me...

Prepare yourself and drop your hips

The one who voiced this was Leia, the first magical slave. She is only a little taller than Liz, and her body is said to have a nasty tendency to regenerate its virgin membrane. Even though she has a body smaller than hers and is subjected to endless pain from the breakage of her virgin membrane, she still desires to have intercourse with Satoru. Not only because it is comfortable, but also because offering her body is the most straightforward and easiest way to show her loyalty to the Lord. She is more than happy to do so.

If I (Leia) can do it, why can't you (Liz)? You don't have a handicap of virgin membrane regeneration.

That's what Leia's eyes seemed to be telling her. Liz smiled thinly back at her, who has been in a lot of contact with Satoru.

I can't lose.

Liz's smile was filled with a determination that Leia and Rico had never seen before.

Watch me.

The girl smiles fearlessly and resolves herself.

I-It's, iinnn.......nnhh.....ggihhhhh!!

In a mixture of pain and pleasure, Liz straightened her back and relaxed her legs. Satoru's penis sank into her inexperienced vagina and cut deep into her. Liz stopped breathing when she felt a thud, rather than a thump, deep in the pit of her stomach.

Kahh...haah, haaah......

With a thump, she felt the penis in her own vagina jump. Liz's eyes widened as she felt a tingling, numbing sensation. It was a tingling sensation that was different from the pain of being cut open.

Amazing, It's hot, it was amazing, amazing!

The depths of her body were hot. Her own body is on fire beyond belief. Even more than that, the penis that is penetrating her body is hot. She can feel the vibrations that are slowly and gradually consuming her body.

Haah, haah, haah...... aah, guhh......

Finally, I can breathe. The fire in her body is not subsiding but only increases further. Sweat was pouring down her body like a lie, and love juice was gushing from her vagina. She was afraid to move because she felt that if she tried to move even a little, Satoru's penis that was penetrating her core would start to act up. She was afraid to move, but she couldn't. It couldn't be that it was about to go rampage.

Another voice flew in from the outside. A soft, adult female voiceIt was Minerva.

You'll never get used to it if you don't move your hips, even if it's just slowly! Do your best, Liz!

Do your best, huh I see, so it's like that

Liz just smiled a little. She knew that the sarcastic comments from the other slaves earlier were in support of her. The other two are the first to teach her how to correct her naivety and how to prepare herself to serve Satoru.

Thank you very muchLiz thought sincerely. Now that this is the case, I have to do my best to live up to the expectations of my seniors.

Haah, iihh....nnhh, fuhh....guhh....I-It's too, deep......

Liz began to use her hips, slowly and gently, whipping her body, which was too afraid to move for fear of experiencing further pleasure. Just a little bit of back and forth movement is enough to make her feel like she's about to buckle from the pain and the unbelievably good sensation of the penis rubbing against the deepest part of her body. She can only really move slowly.

Put your hands on the top of Satoru's lap.

L-Like this...... nkku!

In response to Rico's voice, she leans forward a little and places her hands on each of Satoru's knees. Satoru's waist floated a little.

Use the strength of your legs to slowly rock your body up and down.

She felt her hips were about to give out, but her foggy mind caught Rico's advice precisely. The penis buried in her vagina was as hot and hard as ever. Even as she licked it hard, she couldn't believe that something so big and thick was inside her.

She put more pressure on her thighs and gradually got into a rhythm.

Yes, yes......nnhh, kuhh, ahh, aahhh, aahhh, nnhfhh!

A lewd sound began to play from the joining part. If she looks down a little, she will see an unbelievable picture of Satoru's rigid penis buried in her vagina.

Ahh, I can see it

She can clearly see Satoru's reddish-black pole, coated in white, sticky love juice, moving in and out. I can't believe it. Little by little, the rhythm gets faster and louder. But the movement is still slow and small. She repeats in and out in a shallow place.

Yes, that's it. As you get used to it, gradually increase the speed, and even though it may be scary, it's hard to get used to it if you don't go deep enough at times.

Leia's suggestion made Liz realize that she had only been going in and out of Satoru's penis in a shallow place, so she shifted her hips a little deeper.

I-I understood, ahh, i-it's deep, nnhihh, hi, ghhh

The walls of her vagina caressed the gills of Satoru's penis. Guhh, Satoru's voice gushed out. Liz was deeply moved by the sound of his voice. I was able to make him feel goodThat's how she felt.

She was afraid, but she change the way she use her hips to rub against her vaginal walls. His penis goes in faster, louder, and sometimes it goes in the deepest part. She let out a low voice, but no one seems to blame her. Liz, who was using her hips with all her heart and increasing her sensuality, was called out again from the outside.

Don't get comfortable by yourself. You should also pay attention to Master's condition.

Ah, yes, that's right Liz cooled her head a little at Solor's point. Right now, it's for Satoru's sake. It's not for her to feel good about herself, it's just a service to make Satoru, their Lord, feel good.

Breathing hard, she raises herself up and looks back over her shoulder at Satoru's face. She remembers using her hips in a glamorous way.

Ahh, fuuh......O-Onii-san, d-does it, f-feels good ......? If you, h-have any suggestions, on h-how I should move, please let me, know

Liz's hip movements are slow and small. It was slow sex. It feels good, and Liz's vagina is tightening quite tightly, but he has yet to ejaculate. Still, he acknowledges the girl's effort. The girl glances back at him and his sister's face overlapped again, and Satoru shakes his head to drive the delusion out of his mind.

It feels good, Liz, just keep it up and go faster. Please continue

Th-thank you, ahhn, very, nmhh, much

The use of her hips is more like a little bit of choko-choko than a thud-thud-thud. Liz was sweating all over, and it was obvious to everyone that she was working hard, but it would be tough for her, who was not used to this kind of action. If she continues like this, she will not be able to make Satoru cum, and Liz will go down first. That would not be good for LizLeia said, her voice a little hoarse.

With that kind of movement, you can't make your Lord ejaculate yet, you hear? Come on, try harder. You want the seed juice of Lord, don't you? Double your speed and movement!

Haah, haah, haah, nnmhh, kuhh, afwahhh! Kuhh! Nnmhh, nnmhhh!

Liz's movements became bolder and faster as if she was throwing everything. Her vagina, which tightens with tight pressure, changes to a movement that encourages ejaculation. However, it is a double-edged sword. Liz's brain, which is exposed to even a high level of sensuality, is being stirred up into a mess.

More! More Harder!

Hm! Aah! Aah! L-Like this! Is it like this!?

At the sound of Rico's voice, Liz moved as if she was about to slam her hips into the floor. The sound of her skin slapping against Satoru's skin echoes through the room. The girl's brain, in turmoil, leads her to a climax. Her body is already struggling and her consciousness is fading away, but she does not stop moving her hips.

Hyaaa, aah, aahhh! I-I'm going to break ...... Aughh! Higyuu! Ngg!

Finally, she began to scream. Liz is clearly nearing her limit. However, Satoru's ejaculation would be close. The magical slaves knew this by their senses.

Even though you're about to break down, do your best!

Right! Otherwise, as our Lord's attendance, you will not good!

Hang in there, Liz!

Liz's hands gripped Satoru's knees, and her hips and body trembled. She opens her mouth sloppily, panting like an animal, and tries hard to bring her Lord to climax with her hips. She is looking at the seniors who are cheering for her with empty, tear-filled eyes.

Gughh, aah, fuh! Ah! Aaah! I-I'm broken, ahh, ahhh......!

I'm, going, to cum!

Satoru, who had never moved on his own, finally did. He caught Liz's slender waist with both hands, pulled in tight, and thrust his hips out. Instantly, hot semen gushed out from the tip of Satoru's penis. Satoru's penis pulsed again and again, with its focus fixed on the cervix, which had descended to its limit.

Nggghh! Nnnn, fuhh, fuyaaaaahhh!! Inside, inside mee!!!

Liz finally let go of the hand that had been gripping his knees and straightened her back with a jolt. The penis buried in her vagina trembled loudly as it unleashed its sperm.

Nnaahh.....ahh, aahhh.....afuhh, it's overflowing......nnghh

With each thumping pulse, Liz was assaulted by the sensation of being pouredFinally, Liz couldn't take it anymore and lost consciousness.



Liz fell forward with a twitch as if her strings had snapped, and Rico took two steps forward to support her in a hurry. Fortunately, she was able to save her just before she hit her head, so she was unhurt. Satoru breathed heavily on his shoulder at Rico's spur-of-the-moment move. The reason is that she was in the rear cowgirl position and was just at the end of ejaculation, so he couldn't move himself.

Haah, haaaah......

Liz's consciousness seemed to be in a state of confusion as she breathed heavily. With his freshly ejaculated penis still buried in Liz's tiny vagina, Satoru raises his upper body and turns his gaze to the four magical slaves who have been watching Liz and Satoru's lascivious show all along.

You guys are ...... I don't know what to say ......

Rico and Leia laughed mischievously at Satoru, who seemed to want to say something.

Liz, you did your best. You made Satoru cum.

Right, right. Now we can welcome Liz without hesitation.

Neeehh? Minerva thought Liz became a member of our group?

It's a rite of passage, Minerva-sama.

Hmm? I mean, it's exhausting? It's kind of hard to tell. (?)

In order to erase the naivety in Liz, the magical slaves especially Leia and Rico were trying to shed their rancor toward Liz, and for this purpose, they encouraged Liz in a somewhat nasty way.

Today's training was to instill in her the spirit of devotion to her Lord Satoru, no matter what happens to her, so to speak. Liz had successfully overcome the trials of the senior magical slaves and made Satoru cum.

Satoru, with a wry smile on his face, slowly pulled out his penis from Liz's tight vagina. Liz reacted with a twitch, and his sperm spilled out of her vagina. Of course, she was already using the art of Contraception.

Liz was able to use it properly, and being able to make him cum probably helped to release some of the tension in Liz. Satoru himself thinks that the fog inside of him has also been cleared up a little.

Satoru stroked the shortened hair of the little half-elf girl who had accomplished a great task and sighed softly.

TLN: Why is the chapter with H-scenes always long, T_T

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