They measured themselves separately.

Jun Zilin called the shopkeeper over, because he asked when he could do it, and said three days later.

"It's no problem at this time, but there should be some lines on the robes, especially the men's clothes. Do you have more styles?" With these words, she put a ingot of silver in her sleeve to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper didn't know what she meant by this, but since the guests wanted more patterns, he would give them enough when he received the money. "Naturally, we have the most patterns in our shop. Would you like to choose one?"

Jun Zilin where may choose, she came here is to get rid of Zhou Jin.

At the moment, she glared at the shopkeeper and made him at a loss.

Then she said, "naturally it's men who choose patterns. Come and choose patterns, Mr. Zhou." Jun Zi Lin said this and gave the shopkeeper a wink.

The shopkeeper now understands the meaning of this young lady. It turns out that he wants Mr. Zhou to choose the pattern. It seems that he will choose the pattern for a long time.

An experienced shopkeeper who is good at looking at his face.

He immediately sent people to come, and he himself followed. He invited Mr. Zhou to the elegant room beside him. After he had tea, he ordered people to get some patterns.

Jun Zilin took a sip of tea and suddenly stood up, "Mr. Zhou, you must choose a pattern first. Remember to choose a beautiful one for me."

"What are you going to do?" When Zhou Jin saw that she was going to leave, he was not happy.

"There are many things in the Yamen. I'll go first. I'll come back after you've finished selecting Mr. Zhou. Can't I?" Jun Zilin approached him and made a look of resentment.

When Zhou Jin saw her showing weakness, she would not be happy if she was overbearing.

Well, take it easy.

"In this way, Miss Jun will take the lead, and I will come after you soon." Zhou Jin showed a smile and followed her.

"I'll see you later."

Jun Zi Lin see he agreed, in the heart relaxed tone, a little strange Zhou Jin how to become so obedient, so pleasing?

But now is not the time to study him.

She got into the carriage in a hurry and asked the coachman to go to the Yamen.

Just arrived at yamen, Jun Zilin found Yan Qing and asked her to invite Yun Youhuo. No matter what method she used, she rushed to the shed where the bones were stored.

Unexpectedly, yunyouzhuo arrived soon.

"Miss Jun, doctor Yun lives in the Yamen." Yan Qing saw her so surprised, then said with a smile.


Jun Zi Lin not very natural return way, see cloud you burning, the heart is not so comfortable. After all, because last time, it was her who made some rude remarks.

"I'll get some water. You'll be busy first." Yan Qing is in a hurry to get tea.

Only Jun Zilin and Yun Youzhuo are left in the field.

"Did you find anything?"

Yun Youzhuo took the lead to open his mouth, and his eyes were as before, but he seemed to be worried.

Jun Zi Lin sees him so, in the heart for a moment more uneasy rise. I should have opened my mouth first. Thanks to the generosity of yunyouzhuo, I didn't get angry with myself.

"There are some discoveries, so I want to ask Mr. Yun to help me. About the last time -- "

" Miss Jun said a lot, and the last time was nothing. " Cloud you burning a bit shy to say.

He said so, but Jun Zilin was more embarrassed.

Listen to cloud you burning say again, "hear that Miss Jun found cold white jade, don't know when to give Lin little childe cure disease?"? It's not a way to hold on like that. "

"About this matter, because we haven't found the herb yet." Jun Zi Lin still said with some uncertainty.

Of course, it is not entirely impossible to have the grass shot by agkistrodon halys.

But she will never save a life, and pay her dark guard's life.

Saving people can't be measured by this.

"Even if it's cold white jade, as long as it can relieve the pain first. Young master Lin is in pain every day. He is just a little child. Naturally, Miss Jun is very busy these days. I hope Miss Jun can find out the facts of the case quickly and relieve the pain for young master Lin

Jun Zi Lin smell speech, nodded, promised him.

If everything goes as Zhou Jin said, the murderer may soon be arrested.

What matters is that we need to do it faster now.

"Young master Yun knows that the roots of flying ebony are withered grass."

Jun Zilin thought about it, quickly took action, turned around and walked towards the bones, and sent the tibia, which had experienced the black poison of bone and hair, to Yun Youzhuo, "you have a look at this, it's the poison of feiwugen, but how can you prove it's feiwugen?"

Listen to her say so, cloud you burning strong hold down the inner vibration, suppress the impulse to ask the cause, thought for a while, "I have a way, you and wait first."

After that, he ordered people to take feiwugen and makucao.

"Miss Jun, very busy!"When they were busy in the corpse shed, a clear voice came slowly.

Two people look up at the same time, but see Zhou Jin wearing black robes, slowly pace in.

He is tall and handsome, and has a great momentum.

Into the shed, as if the whole shed became much smaller, the space suddenly became narrow and oppressive, straight breathless.

Cloud you burning hastily forward salute, get permission to stand up.

"Have you found the poison of feiwugen?"

Zhou Jin asked in a formulaic way.

Jun Zi Lin shakes her head, "still have to wait for a pillar of incense time, see the reaction again."

"Cloud you sees this shortcut burning," now have no matter, villain leaves. "

He quickly line a ceremony, back down, the corpse shed is only Jun Zi Lin and Zhou Jin two people.

"Aifei, you are studying together. It seems that you have a tacit understanding." Zhou Jin inspected the shed and said with jealousy.

Before he did not make it clear, now understand, Jun Zilin this is deliberately put him in the cloth shop.

So that yunyouhuo can come here.

Now Zhou Jin understood that he was looking at the princess in front of her, as if to see through her.

"Nothing's going on here. Get out." Jun Zilin doesn't look at him. She goes out first.

Zhou Jin did not speak, and followed her with her lips pursed. Just after he got out of the shed, he suddenly went in the opposite direction. When Jun Zilin found out, he had already gone.

"What a strange man."

Jun Zilin didn't look for anyone. She felt guilty for a moment.

Still be caught by Zhou Jin, but, not because he eat fly vinegar, she will not hide from him.

When he returned to houya, Zhou Jin was already drinking tea there.

But the elder brother is accompanying him to talk, the content concerns the marble matter.

Jun Zilin sat aside and listened to them. From time to time, he looked up at Zhou Jin, but he didn't even bother to give her a glance.

He was angry.

She left it in the cloth shop, and he saw through it, so he was angry.

Silent tea, Jun Zilin think about the case, about Zhou Jin angry, simply ignore, he naturally gas disappear.

However, at this time, the outside Constable Xing rushed in, panting and sweating, "my Lord, it's not good!"

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