Foreigner's Mistake

Book 7: Chapter 96: Magic Sword ~ 04

Book 7: Chapter 96: Magic Sword ~ 04

When Liz woke up, the first thing she noticed was discomfort in her lower abdomen. There was not much pain, but she still felt a strange sensation as if something was in there. She woke up slowly, realizing that Satoru was no longer by her side and that she must have fallen asleep. A small amount of liquid spilled out of her vagina, and she lets out a small cry, her cheeks flushed red, and she looked around to make sure that no one could hear her but there was no one there.

Liz put on her underpants again and put on her smock. She had worn only a smock and underwear when she came to this room, and that was all she had to wear. She felt the smell of her own clothes, but for some reason, it was different from the usual smell, and her cheeks turned red again.

That's right. I have become Satoru Onii-san's property, I become his magical slave.

Realizing this once again, Liz slapped her own cheeks. The heat and pain she felt from the slapped cheek awakened her senses. Her physical condition is unbelievably good. It's amazing to think that in just half a day she has recovered to the point where she has no trouble getting up, whereas yesterday she could only walk unsteadily.

The liquid spilling from her skin and vagina made her feel a little uncomfortable and she wanted to wipe her body, but she thought that would be a luxury and gave a small chuckle. Now she's Satoru's magical slave and she has to follow him. She's not allowed to behave as she pleases without the Lord's approval.

The rain that had been pouring for a long time had finally stopped, and the occasional ray of sunshine was spilling through the thick clouds. Liz walked around in the hollowthere was a sign of someone. It was the same loft where she had been sleeping until yesterday. She peeked in fearfully and noticed that in addition to Satoru, Rico, Minerva, and Leia, there was another beautiful woman with white skin and long light blue hair, whom she had never seen before. Noticing Rico and Satoru's eyes on her, Liz bows her head.

Good morning. I'm sorry, I fell asleep.

No, I don't mind.

Satoru lightly waved his hand in return, as if to say, "Don't mind it". Rico and Minerva smile kindly at Liz. Leia looks at Liz thoughtfully, and the other beautiful woman, whose name Liz doesn't know, doesn't move her face or even look at her.

Um, ...... I'd like to do something. Is there anything I can do?

Lying in hesitation, Liz uttered these words. Liz does not know exactly what a magical slave is. There is no slavery in the elven society, and although there was a custom of treating others with respect according to their age, she had grown up in a society where people were basically lined up side by side, so it was only natural that she was unfamiliar with the concept. She had heard a little about human society from her deceased parents, but that was all she knew.

Even so, she somehow knows that she is allowed to exist for the Lord. So, she had to do something to help Satoruthat's all she could say, but Satoru just gave a small wry smile.

Before that. As promised. I am going to make a contract to make you my magical slave.


With a pleased look on her face, Liz nodded with joy. She was completely ready to do so, but come to think of it, I had not yet made a magic slave contract utilizing art. As Satoru stood up, Leia also got up and stood in front of Liz. A wry smile was on Leia's face.

I know Rico and Minerva, including myself, are stubborn, but Liz, she said, You are also very stubborn.

I know.

Leia's wry smile deepens even further when Liz replies.

Both I and Rico would have objected. I'm glad you cheered up my Lord, but you didn't have to be his magical slave.

After waking up, hearing the circumstances, receiving the messengers from the World Tree Village, including Helmera, talking to them again, and hearing many different opinions, Liz made a decision.

To stay here, to remain by Satoru's side.

I thought it over properly by myself, you know?

Leia and Rico were opposed Liz to joining them on the journey. The reason was straightforward: it was dangerous.

Even so, Liz had no choice but to leave Satoru. There were many reasons, but the main reason was that she simply did not want to leave.

Both Leia and Rico did not mention anything about being a magical slaves, but Liz thought that if Leia, Rico, and Minerva were magical slaves, then she should be one as well. Otherwise, she would be a mere guest. She did not want to be a guest, nor did she thinks it was okay to be a guest.

Recognizing the strength of will in the eyes of the 14-year-old half-elf girl, Leia smiled with a sigh.

I see. Then I will say nothing. In the meantime, suppose, you wear this on your body at all times.

Liz curiously looks at the piece of hemp offered by Leia.

What is this?

It is imbued with art so that it is safe even if you touch me. I will eventually prepare it separately as an ornament. For now, please be patient with that.


Liz has never heard of art that is safe to touch the Immortal King. She accepts it and looks at it with confused eyes, but it appears to be just a piece of hemp. Except for a few, there is no difference in appearance between a tool filled with magic power and an ordinary tool. Thinking for a moment, Liz clutched the hemp in her left hand and looked squarely back at Leia.

...... May I touch you?


With permission, Liz fearfully reaches out to Leia and touches her with her fingertips. Remembering the cool feeling of Leia's hand, Liz knew that there was nothing unusual about her own body.

......True. I'm still all right.

It's a strange thing. She thought so, but if she can touch Leia, the Immortal King, with this, it will not be a problem for her to join on this journey. It would be no problem even if Leia touched Liz unexpectedly, as she did in that outburst.

Strictly speaking, it was not only the touching, but also the drawing into the shadows that put Liz in danger, but Liz does not know that much.

Leia gave a small smile again and turned back to Rico.

The art of Slavery requires blood. Rico, give me the needle.


In response to Leia's request, Rico handed Liz a long needle. Receiving the needle, Liz stubbed her fingertip with a serious look in her eyes without hesitation. Leia nodded her head when she saw a globule of blood floating on the surface of the needle.

When you asked during the ceremony, you must reply, I accept. You hear me?


Leia looks back at Satoru. Satoru, the Lord of the magical slaves, has a hard expression on his face. Although he declared his acceptance, he may still have his doubts but he does not want to stop. Reading these signs, Leia also made up her mind.

Well, here we go.

......Thou are Visitor from Another World Kasahara Satoru.

Thou are Half-Elf from the village of Ruijs Liz.

In the name of Immortal King Leia Lwenstadt and Miguelfi, I, in accordance with the ancient laws of the world, hereby enter into a bond of magical slavery.

O Kasahara Satoru, who art my Lord and Master, whether thou wilt or not.

...... I accept

Then, Liz, whether thou wilt or not

I accept

There was some hesitation in Satoru's words of acceptance. Nodding in agreement, Leia held out her hand and declared cheerfully.

The contract is done. The blood of the new magical slave Liz is proof of this.


With a kyun, a ball of blood floated on Liz's fingertip, danced violently, and struck the back of Liz's left hand. After a moment's pause, white smoke rose up and a complicated and bizarre pattern was engraved on Liz's hand.

Thus, the half-elf girl became a magical slave of a Foreigner from another world.

Wow ......

Liz looked somewhat proudly at the crest on the back of her own hand. With this, Liz was now a Satoru magical slave on the same level as Leia, Rico, and Minerva. The crest, which means that she is not just a guest but a true friend, is also a source of pride for Liz. However, Leia poured cold water on her.

.....I'm going, to be honest with you, Liz, you're a complete outsider to this group of travelers.

Liz was at a loss for a reply. Satoru narrowed his eyes and Rico rolled his eyes a bit at Leia. But Leia looked at Liz coldly.

After all, you can't fight. You are useless in battle. Rather, you must be protected.

...... Yes

Liz, herself knew this. Satoru has a tremendous ability to kick the Demon race Ingolshenes to nothing. Leia, as well as her characteristics as the Immortal King, must be so good at sorcery that it is proclaimed in fairy tales, and Minerva has violent power as the Lord of Flying Dragon, who is close to the top of the beast race. Rico and the other one, while not known, would at least be much more useful than herself.

Liz knows that her soul is not far from the human average and that she will be a complete hindrance. Therefore, she reminded herself that she would gain various skills and become useful to Satoru, though not overnight.

But Leia smiled softly at her.

Don't force yourself to be useful.


A ball of blood floating on Solor's white fingertip wriggles like a living creature and attacks the back of her left hand. The same pattern that floated on the left hand of Leia, Rico, Minerva, and Liz was engraved on Solor's left hand at the same time as the smoke. There is no change in Satoru, who accepted a Magic Doll with a pseudo-soul of an uncommon size as a magical slave. It seems that the magical slave contract was concluded without any problems.

Solor curiously stroked the pattern engraved on the back of her hand, and then bowed deeply to everyone.

I look forward to working with you all.

Leia, having fulfilled her great responsibility, breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed her shoulders. Rico, Minerva, and Liz also seem to have accepted Satoru's new magical slaves with smiles.

In any case, Satoru now has five magical slaves.

Leia's heart was filled with emotion. This is a household that was unthinkable when she first started her journey. Minerva joined the group soon after they started their journey, but at first, there was no communication with Minerva, and in effect, it was just Satoru and the two of them. After welcoming Rico into the mess at Galhasan, after many twists and turns, they accepted Minerva, and then Liz, and Solor. The fact that all of them are women and all of them are beautiful women is also a result of Satoru's deed.

Leia looked back at them all with a small wry smile.

All right, then, let's have a feast tonight!

A feast?

It's a celebration. Remember the noise the elves were making in the World Tree Village? Something like that.

Yaay! So can Minerva eat that sweet again?

Minerva seemed to lose track when a few difficult words were mixed in, but she immediately lost her composure when Leia give her explanation. Leia also laughed at Minerva's response, which was in a sense very honest.

You're so quick with it. How much do you like that sweet?

Minerva is a healthy daredevil by nature, but her obsession with the Grepplo that Liz served them in the World Tree Village was considerable. She ate more than Satoru, and even after she had finished all of her food, she held on to the plate for dear life, which was evidence of how much she liked it.

If I had the ingredients, I would make it for you.

With a wry smile on her face, Lies interjects. Fumu Leia nodded.

Then, tell me what you need,...... Oh, no, a nearby town let's see, around here, Mugere, I guess. Go shopping there with Solor. Solor operates a Group Transfer. A quick trip to the store should be just around the corner.

Satoru nodded to Leia, who spoke honestly about her idea. Solor's existence is also so alien that it is necessary to explain it to Liz. The quickest way is to actually see and hear it. Considering how smart Liz was, Leia's decision was the right one. Liz's widened when she hears the name of a very specific and advanced art that she has never even heard of, but she accepts a small bag full of coins from Satoru and nodded in agreement.

Solor, while you're at it, explain your origins to Liz.


Solor nodded condescendingly and stood up. Liz alone might be easy prey for the slavers, but if Solor was going with her, there was no problem. The problem is that Solor is also a beautiful woman, more than enough to attract attention.

Please buy what you need for Glepplo and some wine. A little sake now and then is good too

Oh, for real? Yay.

Rico was beaming with joy. Come to think of it, we haven't shared a drink since we started traveling.

Let me tell you something first. I can't drink much.

Satoru hastily added. To be honest, Satoru is not very good at drinking. It is not that he cannot drink at all, but he is not the type of person who likes to drink, and of course, he never enjoyed drinking in the evening. Ever since he was forced to drink heavily at his first year-end party at work after turning 20 and threw up as much as he could, he had lost his taste for alcohol.

I've said that before. Rico, if there's anything else you want Liz to buy for you, now's the time.

Yeah. Hold on a second. I'm going to write now ....... Wait, can you read, Liz?

Sorry, I, can't ......

I can read.

Oh. Well, okay then.

Shopping~, go shopping~

Satoru couldn't help but smile at the adulterous atmosphere among the women. This scene, with the women talking noisily, was a scene that would not have been possible in this world. The Immortal King, the daughter of a thief, a half-elf girl, a pseudo-life form made by the Ancient Magic Kingdom, and a flying dragon mimicking a human the way they are connected with each other with the help of Satoru is somewhat dazzling. Moreover, Satoru had never even imagined the idea of having a top-notch beauty or beautiful girl as his magical slave.

But now it is a reality.

Well then, Minerva is going to hunt~

I'm going to go prepare the food. I can't cook anything good for the party.

Liz and Solor, followed by Minerva and Rico, stood up, leaving Satoru and Leia alone. They looked at each other without either of them looking at the other, and a little awkwardness passed in the air. After a few moments, Satoru straightens his posture and turns to Leia.




Satoru bows his head, and Leia shows some disappointment.

What is it?

I'm really sorry for the trouble I caused. If you hadn't slapped me while enduring the pain, Liz wouldn't be here.

Satoru vaguely remembered the immediate aftermath of the outburst. The death of Reine and the outburst of his own magic power he had been so shocked that he had almost lost control of himself, and Leia had been in pain when she slapped Satoru due to the restrictions of the magic slavery. When Rico welcomed Liz as a magical slave, she mentioned this pain and reminded her of it. Satoru regretted that he had failed to pay attention to Leia at that moment because Leia's expression only wavered. Now he understood that Leia's attitude at that time was also a dare to be hateful in order to rouse Satoru.

Leia tilted her head.

Oh, that. It's not for Liz, it's for my Lord. If I let Liz die there, I'm afraid my Lord's heart would be irreparably broken.

Leia opened her mouth nonchalantly, not looking at Satoru but keeping her eyes on the floor. Indeed, Satoru also thinks that if he had lost even Liz there, his own heart might have been completely broken.

......No matter how angry you get, my Lord is the number one for me. As long as my Lord is safe, I don't care if I make enemies of the whole world.

Shortly after welcoming Rico to the group, Leia declared to Rico. She said that if she had to choose between Satoru and Rico, Leia would choose Satoru without hesitation. As for Satoru, he wants Leia to protect Rico, who is much weaker than himself, but Satoru's heart trembled at the depth of Leia's affection for Satoru, who said that she would wish for Satoru's safety even if she lost everything else.

Leia didn't endure the pain and slapped Satoru's cheek, hoping that Liz's would be safe. She just endured the pain thinking of Satoru's peace of mind that lay aheadIt is a cold-blooded, even cold-hearted, decision, but only if everything is directed toward Satoru.

Leia's eyes were fixed on Satoru.

...... Fighting the Academy of the Wise. That would be like making an enemy of the world. The Academy has the largest number of sorcerers in the world, and its influence is so strong.


Please keep this in mind. My Lord is indeed strong. Perhaps the Academy of the Wise will not be a problem. I and Solor can handle it. Minerva, too, depends on how we fight. However, Rico and Liz are not so sure. We may lose our comrades if you continue to be as rash as you have been in the past.

Of course, Leia also has affection for Rico, Minerva, Solor, and Liz. However, her love for Satoru is probably of a different order of magnitude.

The unique existence of the Immortal King who brought him into this world thinks that much of him Satoru shuddered as he felt this fact once again. He realized that the distrust of women he had suffered from in his former world was crumbling noisily.

The existence of a being who loves him more than anyone else is the most difficult thing for Satoru to obtain, and the one thing he has always wanted.

Satoru felt as if his heart was melting under Leia's care. He was immersed in an inexpressible feeling that floated up from the depths of his heart, and he smiled back at the beloved being who had given him peace of mind.

Yeah, I'll keep that in mind ......, but I'm not very good at using my head. You're the only one who can help me there.

Figures. ......, I said before that I wouldn't mind if, Minerva, Rico, and the others fell, but it seems that's not going to happen.

Satoru pulled Leia's hand and hugged her gently as Leia smiled in trouble. Satoru doesn't know how many times he has hugged this little body since he came to this world. Even though her body temperature is low, the warmth he feels is becoming indispensable to Satoru.

Thank you, Leia. For being by my side.

Mmm ......

Leia also feels at ease in Satoru's arms. Satoru's whisper echoed in her ear as he hugged her tightly.

Please stay by my side from now on.

At Satoru's confession, Leia rolled her eyes wide. Leia was also immersed in the emotions that were slowly welling up in her, and she sniffed, nodded her head, and buried her face in his chest.

......Of course. Even when my Lord returns to your own world, I will still follow you, I said that before, didn't I?

Right you were.

The two just hug each other. Now that they could smell each other, share each other's warmth, and share the same emotions, no further words were needed.

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