Foreigner's Mistake

Book 7: Chapter 97: Magic Sword ~ 05

Book 7: Chapter 97: Magic Sword ~ 05TLN: Guys, I'm sorry, it seems that I made a mistake linking chapter 96, if you haven't read chapter 96 please read these chapters first, you can just click the previous chapter below, thanks

The chamberlain, who has been in the service of the Baron Dantes family for 20 years, worked hard under the Lord's orders but was also troubled.

Baron Dantes, who is the head of the family, was so emotional over the death of his beloved son that he had no idea what his target, Satoru, looked like or what he was like. It would be difficult to gather the number of people needed to fight him.

First, the Chamberlain decided to gather information on the target, and the first place he turned for information was the Guild of Commerce and Industry. The family had come from a family of bean dealers, and it was the easiest place to gather information, but alas, it ended up being a dead end. This was due to the fact that Satoru had not been out and about in the town much, and Rico had done most of the shopping and information gathering.

He was a large, dark-haired man in his mid-twenties, carrying a large sword on his back, accompanied by a large woman who was also tallThis alone would have been extremely difficult to find in the even more crowded Ares. Even though he tried to gather information while putting up job postings at inns and bars where adventurers and mercenaries often congregate, it was difficult to find the target.

It was also the job of the Chamberlain to interview adventurers and mercenaries who were dazzled by the three to four times the market rate of pay. He has no choice but to arrange for his subordinates to gather information on the targets, while he himself conducts the interviews.

The Baron himself had seen the target's mental image at the Senate, so he may know it, but it was fatal that he could not give a detailed description of the target to those who had gathered to take him down, and he did not even know the target's general whereabouts.

However, from the mercenaries he gathered in this way, he was able to obtain information that the person he thought was the target was in town about 20 days ago. These are the same thugs who tried to intimidate Satoru because of Minerva's charms, were surprised by Satoru's physical strength when he lightly wielded the Giant Killer, and fled after Sheryl's intervention.

When the number of mercenaries and adventurers gathered reached 500, the Chamberlain closed the recruitment. The Baron had said when explaining that Satoru could be the Demon King, but no matter how good his soul was, they would only be facing one or two opponents. Even if there were such a group, it is hard to imagine such a large group, considering that so little has been said about them. 500 people is too many, but above all, numbers are power. Baron Dantes seemed to have expected that number of people, and when he reported that he had cut it down to 500, he nodded in agreement.

The problem was the information on the target the Chamberlain did not expect much from his subordinate's report, but he received various and detailed reports, including a sketch of the target's mental image, the fact that he was nearly 6 feet tall (180cm), and that he was in the direction of the Dark Green Forest where a large explosion of unknown origin had just occurred. The Chamberlain was surprised as they came in one after another. He was also disbelieving that information that he could not find on his own, even though he had a time limit, was being piled up.

When he checked with the Baron about the sketches, he was assured that the information was almost certainly correct, but it seemed as if someone had intentionally leaked it with intent.

And the judgment of the Chamberlain of the House of Dantes was accurate.

The only purpose for which you have been asked to gather here at such an exceptional reward is one reason only!

Bang, Baron Dantes taps a sketch posted on the wall. Looking up at him are 500 skilled mercenaries and adventurers, and Baron Dantes' private army of 50 men, all of whom are staring at the sketch.

To kill this man who killed my beloved son Raymond! His name is Satoru, a big man, nearly 6 feet tall (180cm), a savage who uses the biggest sword you've ever seen!

Baron Dantes bangs on the wall with a loud, emotionally charged bang. The Chamberlain watches on, on edge, worried about the Baron's health, although he is now 50 years old and should not be too loud or emotional.

Technically, Satoru is a Foreigner, not a savage, but Baron Dantes, who considers himself a civilized man, has decided that a man who wields a sword so large that it exceeds his height is probably a savage. If Satoru had heard these words, he would have replied that no matter how extravagant their lives were in this world, the people of this world were savages when it came to the differences in civilization.

Whoever kills this man, I will pay a 100L(Librahm) as a bonus!

OHHH, a buzz goes up from the mercenaries. One hundred gold coins would be enough to play with for five years. 1L for five days is three to four times more expensive than the market price. The mercenaries were all smiling and licking their lips.

Each of you will form a group of ten men! Each of you will be led by one of my private soldiers, and each of the ten squads will have a separate commander. Even if a group kill this man, they will each receive a bonus, so please do not try to run away from the group! Also, if you successfully kill this man, I promise to pay 3L to every survivor!

OHHHHHH, the buzz gets even louder. According to the explanation of the Chamberlain interviewed earlier, they are supposed to be held for 20 to 25 days, and that alone would be 4L or 5L. The reward of 3L is fixed, but to pay an additional 3L to a survivor, how generous, they said in admiration. It was a sum of money that would have shaken his ransom under normal circumstances, but the merchant-turned-baron was not sparing it to avenge his son's death. Adventurers and mercenaries alike are loyal to their well-paying employers, and they will fight hard. Morale will be high.

A slender man in a long white robe nodded his head in agreement not far from Baron Dantes as he gave his speech. He was Edward Coogan, who had joined Baron Dantes' avenging force as a staff officer. He had given some advice to Baron Dantes based on his meager military experience. 500 men require a certain level of command. The logistics involved are also significant. Mercenaries are very smart. Baron Dantes advised that he would prevent any attempts to sneak out by offering them money, and that he would reward those who survived equally.

Sheryl looked with surprise at the unusually talkative head of the Holy Sword Clan. Sheryl herself feels somewhat sorry for the mercenaries who are forced to go along with Baron Dantes' barbaric acts. She has no such feelings for Baron Dantes, and although she was more than a little upset when she recognized her father's figure in the ranks of the soldiers, she doesn't think anything of being accused by Satoru of such things. However, she does pity the mercenaries involved.

It is hard to believe a story that goes beyond human knowledge. Especially if he is blinded by the death of his beloved son.

I would not say that I myself thought nothing of the death of Baron Dantes' beloved son - or rather, I was relieved.

She won't say that she felt nothing or rather, relief at the death of Baron Dantes' beloved son, but she will say that she did.

Muh ....... But if this continues, they will have died in vain.

No. It won't.

Sheryl replied coolly to the head of the Holy Sword Clan, who furtively raised her voice. She is always wearing a mask, so her expression does not come across, but she thinks this woman is surprisingly emotional. She probably does not like to see unnecessary deaths before her own sortie. Sheryl also has these feelings, but she is cold-hearted enough not to put them first.

The other members of the Senate, the royal family of Ares, and the forces within the academy who are skeptical of the High Mentor's actions. They will know the reality. No matter how many ordinary people band together, there is an opponent they cannot win against.


Instantly, a killing spirit gushed out. Sheryl also knows how to use a sword in her own way. That is why she could sense the killing intent. But Sheryl did not back down. She was a little shaken, but she looked straight back at the head of the Holy Sword Clan. After glaring at each other for a while, the head of the Holy Sword Clan suddenly removed her gaze. The tension that had been building up suddenly eases.

......What a scary woman you are. That those 500-odd people would die for it.

I have not heard everything the High Mentor has to say, but I think that the Senate and some of the Mentors are underestimating our target, Satoru-dono.

What she remember is that intense fear she felt when they were facing each other in the Chalk Tower. Sheryl was so shaken that she didn't realize at the moment that she had done the unthinkable as an adult to leak a little urine.

She had not felt that much fear during her first battle, or when she was first confronted with the monsters at Fort Dalewood, or even in her encounter with the Water Dragon. Now, she was confronted with the killing intent of the head of the Holy Sword Clan, but that was not far off or perhaps it was the experience of being stared at and intimidated by Satoru that made it possible for her to withstand the killing intent of the head of the Holy Sword Clan.

That's just as well. If the information you gave me is correct, he is a monster that can't even be compared to those demon race.

When something is so out of the ordinary, people take it as impossible in light of their own common sense. In that sense, everything Satoru has done so far is out of the ordinary. It is not surprising that Satoru's very existence itself is questioned.

Whatever it is, we need to wake up.

Sheryl had noticed several figures following the departing troops. The main ones were the patrolmen from the Academy of the Wise and the military spectators. Officially, neither the Senate nor the Academy of the Wise are supposed to help Baron Dantes, but with such a large contingent of people on the move, of course there are going to be people there to keep an eye on the war situation. If the fear of Satoru is conveyed through the mouths of these people, it will wake up the Senate and the Mentors who have been uncooperative with the High Mentor, who had refused to meddle.

On the other hand, the head of the Holy Sword Clan had a higher opinion of Sheryl.

Satoru's ability is truly of a different dimension, and Sheryl ruthlessness in saying that she would be willing to annihilate over 500 people to make it known is something no one else can possess. Head of the clan knew she was capable of this when she saw Sheryl directing the operations against the Baron Dantes. And moreover, she somehow knew that there was some kind of relationship between Baron Dantes and Sheryl. Even if they are not on the best of terms, it is difficult to have such a ruthless feeling, especially if they know each other, but Sheryl's cool-headed judgment is the result of her clear-headedness.

Fumu, the head of the Holy Sword Clan nodded her head and turned her back to the advancing army. Although there was one member of the clan in the mix, as Sheryl said, she did not care if they were annihilated.

If it would give us a little information about our target, so be it.

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