"Follow the queen?" Li Kai trembled when he was scolded, and the back of his hand that held the prison door burst.

He looked up at Xuewei, and the fierceness on his face reappeared. He asked in a voice, "what does that mean! Who's following the queen? "

"Good! I haven't followed the queen The man in brown raised his eyelids and looked at junzilin. Then he shook his head determinedly. "We don't know the princess, really!"

"Brave thief! You dare to argue in front of the Lord. It seems that the punishment just now is too easy. You are not honest! " Snow health anger, tone Sen cold, now life people open the prison door, and then punish.

Li Kai and Zhang were detained by two bodyguards. Seeing that they were going to suffer again, both of them were in a hurry. They struggled and screamed, "what are you doing! We've never followed the queen! You are so reckless. Princess, please give us a witness. We haven't seen her at all. How can we talk about tracking her? Ask the empress to make the decision, empress

The two thieves screamed with heart cracking and lung cracking, which didn't seem to be fake.

For a time, the bodyguards around, including Xuewei, look at junzilin.

By a bunch of eyes stare at, Jun Zi Lin stand in situ, feel a little cramped. Even Liu Xing and others who came in looked suspiciously at the princess of Jin.

"Lady, speak up

"Yes, madam, when did I follow you..."

The two thieves kept shouting.

Jun Zilin's face is a little hard to hang. If she didn't cover her face now, she would be worried that she would be seen by Zhou.

Originally, Li Kai and Zhang only did not follow her, but she followed them and finally captured them.

What's more, they are also seeing their own men's wear. But this can't be said to Zhou Jin.

Just at this time, Zhou Jin said, "since these two people refuse to admit that they have followed the princess, now they will drag them out, lingchi."

With an order, Xuewei takes people to drag the two out of the cell.

At this time, Jun Zilin clearly saw that Li Kai and Zhang only had blood flowing from the big beach!

After dragging them out, there was a bright red trail on the ground.

Is this the punishment imposed by Zhou Jin?

"Lord, it's not very good. I haven't asked the whereabouts of the night pearl yet." Jun Zilin goes to Zhou Jin and takes the lead in breaking the silence between them. She frowned and whispered.

"It's just a night pearl. I'll let someone buy it again." Zhou Jin was unmoved, and the old God was there.

Jun Zi Lin saw that the two people were dragged out to peel meat, and her heart was in a hurry.

She was not nervous about the night pearl. The reason why she gave them to Zhou Jin was that Zhou Jin had the means and resources to pry open their mouths, and it was convenient. Junzilin also wants to get more information about Hutou gang and the trade between Fu lingcui and them.

Now kill people, she won't get anything!

"But Lord, I'm afraid of blood. I'm going to faint!"

Jun Zilin said, holding Zhou Jin's hand tightly, and shaking, eyes stained with unwilling and stop meaning.

"Oh, that's good. Come on, Wang Baobao."

Zhou Jin cold not Ding get up, will come to embrace Jun Zi Lin.

Jun Zi Lin looks at Zhou Jin's funny look. It's obviously intentional. She wants to force her.

Obviously, Zhou Jin believed what they said.

In other words, Zhou Jin has realized that he has lied.

Jun Zilin will never talk about women disguised as men.

She gritted her teeth and said firmly, "Lord, don't kill them!"


After two sentences, Zhou Jin was finally called to turn his eyes. In Jun Zilin's sincere eyes, he turned his eyes to the two people who were dragged away. Then he leaned slightly close to Jun Zilin and breathed vaguely, "the princess wants us to save them. I don't know what we can get?"

Hey, this man wants to talk about terms!

Jun Zi Lin suddenly turned her head and looked at the empty cell. She gritted her teeth and asked, "what does the Lord want?"

Zhou Jin's voice was still low. In a tone that only two people could hear, he said, "I listen to my wife. After all, we need to understand each other. This time, we will understand each other better. How about that?"

Ambiguous burning breath, all hit Jun Zi Lin's cheek.

Seeing Zhou Jin's beautiful eyebrows and bright smile, he was satisfied and expected like a fishy cat. Especially in his eyes, gorgeous and seductive, enough to kill.

I really want to open my mouth and bite him!

Jun Zi Lin secretly gritted her teeth in anger. It turned out that Zhou Jin also learned to "take advantage of the opportunity to get benefits.".

"Well, I'll give you a kiss!" Jun Zilin also whispered back.

Her words fall, Zhou Jin's eyes are almost bright, as if the stars at night, shining bright brilliance, the whole person as if suddenly golden.

This man is a real villain.

Jun Zi Lin scolds secretly, but is still attracted by Zhou Jin's appearance. Although she is angry, she is also a little happy.Feeling this, Jun Zilin thought to herself, it seems that she also likes Zhou Jin.

Otherwise, he would not agree to his "conditions.".

Li Kai and Zhang only, who were dragged out, were brought back and asked the doctor to bandage their wounds.

Then Zhou Jin motioned Jun Zilin to ask himself.

Liu Xing looked at it for a long time, but he thought it was really strange today.

There was a deal between the princess and the prince!

It seems that these two thieves are not simple. If they are worthy of a fight between the prince and the princess, they already know that they need to be interrogated. If they can find something, they can at least rely on one of them!

"Who else in Hutou gang can contact Fu lingcui? Who is responsible for the affairs of the gang? What's your deal with nabuchang? " Jun Zilin asked several questions at one go.

Zhang and Li Kai only looked at each other. They looked at the princess in front of them feebly, but they didn't speak to each other.

"You seem to have suffered a lot just now. If you don't want to suffer any more, tell the truth quickly!" Jun Zi Lin hands embrace chest, tone is very impatient.

The two men were shaking and kowtowing. Among them, Zhang just hesitated and said, "we don't know what the empress said, but Miao is in charge of the shop. This time, we are in contact with Miss Fu. Next time, we don't know who it is. As for the previous transactions, we have no idea. "

"Nonsense Jun Zi Lin angry big chide, "I clearly hear you say that Lu Song thing, now dare to say don't know?"? Come on

Xuewei came forward with the order, and the bodyguard at the back took the heavy lock rope, intending to put the two people's clavicles through, so as not to escape after a while. After all, they were relaxed.

When they saw this, they turned pale and kowtowed and said, "princess, forgive me. We really don't know that Lu Songlai is trading with Fu lingcui. After that, Lu Song died. I'll wait to know! "

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