This is similar to walking on the street in the middle of the night when he was holding his waist last time. It seems that he means "show love". But they didn't love each other.

"It's very close to the prison, so it's more convenient to walk." Zhou Jin answers like this, but holding Jun Zilin's hand is more and more tight.

He just took the opportunity to eat tofu.

Jun Zilin sips her lips and is not afraid of being eaten tofu. The problem is that it's a waste of time.

After a long walk, they finally arrived at Jing Zhaoyin. Zhou Jin's men said hello, and they went straight to the prison.

His subordinates informed Jing Zhaoyin.

Liu Xing is busy bringing people here.

Jun Zilin and Zhou Jin went to prison one after another, and Liu Xing rushed to the prison after that.

"Your Highness, your Highness has been interrogated. They don't do anything. Now I want to send someone to ask your highness if you want to be punished? " Liu Xing said anxiously that he and Zhou Jin had "accumulated resentment". In the last case, one after another people died in the imperial city for no reason. Liu Xing had a lot of pressure as Jing Zhaoyin. Just as it happened, it seemed that it had something to do with the king of Jin, so he took people to the palace outside the city.

Therefore, his "private grudge" with the king of Jin has not been solved well.

Now the king of Jin sent people to his prison. Liu Xing didn't dare to neglect them and showed himself immediately.

After a long time, the king of Jin didn't answer a word.

Liu Xing was embarrassed and couldn't get off the stage on the spot. Just side Mou sees the beauty of the princess beside the Lord, know it is the princess. At that moment, Liu Xing turned to salute the princess of Jin, "Niang Niang, you are also here!"

Liu Xing is really hot today.

At that moment, someone brought a hot tea soft stool to invite the princess to take a seat.

Seeing this, Jun Zilin was inconvenient to let Jing Zhaoyin not go down the steps, so she nodded, "your honor, it's hard. I'll leave after a while, or Is it convenient for you to go ahead


When Liu Xing heard this, he was stunned. Then he quickly understood. I'm so noisy. No wonder King Jin doesn't speak. I think I'm in the way here!

"Yes, sir

Liu Xing immediately withdrew all the others and waited outside the prison with his men.

Seeing that everyone was gone, Jun Zilin looked at Zhou Jin and said, "Lord, what should I do next?"

Thinking, she wants to see Zhou Jin's trial method.

Zhou Jin's face didn't have any extra expression. He just looked back at Jun Zi Lin and said, "I'll leave too."

"And you?"

"I'm here for trial. I'll come back later." Zhou Jin's face softened, as if to coax him, and his voice was very pleasant.

How on earth is the trial, unexpectedly don't let me see.

Jun Zi Lin murmurs in the heart, but Zhou Jin's attitude is already very soft. If you insist on it, it's not good-looking.

She deeply knew how much the former Zhou Jin had changed with the present.

Subconsciously, Jun Zilin doesn't want to force Zhou Jin to make other changes.

"All right. I'll come back later. You can't help but let me examine these two people. After all, without me, you can't catch them. " Jun Zilin still insisted before leaving.


See Zhou Jin nod, Jun Zi Lin had to retreat.

Out of the prison, she saw Liu Xing and his men waiting outside. See yourself, a series of salutes.

"Wang Ye, he Are you on trial? " Liu Xing knew that the princess of Jin was easy to talk, and he would not lose face, so he said all his doubts.

Jun Zi Lin just nodded and didn't say much.

Because even she didn't know what Zhou Jin was going to do in the prison.

After a while, I couldn't wait to see it.

Just after standing for a while, suddenly there came a ferocious cry from the prison!

In this open night, it sounds like a ghost's sob.

It's like being covered by someone's mouth, but not tightly, so it's accidentally sent out.

After Liu Xing, they shivered. They all looked at each other in horror. They didn't know what was going on. How come when the princess just came out, there was a scream inside. Is it really torture?

With this cry, could it be that the prisoner was beheaded?

Jun Zilin feel strange, the impression of Zhou Jin did not deceive her.

But this kind of cry, does not torture the prisoner to death?

Not at ease, she decided to go in and have a look.

Liu Xing's eyes are ill and his feet are fast. He rushes forward to stop Jun Zilin. With a smile on his face, he arches his hands and says, "princess, let's wait for the prince to deliver a message. You see, I'm waiting here, too. Don't you want to join me? "

"I'll go in and have a look."

Jun Zilin ignores Liu Xing's stop, and then quickly goes to the cell. Liu Xing wants to stop, but it's a step too late.

After Jun Zilin came in, he saw that Zhou Jin in the soft seat was languidly tasting tea, as if he was in a garden with pleasant scenery. And just now that piece of sobbing scream, it is difficult to be connected with the seemingly calm situation in the current cell.Hearing the sound of footsteps, Zhou Jin seemed to hear it. He turned back and looked at his princess with a smile. He said with a big hand, "princess, you're here. Come here. I think these thieves are willing to confess."

Jun Zilin couldn't understand it for a moment. She was pulled to him by Zhou Jin, and one hand was held by him. But he said, "if you have something to say, don't waste my time."

But I saw two thieves in the cell not far away, the man in green and the man in brown, kneeling on the ground, looking hopelessly out through the crack of the cell door.

If you are not wrong, Jun Zilin saw that they had a high-profile face and didn't say anything before.

How come these two people just wilt after a while?

Xuewei took the bodyguard to examine the two thieves and asked, "who are you? Why did you follow the princess? What else did you do? I'll recruit all of them! "

"Tiger head gang members. The villain's name is Li Kai, and his name is Zhang only. We just touched the night pearl by accident. We didn't do anything else Cough

The man in Tsing Yi, who was cruel in means, seemed to have been changed his soul suddenly. Jun Zilin heard him plead for mercy. Although his voice was weak, and even seemed to be injured, the poison and hardness in his bones seemed to be flattened in an instant.

Subconsciously, Jun Zilin couldn't help looking at Zhou Jin. She was surprised at the bottom of her heart. What kind of method did Zhou Jin use? How could he accept such a strong man?

The man in brown seemed to have lost his strength and knelt askew on the cell wall, pale as lime.

Jun Zilin was almost sure that Zhou Jin had punished them, otherwise they would not be so weak.

The man in Brown was just that one. He opened his mouth and said, "yes, what Li Kai said is true. Please forgive me..."

"Son of a bitch!"

Xuewei yelled violently on the spot, pointed at them and scolded, "why don't you tell me about tracking the princess, or you'll feel better!"

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