Former General Is Undead Knight

Episode Six: The Grabbing Case ⑤

"... No, it's great. I didn't expect you to wield such a huge sword lightly. In your armor, you will be seen as a swordsman of your own name. I can tell. You have an excellent personality as well as a sword."

Folbein, who hides his face on the white side, praises Lambert with words on the upper side.

"So what happens if you do this!?

A wand in Forbain's hand is directed toward Altie, trembling at his father.

"Kakakaka! It's sweet! Whoa, don't move. Drop that sword, now!

Forbain commands Lambert.

Lambert drops the Great Sword to the ground.

With Forbain behind the white side, he laughs even more.


Lambert, letting go of the great sword and packing his distance during a moment of distraction from Folbein's mind, unleashed a relentless spinning kick at him.

Forbain flies in a beautiful letter.

The super weight of the armor hit Forbain's abdomen with momentum.

"Fo, Master Forbain!

"Master Forbain has been hit! What the hell is that disastrous monster!

Two of the private soldiers try to escape.

But there's no way we can beat Lambert's speed.

Lambert quickly takes the back of both of them and hits them horizontally in the neck with his magic gold (organ) cage hand.

The two private soldiers lost consciousness and fell on the spot.

They took consciousness by compressing the medulla oblongata and stopping blood flow instantaneously.

"All right, you're alive"

Nodding as Lambert had convinced himself.

Lambert is not good at manipulation, and it has happened several times in the past that he misplaced the addition and subtraction and broke his neck bone as it was.

"You were in danger. Everything all right?

Lambert asks the grumpy Altie and the man who is his father.

The man slammed his knees on the spot, opening his mouth gently, and was about to slow down to determine if it was reality that the sight that had happened today was a dream.

Altie is also stunned by the tragic sight that has taken place in the present.

The first two were too irritating in front of the young girl.

"Oh, thank you, knight..."

While putting the current shocking sight at the edge of his sight, Altie thanked Lambert for the interruption.

Her father also seems to have noticed, returning his expression all the time and bowing his head over and over to Lambert.

"Thank you so, so much! What would have happened if Altie had been taken by them......! But... I'm sure if this matter gets into the ear of the Viscount, he will try to avenge the knights and the surrounding needy counterparts..."

The man is powerless and tells him to whine.

Then he notices Lambert's gaze and moves his hands with his face up.

"Yes, no! No! I'm not adding difficulty to the knight! If the knights would help me now, I would have almost lost my most precious one on this occasion!

A man desperately excuses himself for wondering if his words might be taken by something like rhetoric.

When Lambert stands silently on the bar, he can't see any faces and can't read anything from the manipulation, so when he's nearby, he feels oppressed, and when he's just lying there, that's all he naturally feels scared of.

"No, it's often misunderstood, but it's nothing. I'm not mad. And... hmm?

Lambert abruptly separates words and tilts his helmet.

I felt my gaze unexpectedly.

Forbain was raising his trembling hand and pointing the tip of the cane he gripped at his fingertips towards Lambert.

The underside of his stuffed surface is dirty with spit blood from his mouth.

Folbein was still breathing hard after being kicked by Lambert.

"Mm, I did have the feeling of crushing my organs... can you still move"

"Phew, phew...... our insult to the 'whistling demon' sorcerer is a defeat! Dirt, smash it!

Exercise witchcraft while spitting out blood.

The dirt near Forbain crept up and made a bullet, flying far above Lambert.

I removed it, it wasn't.

From around the area, a noise of creepy shavings sounds.

The next moment, a huge crack enters the wall behind me.

It was the old house where the dirt bullet struck out.


The house, which could no longer support the roof, collapsed and the rubble poured down on Lambert and Altie, her father.

It was an attack that could be made because it was this slum, a line of dangerous buildings that were old, not strange whenever they collapsed.

Altie's father embraces her and shelters her with his back round to become a shield.

"Daddy, Daddy..."

Ruthlessly, the rubble swallows Lambert and his parents and children.

Eventually the roar stops and the dying Forbein rises, cramping his body.

"Ca, ca... look at that. I also crushed the private soldiers of the stunned Viscount, but, well, with all that uselessness and mutual absence, there won't be a problem. But the damage to the organs is terrible. Ask Master Luluk to go to Tethomburg and replace it with a new artificial organ..."

From the original, Forbein was sick and wandering the edge of death once, replacing a sturdy artificial organ, which in doing so was an experiment of the Eight Sages, with a portion of the body's gut.

It was worth it, and even with the kick of Lambert, I had managed to die.

"But that man, who he really was... is too cod for a soldier in the investigation sent in by the royal family... Glad we could use the borough shop here to kill..."

Forbain looks forward.

In a pile of rubble, a pillar of earthen smoke fell. Pushing the wreckage away, the man with the great armor, Lambert, stood.

Parents and children, who should have been crushed by rubble, also stand unharmed and in front of a lambale.


Lambert stood flat in the midst of falling debris.

Protecting parents and children with that giant was also not possible.

His strength was nothing but falling debris.

The armor was also proud of its stubbornness in making it possible.

The only thing that didn't come out right away was to keep parents and children from getting hurt as much as possible.

"Yes, no matter how much, it can't be!

Turn your back on Lambert and try to escape as Forbain cries out.

Lambert jumped and chased after him, releasing a horizontal strike at the back of his neck from the air.

Over momentum, Forbein's body spun vertically, striking his forehead on the ground and stopping.

"You said something that bothered you," The Whistling Devil. "Because of you, my captives were crushed by rubble. I'll have you throw up everything you know."

"My lord, the knight, the man is no longer..."


Voiced by Altie's father, Lambert holds Forbain's shoulder and lifts it.

My neck hung up and down. My bones are broken.

Lambert was not comfortable with the maneuvers.

Not to mention the weight rides, because I let it go from the universe.

I intended to take that into account and reduce it, but it was pointless.


Lambert silently slowly lowered Forbain's body and carefully placed it on the ground.

"Kiki, knight, the..."

Altie's father speaks up.

Though I saw the sinking atmosphere of Lambert and thought I shouldn't be calling anything, I couldn't find the words to hang.

From the former, he had Lambert's presence outside the realm of various understandings.

Words of comfort couldn't have come out easily either.

"... I'm fine. The next private soldier will be captured alive."

Lambert said, nodding loudly.

"Does the following mean you will fight the Viscount's private soldiers again!?

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