Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 100 Rain Curtain

The girl looked at the direction where Tang Huai disappeared, murmured in confusion, then shook her head, gently knocked on the door of a quiet courtyard, and walked in slowly.

There was a woman sitting in the pavilion in the courtyard. The woman was beautiful and sat there quietly. She seemed to be only a few years older than the girl who entered the courtyard, but from the little things revealed in her absent-minded eyes, she seemed to be a generation older than her.

It was difficult to tell her real age just from her appearance.

The girl looked at the woman in the pavilion, and doubts appeared on her pretty face again.

Han Bo, who had always been inseparable from her uncle, had disappeared for several days, and her aunt was rarely sewing clothes in the yard. Her father seemed to have something on his mind, sometimes frowning, sometimes smiling...

These days, she always felt that the atmosphere in the Tang Mansion was a little wrong. She asked her father, but her father didn't tell her a word. Although she still didn't know anything, she was sure that something must have happened.

She walked to the pavilion, sat beside the woman, hugged her arm, and said in a tender voice: "Little aunt..."

The woman withdrew her gaze from the front, tilted her head to look at her, and asked: "What's wrong, who bullied you again?"

"In this capital, only Miss Tang bullies others, who can bully her?" As soon as the woman finished speaking, a voice came from the door.

Tang Jing walked into the gate, turned back and closed the courtyard door from the inside, and then walked towards this side.

The girl looked at Tang Jing and said dissatisfiedly: "Dad, how can you say that to your daughter? Although I am not your and mother's biological child, I have been with you for eighteen years..."

Tang Jing glanced at her and said, "I have something to say to your aunt, you go out first."

"You talk, I'm here, I promise not to interrupt." The girl pointed to the direction of the courtyard door and said, "And the door is closed. If I go out now, you will have to go over and close it again, which is so troublesome..."

Tang Jing thought about it and felt that what she said made sense. He pointed to the courtyard wall and said, "Then you can climb over the wall and go out."

"Sure enough, the adopted one is different from the biological one..." The girl said depressedly and walked towards the courtyard wall.

The woman looked at Tang Jing, shook her head, and said, "Forget it, third brother, let Shui'er stay."

The girl immediately ran back, sat beside the woman, took her arm again, looked at Tang Jing, blinked, and said, "Dad, you can talk."

Tang Jing secretly glared at her, but no longer insisted.

He looked at the girl and said, "You can't let a fourth person know what happened today, especially your uncle, understand?"

The girl nodded and said, "Don't worry, even if my mother asks me, I won't tell her."

Tang Jing nodded, breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the girl, smiled, and said, "I went to find Fang Hong and learned a lot about him."

"He is in Lingzhou, and he is the champion of this Lingzhou provincial examination."

"He ranked first in every provincial examination. Minister Fang praised him highly. He wrote excellent poems and was good at policy essays. He was strongly recommended by three inspectors..."

"He is already married. His wife is known as the "first talented woman in Lingzhou" and is also a well-educated and well-mannered woman..."

"He will be born in March next year at the latest. I'm going to the capital to take the provincial exam..."

Tang Jing took out a piece of paper from his sleeve and said, "I also copied the two poems he wrote in the state exam from Fang Hong. Take a look. They are well written, but a little nonsense. Imperial examination poems have always been serious, but he wrote about women's feelings..."

The woman took the paper and looked at it almost impatiently. Her hands trembled a little and she murmured, "All good, all good..."

The girl looked at Tang Jing talking nonstop, but the confusion on her face became deeper and deeper. Finally, she couldn't help but turned her head and asked, "Auntie, who is "he"? "

When you don't need something, it will appear in front of you all the time, and when you need it, you can't find it even if you search the whole world.

This is the damn Murphy's Law.

Although the old beggar is not a thing, the meaning is the same.

These days, he seems to have evaporated from the face of the earth and completely disappeared from Tang Ning's world.

Tang Ning was a little puzzled. No matter how much trouble he made for the ten taels of silver, he should have done it, right?

He shook his head helplessly and opened a tattered book in his hand.

He had already memorized the moves in this book, but of course they were just for show. Tang Yaojing said that some advanced martial arts require unique mental methods to exert 100% of their power. Without mental methods, the power exerted is less than 50%.

Speaking of Tang Yaojing, Tang Ning felt a little regretful.

If she didn't know about the secret book, he could practice secretly and surpass her secretly, turning over a new leaf and holding his head high. From then on, Tang Yaojing could only bow down to him.

But if the two practiced together, the gap would only be infinitely widened. Tang Ning knew that he could not compare with Tang Yaojing in terms of foundation or talent.

But if there was no Tang Yaojing, these tattered books might have been thrown away by him as garbage, and there would be no current situation.

This is a paradox. Tang Ning was depressed for a while and stopped thinking about it.

It had been raining for several days in a row and it hadn't stopped yet. The room was a little stuffy, so Tang Ning went out to get some fresh air.

Just then I saw Tang Yaoyao walking in from outside. The road was slippery due to the rain and the walls were also wet. She had been walking on the right path these days.

She walked to the corridor, looked around, and secretly took out an envelope from her sleeve, handed it to him, and said, "Your letter."

Tang Ning was a little surprised. They were so close, what could Tang Yaojing say that couldn't be said in person, and needed to be written on paper, and it looked so sneaky?

Tang Yaoyao saw him looking at her in confusion and explained, "Xiaoyi gave it to you."

If it was Zhongyi, it would be even more strange. They lived under the same roof every day, ate at the same table, talked and flirted every night, and they were just short of sleeping in the same bed. What was there to say in the letter?

He glanced at the envelope and understood it when he saw "Li Qing's personal letter" on it.

This was all Tang Yaojing's sin. When he received the letter, his identity was Tang Yaojing's cousin.

The sinful Tang Yaojing turned them into sisters.

Tang Ning returned to the room and opened the letter.

Most of what Zhong Yi said in the letter was her admiration for Li Qing's literary talent. She also attached a few of her newly written poems and asked her to correct them.

This was a mutual attraction between talented women. Zhong Yi really wanted to make friends with Li Qing. Although Tang Ning could ignore the letter and not receive a reply, Zhong Yi would naturally not write again.

But in this case, she would inevitably feel disappointed. When she wrote this letter, she also mustered up a lot of courage.

Tang Ning didn't want to see her disappointed, so he spread out the paper, picked up the pen and started to reply. Knowing that she had committed a serious sin, Tang Yaoyao stood beside him and helped him grind ink.

He naturally wanted to respond to Zhong Yi's enthusiasm with enthusiasm, and made some small suggestions for her work, and then attached a few of Li Qingzhao's early works and asked her to comment...

After writing the letter and waiting for the ink to dry, he put it in an envelope and handed it to Tang Yaojing. One was her best friend and the other was his cousin. Tang Yaojing was the middleman between them.

After doing these things, he went out with an umbrella.

It had been raining for the past few days, and there were not many pedestrians on the street. Uncle San's business was also affected, and he would close the stall early. When Tang Ning walked over, Fang Xiaopang was helping Uncle San to clean up the inventory. The buns that could not be sold out on the same day could not be sold the next day. Since he vomited twice after eating, Uncle San generously distributed them to beggars nearby.

No beggar would come out to beg in such weather, and Fang Xiaopang was just in use.

Tang Ning unexpectedly met Li Tianlan here. He closed his umbrella and put it in the corner. Li Tianlan came over, handed him a piece of paper, and said, "I have figured out that problem."

Tang Ning looked at it and thought that Miss Li's top scorer should not be exaggerated. In the absence of a lot of basic knowledge, she actually sorted out the logic and order.

This means that she is going to bother him again. Tang Ning thought for a moment and said, "I have another "Seven Bridges Problem" here. Brother Li, do you want to hear it?"

Li Tianlan looked more haggard than in the past few days. Hearing this, he immediately waved his hand and said, "No, we'll talk about it later when we have a chance."

Tang Ning shook his head. Seeing that the rain outside was getting heavier, he walked over and rubbed Fang Xiaopang's head and said, "Don't eat anymore. I'll take you back."

He looked at Li Tianlan again and asked, "Brother Li, the posthouse is also on the way. Why don't we go together?"

Li Tianlan nodded. Fang Xiaopang took two more buns, held up an umbrella, and walked out of the store with Tang Ning.

The rain was getting heavier. It took a long time to see pedestrians on the long street. They hurried past with umbrellas. Several figures wearing straw raincoats walked out of a teahouse somewhere.

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