Former General Is Undead Knight

Episode 5: The Grabbing Case •

"Please miss it! Please! If they take my daughter, there's no point in me living!

Altie's father begs the sorcerer with his head on the ground.

Altie didn't seem to know the situation very well, but she is frightened by the hostility she feels from the current private soldiers and shivering with her body against her father.

"Neither did Viscount Lagar offer this kind of touch in a mean way. This is the rule to save you. At present, the inhabitants of designated eight districts of Viscount Lagard do not have an environment in which they can adequately raise their children. In designated eight districts, 80% of children lose their lives before they reach the age of fifteen. Even designated District VIII residents who pay special taxes are exempt from doing so by seeing themselves as a family that can afford to protect their children... You're not paying, are you? Will you let that child die through me for no reason, or will you leave him with Viscount Lagard to lead a guaranteed life..."

The sorcerer says it's hard.

"I can't believe that stuff! Specifically, where and what can Altie make you do!

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm not a ghost either. I'm not willing to hold it down with force. If you're not convinced, until I convince you. Because this is an order from Viscount Lagard to convince each and every one of you."

The sorcerer nods deliberately and thoughtfully.

"Give me the sachet."

"Ha, Master Forbain!

A sorcerer speaks to a private soldier standing behind him.

The private soldier calls the sorcerer Forbain and gives him the hemp bag.

(Inside the hemp bag are silver coins, or...)

The silver glow can be seen through the mouth of the bag.

It won't be the only thing I'm giving him.

Originally, it seemed to be a system of forceful exchange of consideration bags and dots and children.

"What are you going to do? Let me tell you something…"

Altie's father is baffled.

Naturally. I'll tell you what I'm convinced of, and when they suddenly bring out a bag of money, it doesn't make sense.

Forbain nods loudly, sticking his arm forward and blocking his words.

I picked out three pieces of gold in my robe and put them in a hemp bag.

"Huh... Huh?

There is confusion in Altie's father's face.

"Is that satisfying? How many days have you worked in your sleep or in your body?

Folbein is behind the surface, laughing kakakaka.

Behind you, the private soldiers are laughing too.

"Look, look, you want it, right? Money! Here!

Shake the bag and shake it to the left and right to show off.

Then they serve upside down and shake, causing silver and gold coins to dance around.

Money pours relentlessly onto the back, head, of a man who kept his head on the ground.

"Pick it up, come on, pick it up! Kakakakaka! How dressed are you beggars and can't wait to see this? Kakaka, kakaka! Oh, always, it's a pleasure to see this!

Altie's father had been solidifying for a while, but eventually, he began to scratch the money falling to the ground.

Seeing how it goes, the sorcerer and the private men laugh.

"Then I'll have your daughter. We also hope that you will take up the flavor and offer your healthy child to Viscount Lagard."

Folbein tells him to bend his back and bow his head.

To Forbain, Altie's father, who collected money all over his arm, offered him his arm.

"If you can't spend it for your daughter, it doesn't make sense to have money or anything...... please, please... miss it. That's all I want. It's very... I don't think Altie will be happy..."

"Huh? Are you retarded, you?"

Forbain traces the neck of his distoned and lowered head, glancing into Altie's father's face and staring over the white face from close range.

"I'm giving you maximum concessions so you can't spread any more extra rumors, but you're in no condition! The kid with the legs is going to be a gold coin? It would be great though. Enough, let's kill a man and take his daughter."

With the proclamation of Forbain, the three private soldiers behind him move out.

"You just have to do that from the beginning. I don't have any money for him."

"That's right, I see. Why don't you shut up and change for gold and get dressed?"

Altie's father can wolf on the spot.

Altie looks at Lambert as she begs, holding his father's hand.

"Because I wanted to know what was going on, I was kept quiet for a while. But for one thing, that's enough for now."

Lambert pulled out the great sword.

"No matter how many words we use to fix this, you are just filthy slavers. Let me slaughter you."

One of the private soldiers laughed Lambert's words with his nose and pointed his sword tip at him.

"You had no luck, anachronistic gekidasa armored man. Lately, I've been afraid of leaking extra information. Then you die."

At the next moment, a vertical flash enters the armor of a private soldier man.

The body flew backwards as it ejected blood.

With a back-to-back impact on the wall, the organ drips out of the slashing gap.

"Correct it. The Guardian Swordsman of the Kingdom of Legions attests, the armor of a traditional Demon General, Legionix Orgajera Armor. Definitely not anachronistic gekidasa armor"

Even if I want to correct it, there's no way I can do it anymore.

The private soldier's eyes are directed into the universe in vain, and his mouth is overflowing with blood.

It was clear that he had died instantly.

The two remaining private soldiers keep an eye out.

We know that the man with the great armor waved the great sword and slashed him.

But I couldn't see the sword moves.

The weapon, even though it is a great sword, can be seen at first glance to boast an unusual weight.

"Three at the same time, I'll deal with them"

Lambert tells Forbain off.

Folbein doesn't know his face because he has a white face, but his shoulders were trembling.

It was clear that he saw Lambert's sword moves and was upset.

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