Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 101: A tough fight on the long street

Business was slow on a rainy day, so Butcher Zheng closed his stall early. When he saw Tang Ning, he smiled honestly and said, "There's still half a kilogram of meat left today. It won't be fresh by tomorrow. I'll pass by later and I'll deliver it to the small shop." Like a girl."

Tangning smiled, waved and said, "Thanks!"

Uncle San would deliver two portions of breakfast every morning. Since then, the family has never been short of meat. Although Butcher Zheng suffered a loss in comparison, he obviously didn't care about it.

After leaving the shop and walking on the street, the rain became heavier and heavier.

Fang Xiaopang walked in front alone, with two of her guards following her. Tangning and Li Tianlan were a little further away from them.

Because Fang Xiaopang would jump into a puddle when she encountered it. It rained so hard that her shoes and the hem of her clothes got wet, and then she became even more unscrupulous and fearless.

Worried about being splashed with mud and water by her, Tang Ning and Li Tianlan had no choice but to stay far away.

Tang Ning held up an umbrella and asked casually, "Can't Miss Li go home for the Chinese New Year this year?"

When there is no one else around, he doesn't need to call Brother Li.

Li Tianlan nodded and said, "During the Chinese New Year, we should be in the capital of Chen Kingdom."

Tang Ning had been chatting with her a lot these days and knew that the envoys from Chu State came to Chen State this time not only to send tributes, but also to learn from Chen State's advanced cultural systems in all aspects.

They will stay in the capital of Chen Kingdom long enough.

Tang Ning didn't know if all Chu people were as studious and thirsty for knowledge as she was, but she thought that this was probably the reason why Chu could go from weak to strong in such a short period of time.

He looked at the rain curtain around him, shook his head and said, "I don't know when this rain will end..."

Fang Xiaopang got bored of playing, so he ran over from the front again and said, "It's better if it rains. There's no need to go to school or recite poems on rainy days. By the way, when the rain stops, let's dig mushrooms to eat... …”

Until now, Tang Ning had not figured out why Fang Xiaopang, who was born in a wealthy family and had no worries about food and clothing, was so obsessed with eating.

Tang Ning was confused when two figures wearing raincoats passed by them.

When they passed Tang Ning, their footsteps stopped.


Li Tianlan's voice appeared in his ears almost instantly, and then he felt himself being pushed away violently. At the same time, the two figures in raincoats had already flown out. Under the curtain of rain, they had something in their hands. A cold light flashed by.

Tang Ning almost fell down, but when she came back to her senses, she found that there were already numerous figures on the street wearing raincoats and covering their faces with cloaks, both in front and behind, forming a tendency to surround them.

Fang Xiaopang's two guards had already reacted, pulled out their weapons, and stood beside Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan looked at them and said, "You guys leave quickly!"

The way in and out was blocked by people, so Tangning grabbed Fang Xiaopang and ran towards an alley beside her.

He knew very well that if the two of them stayed here, they would only become a burden to Li Tianlan and the others. This alley was not a dead end. There was a path for one person to pass at the end of the alley. After passing that path, it was dozens of steps ahead. , which is Yongan County Government.

Fang Xiaopang was also frightened. He was led by Tang Ning and ran towards the depths of the alley in a daze.

The path at the end of the alley is the gap formed between two walls.

Tangning pulled her and quickly ran to the end of the alley. She looked at Fang Xiaopang and said, "Hurry over!"

Fang Xiaopang tried to squeeze into the path, but was stuck in it, unable to move forward.

"I, I can't make it!" Fang Xiaopang's face was pale, and he couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears in his eyes.

Tang Ning's face was covered with rain, and her heart sank when she saw this scene.

Fang Xinyue's two guards had been forced into the alley. They looked at the man in raincoat in front and said angrily: "Who are you!"

Li Tianlan used the folded umbrella as a weapon and the umbrella as a sword. In a short period of time, two men in raincoats fell to the ground.

With a tip of her toes, she picked up a long knife from the ground and held it in her hand.

The sword flashed, and another man in coir raincoat fell to the ground.

Of the eight men in coir raincoats, only five were left. Two of them were fighting with Fang Xinyue's guards, and the other three formed an encirclement, surrounding Li Tianlan in the middle.

Another sword light flashed in front of her, slashing at her knife-holding hand. Li Tianlan ignored it and pointed the blade directly at the chest of the man in the raincoat.

The sound of two swords cutting through flesh.

A bloodstain appeared on Li Tianlan's arm, which was quickly diluted by the rain.

The man in the coir raincoat was stabbed through the chest by a long knife. He held the long knife stuck in his chest tightly with both hands and fell to the ground.

Li Tianlan saw the indifferent look in his eyes without any emotion through the cloak.

"Death warrior..."

She covered the wound on her right arm and took a few steps back. Two other men in raincoats were already approaching her.

She kicked one of them away, grabbed the knife from his hand with her other hand, and struck the other person.


The long knife in her hand broke in response, and a bloodstain appeared again on her left arm.

The hand of the man in the coir raincoat holding the knife was like a withered pine. Under the cloak, there was a pair of cloudy eyes, but unlike other men in the coir raincoat, they did not contain any emotion.

Li Tianlan knew that he was no match for this person, so he quickly took a few steps back and came to Tang Ning's side. However, at the same time, he felt dizzy and his body staggered.

Tang Ning picked up the broken knife she dropped on the ground, helped her to lean against the wall, stood up, and looked at the man in the raincoat.

He asked hoarsely, "Who are you?"

Through the cloak, he could not see the man's expression, but Tang Ning could feel that his eyes were fixed on him.

"Really like..." The next moment, a more hoarse voice came from the cloak.

Tang Ning paused for a moment before asking, "Resembling what?"

"Resembling the lady..." The man in the raincoat shook his head and said, "No need to delay, this time should be the last time."

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised the long knife in his hand.

"Miss Xiaoru is not at home, you can take the meat back yourself later." A voice came from behind the man in the raincoat, causing him to pause.

Zheng the butcher stood behind him with Nannan in one hand, and Nannan helped him hold the umbrella.

The man in the raincoat did not hesitate and chopped with a knife.


The knife lighted up.


Blood splashed everywhere.

"Nannan." Butcher Zheng looked down at the little girl: "Close your eyes."

The little girl closed her eyes obediently.

The knife in the straw raincoat man's hand had broken into two pieces, and the front half flew out, along with one of his arms.

Butcher Zheng was holding a knife in his hand, a butcher knife.

The tip of the knife was still dripping with blood.

Tang Ning was a little dazed watching this scene. Butcher Zheng always had a butcher knife hanging on his waist, and he never left it. He was skilled in butchering pigs and chopping meat, just like he was skilled in chopping off the arm of the straw raincoat man.

The straw raincoat man covered his broken arm, and a strong roar came out of his throat. He retreated quickly. Seeing this, the two straw raincoat men who were fighting with the two guards turned the knife without hesitation and pointed the tip of the knife at their chests.


In the horrified eyes of the guards, the two men drew their knives and killed themselves.

Li Tianlan had already fainted, his face was terribly pale. Tang Ning looked down and his face changed greatly.

Butcher Zheng kicked the broken arm away and explained: "He was poisoned."

"Poisoned?" Tang Ning was stunned for a moment, and immediately reached out to feel around in his arms.

In order to be on the safe side, he always had a Da Huan Dan on him.

Although he didn't know if the Da Huan Dan had the effect of detoxifying, this was the only thing he could do at this time.

He pinched her mouth open and sent the Da Huan Dan in.

Her face was terribly pale. Tang Ning thought about it, tore open the clothes on her arms that were cut, and sucked out the poisonous blood near her wounds.

After a while, Butcher Zheng glanced at him: "He should be fine, now it's your turn."

Tang Ning looked down and found that her face had regained some redness. While she breathed a sigh of relief, she also found that she was a little dizzy and her eyes began to blacken.

Li Tianlan's eyelashes trembled, and the moment she opened her eyes, her face showed extreme vigilance, and she subconsciously picked up the broken knife on the ground.

Butcher Zheng looked at her and said, "It's okay."

She looked at the situation around her, and felt relieved. She looked at Tang Ning who was lying beside her, and asked in surprise, "Is he injured?"

Butcher Zheng shook his head and said, "He fed you the detoxification pill, helped you suck out the poisonous blood, and he was poisoned."

Li Tianlan was stunned in place, and at this moment, she realized that something in her mouth was rapidly dissolving.

After she reacted, she looked down at Tang Ning, and for a moment, her face showed extreme hesitation.

But it was only for a moment.

The next moment, Butcher Zheng's eyes widened.

He put the butcher knife back into his waist, covered the little girl's eyes, and said, "Nannan, don't look."

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