Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 199: Saving the Country in a Roundabout Way

When it comes to understanding the Sushen people on the grassland, Chen State naturally cannot compare with Chu State.

It was also the first time that Tang Ning had a deep understanding of the situation on the grassland.

Because of the rise of the Wanyan tribe, the Sushen and other tribes also united to form two major tribes headed by Jiagu and Shuhu.

But in terms of strength, these two tribes are worse than the Wanyan tribe.

This will create a very embarrassing situation.

Chen State and Chu State are not in alliance. Sooner or later, Wanyan tribe will unify these two tribes and destroy Chu first and then Chen.

If Chen and Chu formed an alliance, they would not be facing the Wanyan tribe.

This is the same as Chen Chu's attitude towards the grassland. The grassland is a mess of loose sand, and Chen and Chu will let it go. Once the grassland has a tendency to unify, the two countries will immediately form an alliance.

The grassland treats Chen Chu the same way. The two countries are on their own, so they have time to slowly fight and annex them. Once the two countries join forces, it will be obvious that they are going to kill them. As long as the leaders of these three tribes have a little bit of brains, they will not They will fight first, and then wait for the combined forces of Chen and Chu to cut leeks.

Whether it is the Chen State or the Chu State, alliances are necessary, but if you want to be the fisherman who benefits, you have to quietly sabotage them first. Forming an alliance with great fanfare is basically to bī) create a unified Sushen clan.

However, after the trial, the alliance between Chen and Chu has become a certain political direction. It is really unwise to pour cold water on it at this time. It may be regarded as a model and criticized.

What's more, he supports the alliance at one moment and does not support the alliance at the other. From then on, the poetic lunatic in the capital may become a real lunatic.

You cannot say it directly, otherwise you will be caught as a typical person, and you cannot not say it, otherwise you may not live in peace for a few years.

With Miss Li here, there shouldn't be any problems with this matter. This can be regarded as a way to save the country. Tangning looked at Prince Run and was a little curious about how delicious her food was, so that the prince, who was used to eating delicacies from all over the world, was so nostalgic.

Could it be that he is used to eating big fish and eating a few ordinary meals from time to time, and has become addicted to it?

King Run finished his meal and said, "I'll come back to you the day after tomorrow."

"I won't be at home the day after tomorrow." Tangning looked at him and asked, "Aren't you going to the Qionglin Banquet the day after tomorrow?"

King Run shook his head and said: "There was nothing delicious at the Qionglin Banquet. I've long been tired of it. It's better to have assorted pots..."

He doesn't like to eat delicacies from the mountains and seas, but he never forgets the assorted pots. King Run is probably like those wealthy people in later generations who are used to eating big fish and big fish, and gradually become interested in farm game.

The Qionglin Banquet is coming soon, and on the night of the banquet, in addition to the new champion, the important military officials of the court will also be invited to the palace to participate in this grand event.

Tomorrow was the Qionglin Banquet, but now, many ministers in the court and scholars from the Hanlin Academy gathered in the palace.

In a certain palace, many courtiers gathered together, including King Lian Duan, King Kang and King Huai, who were also standing on one side.

Negotiations on alliance with Chu State have stalled, and His Majesty summoned them urgently to discuss this matter.

An official came forward and said: "Your Majesty, I think that the attitude of the Chu envoys has changed. Either the situation on the grassland has changed, or they have other plans."

Another official said: "No matter how they change, the alliance will be of great benefit to Chu. If this matter is shelved, they will be the first to worry."

"Your Majesty, I think Master Wei is right. Chu State must be more anxious about this matter than us. We just need to wait and see what happens."

The internal officials expressed their opinions. Emperor Chen sat on a high position. After listening to what they said, he was silent for a moment and said, "You go down first. This matter will be discussed after the Qionglin Banquet."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Duan Wang and the other three people and said, "You three stay."

"I'll take my leave." After bowing, many officials walked out of the hall one after another.

In the corner, an official pushed the man who was sleeping against the pillar and said, "Master Xiao Fang, don't sleep anymore, let's go..."

The man opened his eyes, yawned, and bowed to him: "Thank you."

After the officials inside left, Emperor Chen looked at Duan and Wang and the other three and asked, "You can each share your views on what happened just now."

King Duan thought for a while and said: "Back to my father, I think that the longer this matter is delayed, the better it will be for us. When the Sushen people really endanger the Chu State, we can offer higher terms." ”

King Kang was not willing to be outdone. After King Duan shut up, he immediately stepped forward and bowed: "Father, I think that since the envoys of the Chu State are so repeated, it is better to wait until the Su Shen people become powerful and the Chu State is unable to resist. If we join forces and send troops, wouldn't we be able to kill two birds with one stone?"

King Huai opened his eyes, clasped his fists and said, "Father, I think the two royal brothers are right."

Emperor Chen looked at them, waved his hand and said, "I understand, you all can go down."

After the three people left, he leaned back on the chair and sighed.

What he wants to hear is the thoughts of the three of them. Even if they are wrong, it means that they have seriously thought about the matter, instead of just repeating the remarks of the courtiers and focusing on intrigues and power struggles.

He closed his eyes, rubbed his eyebrows, and heard footsteps coming from inside.

"Father, I'm here to bring you food." King Run came over with a wooden plate in his hand, with oil stains on his mouth, followed by a panicked little eunuch.

Chen Huang looked at him, deliberately sullen, and asked, "Did Yuan'er endorse today?"

"I'm sorry, father, hurry up and eat. I'll go pay my respects to my mother and concubine." King Run put the wooden plate on the table and was about to leave.

"Stop." Chen Huang stood up, looked at him, and said, "What book did you memorize today? Let me memorize it for your father."

Zhao Yuan paused, knowing that he might not be able to escape this time. He stood on the spot with his hands behind his back and said: "Father, I memorized a book for a while today, and then, I was thinking about one thing... "

Chen Huang walked up to him and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Zhao Yuan rolled his eyes and said, "I was thinking about how to fight those bad guys on horseback on the grassland."

Chen Huang bent down, touched his head, and asked, "What did Yuan'er think of?"

Zhao Yuan had a look of contemplation on his face and said: "Those bad guys on the grassland, they have... They have the Finished Division, the Stock Division, and the Tiger Division... I heard people say that the Finished Division is the most powerful. , then we will secretly sell food and weapons to the stock department and the tiger department, and let them finish attacking the egg department. In this way, they will attack their own people and will not come to attack us! "

Chen Huang's hand was still on Prince Run's head, he looked stunned and murmured: "Wanyan Department, Jiagu Department, Shuhu Department..."

King Run nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "Yes, yes, this is the butt and tiger..."

Chen Huang was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses. He looked at King Run and asked, "Who did you hear this from?"

King Run looked up at him and said without changing his expression: "I figured it out myself..."

Zhao Yuan's eyes were darting around. If he told his father that he listened to the person who cooked delicious food and a beautiful sister, his father would let him endorse it. He was not that stupid.

Chen Huang smiled and asked, "Is the food he cooks delicious?"

Zhao Yuan smiled honestly and asked, "Who cooked the food?"

Emperor Chen touched his head again and said, "How about your father letting him come into the palace and cook for you every day?"

Zhao Yuan was stunned and said happily: "Really?"

Emperor Chen would naturally not let the new champion enter the imperial kitchen to work, but what he said was that secretly supporting the weak forces among the Sushen people and consuming the strength of the Wanyan tribe seemed to be a better strategy than forming an alliance with the Chu State. It could not only prevent The rise of Wanyan Department can gain huge benefits from it.

This kid actually hid his secrets during the test?

It's a pity that in terms of position, Chu State seems to be more suitable to do this than Chen State...

Many thoughts flashed through his mind instantly. He looked down at King Run's expectant watch and sighed softly.

I thought he had enlightened this time, but I didn't expect that Yuan'er was still the same Yuan'er...

Outside the palace.

Fang Hong walked out of the palace gate, thinking about the remarks of the officials just now, and felt that something was not right.

At a certain moment, he turned to look at the man beside him and asked, "What do you think about the alliance between the two countries?"

The man lowered his head and half-squinted his eyes, as if he would fall asleep in the next moment. He did not raise his head or look at Fang Hong. He paused for a moment and asked lightly: "If you are from the Wanyan department or the folder Gube and Shuhu, what will they think when they hear that Chen and Chu have formed an alliance?"

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