Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 102 I won’t give up!

In the governor's office, seven bodies were neatly laid out on the ground.

A constable checked from left to right, his face somewhat unbelievable, swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, and said with difficulty: "Sir, all seven people committed suicide. Preliminary judgment is that they should be hired as assassins."

The middle-aged envoy of the Chu State suppressed his anger, looked at the governor Dong, and said word by word: "Sir Dong, I think you should give us an explanation for this matter!"

Even though Dong Cunyi had been in a high position for many years and had long developed the ability to remain calm in the face of emergencies, he still couldn't help sweating and trembling at this moment.

The envoy of the Chu State was assassinated in Lingzhou and was seriously injured... This is not just a simple assassination. This matter concerns the diplomatic relations between the two countries. If you are not careful, you will step into the abyss. He, Dong Cunyi, can't bear such a big responsibility!

He gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry, envoy. I have ordered the whole city to be sealed off. We will definitely find the murderer!"

"Three days!" The Chu envoy looked at him and said, "I will only give you three days. If the murderer is not caught after three days, I will write to your Chen emperor and ask him to give us an explanation!"

After that, he waved his sleeves and left.

When he walked out of the governor's office, his face became even paler, and his hands tucked in his sleeves trembled slightly.

He looked at an envoy from Chu who was walking from a distance and asked hurriedly, "How is it, is Lord Li okay?"

The envoy immediately said, "It's just a skin injury. The doctor said there is nothing serious, but the remaining poison has not been cleared, and it takes time to recuperate."

"It's good that it's okay, it's good that it's okay..." The middle-aged envoy breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Take me to see Lord Li..."

In the governor's office, Governor Dong's face had turned iron blue.

"How come there are so many death warriors in Lingzhou? What are you doing?" Governor Dong pointed at the group of constables below, spitting everywhere. Everyone could only bow their heads to receive the training.

The constable named Xiu Qingfeng raised his head, looked at Governor Dong, and said, "Sir, so many death warriors are dispatched at once. I'm afraid no one in Lingzhou has such a big hand. Could it be..."

Dong Cunyi naturally knew the existence of death warriors. Many of the long-standing clans would train some death warriors from childhood. These people were instilled with the idea of ​​not caring about life and death and obeying orders from childhood. They can no longer be called human beings.

When they grow up, they become the killing tools of those clans, helping them do things that cannot be brought to the surface.

Death warriors need to be trained from childhood. This process will take more than ten years or even decades, and it will cost a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources. Generally speaking, without decades of foundation, it is impossible to train death warriors.

What's more, there are seven at a time. Such a loss will hurt even the big clans in the capital.

However, only the big families in the capital could do such a thing.

Could it be that someone in the capital intended to assassinate the Chu envoy?

But if they wanted to assassinate, they could do it when they arrived in the capital. Why did they have to do it in Lingzhou!

Dong Cunyi instantly felt that he was involved in a huge conspiracy.

When he thought of this, he was extremely depressed. He stepped on the broken arm and said angrily: "Find it, dig three feet deep, and find the escaped assassin for me!"

Outside Lingzhou City, more than ten miles away, a carriage was on the way to the capital.

In the carriage, the old man with the broken arm was as pale as paper, and half of his body was stained red with blood. In the corner of the carriage, a five or six-year-old child looked at him with fear on his face.

He lifted the curtain with his foot and urged the driver coldly: "Faster!"

The driver turned around, looked at the child in the corner, gritted his teeth, and waved the whip a little faster.

When Tang Ning opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the face of Doctor Sun.

Then Su Ru, who immediately surrounded him with a worried look on his face, Zhongyi Tang Yaoyao.

Zhongyi asked worriedly, "How do you feel?"

Tang Ning held his forehead and sat up, saying, "I feel a little dizzy."

Doctor Sun looked at him, shook his head, and said, "The remaining poison in your body has not yet disappeared. You need to rest for a few days."

Tang Ning came back to his senses and immediately asked, "Is Xinyue okay? Is Xiao Li okay?"

Zhongyi said quickly, "Xiaoyue is fine and has been taken home. Xiao Li was injured, but his life is not in danger."

Tang Ning breathed a sigh of relief and suppressed some thoughts in his mind. He asked, "There is another assassin. Have you caught him?"

"Not yet. He has been wanted throughout the city." Tang Yaoyao said, then looked at him and asked, "What happened today?"

Tang Ning still remembers the two short sentences said by the straw raincoat man.

The man said she looked like a lady. Which lady did she look like?

He also said that this was the last time. Could it be that they were also responsible for what happened in the alley last time?

He was still confused in his heart, so he naturally couldn't explain anything to Tang Yaoyao and the others.

He shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

A figure walked in from outside. Li Tianlan's arms were bandaged. Tang Ning was shocked and hurriedly asked, "Why are you here instead of taking care of your injuries?"

Li Tianlan looked at Tang Ning and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I got you into trouble."

Tang Ning hurriedly shook her head and said, "No, I got you into trouble."

Those people were obviously coming for him. Li Tianlan was just affected. If it weren't for her, Tang Ning would be in danger today.

He was afraid that he would have to follow the same path as a few months ago.

At that time, there may not be as good luck as last time.

Li Tianlan didn't listen to his explanation, and the apology on his face became even stronger, and he said: "They are here for the envoys. Since you are with me, they should regard you as the envoys of Chu State."


"Other than envoys, what other reason could make them send out so many dead soldiers?"

"It's really not..."

"We have sent a message back to China and also sent a message to Emperor Chen. This matter will not end like this."

Tang Ning didn't explain. This already involved the diplomatic relations between the two countries and he couldn't interfere with it. From now on, the Chen government should be more attentive in investigating the case, which can be considered a good thing.

He felt his throat was dry, so he licked his lips, and then unconsciously took a second lick. He felt that the taste of his lips was a little different today.

A trace of uneasiness appeared on Li Tianlan's face, and he said, "I'm relieved that you're fine. I'll leave first."

After saying that, without waiting for Tang Ning to persuade her to stay, she turned around and left.

Tangning looked at her leaving back and said, "Thanks to her today, otherwise, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to see you."

Zhong Yisu Ru's face turned pale. From Tang Ning's words, it was not difficult for them to hear the danger of the situation at that time.

"As long as it's okay, it's okay." Chen Yuxian patted his chest and said, "Let's all go out and let Ning'er have a good rest."

After Zhong Yi and the others exited one after another, Tangning was left alone in the room again.

Still feeling dizzy, he lay down on the bed again.

He closed his eyes, but he was not resting. The scene on the long street today appeared in his mind again.

The body and face of the man in the coir raincoat were hidden under the coir raincoat and cloak, but his voice still echoed in Tang Ning's mind.

Miss..., who is the miss?

Who is the old man hidden under the cloak?

Was the accident a few months ago caused by them?

Tangning was not only depressed, but also a little angry, even angry.

He didn't provoke anyone, he studied hard and made progress every day, he was charitable and helped beggars, and while realizing the value of his life, he actively contributed to society. How twisted is human nature and how corrupt is his moral character, that he would send so many dead soldiers to assassinate him?

Who did the previous Tangning mess with?

The enemy is in the dark and we are in the light. He doesn't know anything, he doesn't know who they are, and he doesn't know when they will appear again-------it's best not to let him know.

Tangning didn't listen to her mother-in-law and lay down at home to rest. His health was fine and he went out the next morning.

This time Peng Chen followed him every step of the way. Tang Yaoyao was worried and followed him out.

When Tang Ning walked to Third Uncle's shop, Butcher Zheng was chopping meat, raising and lowering his knife at a speed that was dizzying.

"The ten pounds of lean meat stuffing, ten pounds of fat meat stuffing, and ten pounds of cartilage stuffing that you want have all been cut..."

Tangning saw the silly smile on his face again, but she still couldn't connect him with the master who drove away the man in black with a single blow yesterday.

In a corner somewhere, the beggar mother and daughter were still there.

Not far from them, the old beggar was holding a wine bottle and sipping it leisurely.

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