The one in the front is Yu Shu, the official seal of Ding state; the one in the front is xiuguifei, and the one in the back is xiuguifei. The one in the front is blocked by the person in the back, and the man who only shows the upper part of his back. Junzilin also knows that he is wenzaowen, the Minister of punishment; the one on the left is Zhou Jin, and then some black heads, about guards.

Jun Zi Lin is looking up to see when he heard someone call himself, "Jun princess, please enter."

It's the voice of the father-in-law.

Jun Zilin quickly answered, and then took a small step, slightly lowered his head, staggering the people in front, to go further forward, the bottom of his heart is still restless, thinking of his handwritten report, as well as Zhou Jin's annotation. Shenzhi is still engaged in a tug of war. What should be said or not!

When she came near, she saluted the superior, but she was not given a free ride.

Jun Zilin is embarrassed.

Keeping a saluting posture, she dared not look to the side. She could only turn her eyes and look around. Unfortunately, the scope she saw was too small to be ignored, and it didn't help her.

Jun Zilin had been waiting for half an hour at the door of the imperial study. Although she was standing alone, she was tired enough to stand upright. If she was an ordinary housewife, she would not be able to endure.

Now keeping the salute posture, she insisted on two sticks of incense time.

In the heart head secretly ponders, if is another woman, now definitely faints, calls the Taiyi.

Is the emperor testing her strength?

It is estimated that another half an hour has passed.

When junzilin was hopeless, she heard the first male voice with dignity, "after a long time of reflection, did the princess of Jin have anything to say?"

It's the emperor's golden mouth!

Jun Zilin finally heard the voice of the emperor. Now she was relieved, but she thought again, is this making her reflect? Why didn't she say it earlier? She didn't reflect at all.

Like all believers who pray for God and worship Buddha, they find that they have no money with them after they worship God. Jun Zilin is a little uneasy at the moment: let her reflect, what should she say now?

How can we say that Longyan will open?

How can we say that we can take back those guys who want to crush her?

It's just a blink of an eye to think about the strategy of both, and time will pass.


When the emperor spoke again, Jun Zilin only heard the breath like sound of smoke coming out of the cloisonne three legged elephant trunk stove in the imperial study. In addition, the people in the room didn't even breathe. She thought it was a group of corpses when she closed her eyes.

Because keep curtsey salute state, already half an hour, Jun Zi Lin is now all over shiver, ponder oneself also should extricate some time. The moment pours to Tong a kneel on the ground, kowtow exaggeration salute, "emperor, Zi Lin is guilty!"

Jun Zilin cried out, and she was very happy.

Just now suddenly knelt on the ground, the knee hit the hard ground, almost killing her. However, kneeling on the ground is better than half kneeling. Although it hurts, it's also great.

She just couldn't get up.

"What's the crime?"

Asked the emperor, in a voice of no emotion, which made one unable to guess what he would do next.

Jun Zilin thought, thought of Zhou Jin those labels, let her say Ren Taichu and cheat corpse things? If we say that now, it's a bit wrong.

What about those that Zhou Jin didn't mark?

Think about Jun Zi Lin simply a bite, pick up the key to their own advantage, pinching the description.

Want to embroider Princess and dingguogong and others are present, maybe they have put the worst side said, in view of the preconceived idea, Jun Zilin think that the Emperor may have formed in the heart of his dislike of the impression, so her every argument, not like to say the truth, but like deliberately wash himself.

Such words are the most abominable.

Even junzilin hated herself.

Naturally, she would not do such a thing of self destruction.

The emperor has forbidden her to do the autopsy. So Jun Zilin turned the doer into Yun Youzhuo. He only heard the information from Yun Youzhuo, so he could not ignore the ban and went out of the Jin palace. In her words, she described yunyouzhuo as a good young man who is trying to uphold justice.

All in all, she had to go out of the palace for violating the ban, and the emperor could see to it.

Today embroider imperial concubine empress isn't to look for Jun Zi Lin stubble son of, because of nine princes a matter, the emperor enters imperial study, she also followed. It happened that her elder brother Ding Guogong asked for a meeting. She wanted to avoid it, but she was kept by the emperor.

Before Jin Wang and his wife came, xiuguifei had exchanged eyes with Zhang Yushu.

Everything seems to be a coincidence, but when many coincidences are connected, it is suspected that they are deliberately.

So when the king of Jin and his wife arrived, xiuguifei didn't speak. She just stood beside like a beautiful wallpaper, as if she didn't participate in it at all.But when Jun Zilin said it, xiuguifei suddenly felt like she was afraid to salute. She said to herself, "the emperor forgive me. The etiquette of the princess of Jin is taught by a nun in the imperial concubine's palace. The concubine has nothing to do with it. Please punish me."

Jun Zilin does not comply with the order and has no etiquette. She leaves the palace when she is forbidden and runs out. All this is caused by the lax etiquette taught before, and it's reasonable for xiuguifei to plead guilty at this time.

Seeing that the emperor was speechless, xiuguifei knew that the emperor acquiesced in what she said with her years of understanding of the emperor's sentiment. So she has the next step. Immediately, she straightened up and yelled at the nuns and maidservants who followed her into the imperial study, "why don't you catch the nun Meng who taught Gongyi?"

The people below trembled and went to catch mammy Meng.

Mother Meng was the one who had enjoyed eating excrement before. She once taught Jun Zilin etiquette in Queen Zhang's Qiqiu palace. When Jun Zilin was silly, he used to tease her in every way, making Jun Zilin, the orphan daughter of the former general, become the mastermind of the whole inner palace.

But at the moment, Jun Zilin listen to embroider princess this speech tone is not quite right!

Is this really going to punish mammy Meng?

Jun Zilin doesn't feel like it!

Mother Meng enjoyed eating excrement, which spread all over the palace. Her reputation was ruined. Even if she was sweeping the floor in Jinwu palace, the embroidered concubine disdained to use her.

But xiuguifei is the master of mammy Meng.

Although she hit mammy Meng in the face, the one who lost her face was xiuguifei.

Jun Zilin realized that xiufei's mother had already made efforts to fight back with mammy Meng.

In the past, she asked mother Meng to eat excrement. Maybe after a while, mother Meng turned over, and it was herself who ate excrement at last.

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