
It was the first time that Zheng Puyi saw Constable Xing so flustered. For a moment, he was surprised that something had happened.

Constable Xing took a look at the field and found that they were all the people around the adults, so he said, "Xu Shikuang, I heard something happened!"

Because of the Jinxiang class, Constable Xing knew something about Xu Shikuang.

That's the man that Mr. Zhou has to protect for all his efforts.

Xu Shikuang is a little different.

When Zheng Puyi heard about it, he ordered people to check it and turned to see the king of Jin.

"It doesn't have to be something. Mr. Zheng doesn't have to worry." The king of Jin was as stable as a mountain, and he didn't worry at all.

Seeing that the king of Jin did not speak, Zheng Puyi no longer had to speculate, but let his own people check.

Then Jun Zilin returns to the corpse shed and finds out that Ruan yu'er's poison is really feiwugen.

There was a little progress in the case. The Yamen let out the news and soon led to a wave of discussion.

"Sister, will this help to catch the murderer?" Afterwards, Zheng Puyi asked Jun Zilin.

"When the murderer hears the news, he must act." Jun Zilin replied, let the second brother send someone to stare at Cao Fu, the most important thing is to stare at Cao Yufei.

Zheng Puyi didn't expect that his sister would let his people stare at Cao Yufei.

Does that mean the killer is Cao Yufei?

He would rather believe that the murderer was Cao Pengyi than Cao Yufei.

He is often beaten by his elder brother, and always follows his elder brother to clean up his mess.

Cao Yufei will be the murderer. Everyone in the world must be the murderer.

"Sister, Ruan yu'er's case needs to be based on evidence, not half of it." Zheng Puyi couldn't help persuading him.

"Second brother, you don't know me. How can you wrongly a good man? As for the case of Cao Yufei, let's look for evidence to prove that he has nothing to do with the case, OK? "

Sister said so, Zheng Puyi for a moment also have nothing to say, can only nod to agree.

Let's see the evidence. Let's talk about it then.

Yanqing cave and others came out one after another.

Seeing the sky getting dark, Jun Zilin goes to find Zhou Jin.

Unexpectedly, after a turn, he found that he was outside the Yamen. The light was dim. Junzilin vaguely saw a woman with a woman's head around him, holding a bamboo basket between her arms. Her voice was very beautiful.

Listening to the voice of the night breeze, I heard that the woman was asking for directions, but Zhou Jin patiently gave her directions.

Jun Zi Lin fork waist, deep breath, the complexion is very ugly.

This week, Jin is a guest in Lingzhou. He knows what way to go. He also gives directions to others. At this late hour, he still gives directions to a married woman.

Jun Zi Lin sees in the eye, then ran past on the spot, standing beside Zhou Jin, staring at that woman.

"Young master, where is your robe made? The little woman wants to make one for her brother." The woman reached out her hand and touched Zhou Jin's robe.

"Well, this robe is..." Zhou Jin's voice is Lang Lang, and he answers her patiently. He doesn't care about being touched.

Seeing this, Jun Zilin tightened her eyebrows and snatched the robe from the woman's hands. Her voice was cold and displeased: "madam, you still have to make the robe for your younger brother. Do you want to scold her? And this robe is made from the imperial capital city. Do you want to buy it? "

The woman was chatting with the handsome and powerful man. It was so easy for her to hook up with him.

I didn't expect to kill an ugly eight suddenly, which is bad for her.

"Hey, it's none of your business, you ugly bastard. Why don't you get out of here?" The woman was furious.

Jun Zilin listened, but was stunned, came to this world so long, also for the first time was called ugly eight strange.

This woman is obviously looking for fault.

"I said, you need to take a good look in the mirror for your appearance." Jun Zilin scolds the woman. She dares to call herself ugly. She has no eyes!

Two people are quarreling, Jun Zilin a back, found that Zhou Jin has left.

She threw away the entangled woman and chased after Zhou Jin.

Halfway through, he stopped.

I'm still in the cold war with Zhou Jin. Although I'm wrong, junzilin is not good at apologizing.

Besides, Zhou Jin was the first to eat vinegar.

They went back to the Yamen one after another. As soon as they went in, they saw Xuewei waiting at the door.

See the Lord, Xuewei busy Shi a gift, "master, Xu Shikuang accident."

In the daytime, when Constable Xing said this, Zhou Jin didn't think much of it.

As a result, Xuewei said so, and Zhou Jin's look changed immediately.

Jun Zilin knows that this Xu Shikuang must have had an accident. "How about him, you know?" Zhou Jin calls Xuewei to tell him. But before Xuewei speaks, he stares at junzilin.

According to the man's eyes, it seems that he doesn't want her to listen.

He didn't open his mouth to say that junzilin would be dead.She stood beside Xuewei and listened.

Zhou Jin see this, sneer: "you say."

Xuewei doesn't know why the atmosphere between the prince and the princess is wrong again.

But it should not be too late. He told the news he had received.

On hearing this, Zhou Jin suddenly solidified his eyebrows and asked, "do you think there are other mineral deposits?"

"Not bad."

Xuewei knew that it was a matter of great importance, so he rushed to report it after receiving the news, so that he didn't even pay attention to the note.

"The mineral deposits in NATAO county are not just one. In Tao County, there are still some. " Sherwood road.

Tao County is the neighboring county of Lingzhou where they went before.

At that time, they had seen the huge mineral deposit, but they didn't expect another one!

Zhou Jin's face was covered with frost, and he was angry that he had been cheated.

But Xuewei said, "after the previous mine was sealed, they are still secretly working in another mine. Now they have found the location. Master, would you like to go and have a look? "

Jun Zilin's heart is clear when she listens.

My second brother sent someone to check it for so long, but there is no news now.

However, Xuewei and others found accurate and timely information.

The difference between the two groups is obvious.

Seeing Zhou Jin nodding, Jun Zilin straightens herself out on the spot and plans to follow her.

Xuewei prepared two horses, one for himself and the other for his master.

After the master got on the horse, the princess seized his horse and was about to turn over.

"Miss Jun!"

Xuewei quickly pulled her down, "the master didn't ask you to follow him!"

From the beginning to the end, he didn't hear the master's intention to let the princess go.

Jun Zilin looked back at Xuewei and said coldly, "I'll go along with you. There are many things I can help. You get out of the way."

Knowing that he is not Xuewei's opponent, Jun Zilin doesn't want to fight with him.

Although she also knew that Xuewei did not dare to touch her half finger.

Before Xuewei hesitated to let the horse go, Zhou Jin's cold voice said: "it doesn't bother Miss Jun, it's useless for you to go. It's full of marble mines. There are no dead people

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