Jun Zi Lin should voice, micro open apricot eyes, think he has something to say to himself.

"Nothing." Zhou Jin Gougou lips, still smile like the spring breeze to look over, in his ink eyes in addition to a sweet smile wave, only the overwhelming doting smile, in addition, nothing else.


Jun Zi Lin suddenly threw off the curtain, turned around, and sat back in the carriage, heart light to spit out two words.

Zhou Jin is sick, nothing to call people, but also giggle.

Jun Zilin sniffed lightly. Her face was full of disdain. But when she thought about it in her heart, what she saw, in her mind, and in her heart was all the silly smile of the silly man outside.

For a time, Jun Zilin couldn't help but "Puchi" and couldn't help laughing. She had to scold that man again. At the same time, she felt silly. How could she look at the man and smile at him without any reason? She instinctively wanted to laugh and felt very comfortable in her heart?

It seems that Zhou Jin is not alone.

The prince of Jin, who rode with him outside, saw the princess throw off the curtain and hide in the carriage. He sighed and said, "it seems that Princess Ai is shy. She is more and more shy. She can't even bear to see Wang more. She will have to teach her better students in the future. "

The carriage finally reached the palace gate.

A servant girl took a small Wu and put it under the carriage. She gently helped the princess out of the carriage.

Jun Zilin is not so coquettish, but her identity is here. If she jumps directly from the carriage, she is thought to be a wild girl.

She also carried the airs, pretended to be elegant, and got off the carriage with a straight face. Just rushed the side of the little girl command sound, then see a tall shadow cover down. She raised her neck and saw Zhou Jin standing in front of her and stretched out her hand.

What's this?

Jun Zi Lin on the deep eyes of this man's smile, instinctively will hand out.

The man is very satisfied, slightly thin cocoon of big palm, gently touch her little hand, his tall body stood on her side, slightly bowed his head, as if to ask the general deep eyes toward her eyes. Her small face is dignified, her eyes are clear, her chest is straight, her body is green and tender, but it is full of a special momentum.

Knowing that she was ready, Zhou Jin squeezed her little hand and took the lead in walking towards the palace.

It's not the first time to enter the palace. Jun Zilin doesn't feel nervous. This time, however, she disobeyed the imperial edict and was summoned by the emperor as soon as she returned to the imperial capital. In private, the Emperor didn't ask her to enter the palace. It's a great honor. At this time, Jun Zilin didn't know whether it was hot or not, and the palm of her hand was a little sticky and wet.

Zhou Jin's rough palm was dry and powerful.

Fingers bit by bit into her little hands, and inch by inch wipe away those wet sweat, "love princess."


Listen to him call oneself again, Jun Zi Lin agrees instinctively.

But she didn't expect him to say anything at the moment when she thought of the reply in the carriage.

But just like this, he was attacked unexpectedly.

Jun Zilin was forced to stop as she walked forward. Her waist suddenly grabbed one of Zhou Jin's big palms, and the back of her head was also clamped by Zhou Jin's other big palms. With a little force, Jun Zilin was forced to look up a little, only to feel the other two petals on her lips. She suddenly widened her eyes, and the pupil reflected Zhou Jin's beautiful face.

He kisses her?!

Feel the lip was pried open, in fact Jun Zilin did not expect, so he easily peeled off two pieces of thin pink lips, the man did not continue as before, but grinding her lips, little by little. It's not so much a kiss as a comfort.

Jun Zilin only felt her heart pounding!

Zhou Jin's kiss is not erotic at all, and he has no desire. Just like the old friend who knows you best, he knows everything about you and is willing to and knows how to pacify you. He is the man.

Until it was released, Jun Zilin's heart was still beating like a drum.

Because Zhou Jin never kisses her like this, because she just kisses her without any emotion, but she is also moved. It's amazing!

The big palm fell on Jun Zilin's shoulder, he gently grasped it, and held her slender shoulder in the palm of his hand, which was like a massage.

You can remember that before you started writing, I said, "I love you? Do you know how to answer? "

"Well, just answer that." Zhou Jin raised his face and looked in the direction of the imperial study, with a faint smile.

Jun Zilin Up to now, I don't know what Zhou Jin really means. I'm waiting online. I'm in a hurry!

As for the mark on the handwritten report, what does Zhou Jin mean? Jun Zilin wants to cry without tears.

Come up with a voice to ask him, but this man has negative hand to walk in front, he is indifferent free and easy, leisurely walk, the momentum of the state, clearly is to Jun Zilin very confident appearance.

Jun Zilin: cry.

Has anyone ever reminded his Royal Highness the king of Jin that his princess is really a fool, not as smart as he imagined, so please make everything clear. Hello!This time, unlike last time, junzilin was not taken out alone.

She and Zhou Jin went back and forth to the imperial study.

The emperor's father-in-law Su, looking at them coming from a distance, rushed to meet them and sang out of breath, "it's so easy for us to get your highness and the princess. Please come with us."

Jun Zilin rushes to Zhou Jin's side, thinking whether to ask the emperor's meaning to the father-in-law.

But look at Zhou Jin's expressionless and calm state, Jun Zi Lin's words to his mouth and swallow down.

"This way, your highness. This way, madam."

Although they entered the imperial study at the same time, their positions were quite different.

Before Zhou Jin went to the imperial platform, Jun Zilin was arranged at the door of the imperial study, which was the edge position.

The imperial study is very big. Basically, the emperor asks questions in front of it. At the door of the study, you can only hear a few words of vague outline. It feels like the voice wrinkled by the wind falls in your ears.

Next to the father-in-law walked away, Jun Zi Lin on the spot by hanging his head up.

She immediately looked around and found that there was no one around her!

Apart from the two eunuchs at the door, there was no one in front of her. She could see a few colorful clothes, representing different ranks, but she could only see her back.

If you put it on ordinary people, you can only look at their backs, especially the backs of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty and even the relatives and relatives of the emperor. You only see them once or glance at them. I don't know. But Jun Zilin is not an ordinary person. As long as she has passed her eyes, even her back, she will hit the nail on the head.

At the moment of these figures, Jun Zilin almost swept, then swept a clear.

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