Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 360: Acute Illness

Liaozhou, at the city gate. [This chapter was first published on Ai, You, Sheng, Novel Network, please remember the URL]

Tang Ning rode on the horse, waved to the Liaozhou governor, and said, "Everyone, just send them here."

After staying in Liaozhou for a day, it was time to set off.

The governor of Liaozhou cupped his hand and said, "Your Highness, the princess, has a safe journey. On the way back, I will have a drink with Mr. Tang again."

Tangning waved her hand: "Goodbye."

The hospitality of the local officials of Chu State is worthy of praise. I wonder if the state capitals encountered further ahead are the same as Liaozhou.

Although she only stayed in Liaozhou for one day, Tang Ning still discovered some unusual places through yesterday's cleansing banquet.

Taking Liaozhou as an example, the local officials in Liaozhou city have extremely strong cohesion. The restraints imposed by the Liaozhou governor on other officials are not just the restraint of superiors on subordinates. They show a kind of persuasiveness towards the Liaozhou governor. Tang Ning passed through many state capitals along the way, but none of them gave him such a feeling.

At the city gate, Liaozhou officials watched the convoy go away.

When there was only a black line left in front, an official took two steps forward, looked at the Liaozhou governor, and said, "Sir, after two hours, we won't have any chance."

The governor of Liaozhou withdrew his gaze from a distance and said, "Take care of yourself and don't make decisions for the prince."

"Yes." The official responded, took two steps back and remained silent.

On the other side, Liaozhou Sima laughed heartily twice and said: "It is not us who make the decision for the prince, but the prince. The current situation is not controlled by anyone, just wait and see..."

Tangning leaned on the carriage and looked at the white clouds that had gathered in the sky like mountain peaks. She watched the white clouds gather and disperse. She was actually so bored most of the time along the way.

At this time, it had been two days since they left Liaozhou.

From Liaozhou, according to their speed, it would take about four or five days to reach the next state city. Staying in those smaller county towns is actually not much different from camping on the same spot.

Her ears have become much clearer in the past two days. Since losing to him that morning, Wanyan Yan has not said a word to him.

Apart from that, she had never resisted the meals delivered to her. She just sat alone in the carriage, not knowing what she was thinking.

Tang Ning looked at the sun above her head, walked to the front, and asked Lu Teng, "How long until the next state city?"

Lu Teng rode on the horse, looked ahead, and said, "If everything goes well, we should arrive at noon tomorrow."

It looked like we would have to camp in the wild for the night. Tangning looked at the sky and said, "Let everyone stop and have something to eat before leaving."

They only started cooking after setting up camp in the evening. During the day, they mainly ate dry food. Tang Ning was nibbling on a cold bun when a palace maid suddenly ran over from behind and said, "Master Tang, it's not good, that girl sick……"

Tangning finished the buns in two or three bites, jumped off the carriage, frowned and said, "Why are you sick? Is it serious?"

The palace maid shook her head and said, "I don't know. Master Tang, I'd better go and see for yourself."

As Tang Ning walked towards the back, she ordered, "Go and ask Doctor Wang to come over."

Wan Yanyan's illness was more serious than he thought. Her forehead was extremely hot and she was lying listlessly in the carriage, seemingly unconscious.

Dr. Wang withdrew his fingers from her wrist and said, "We haven't found the cause of this girl's illness yet. Maybe it's because the journey was too bumpy and tiring. Let her rest for a day and she might be fine."

She didn't seem to be infected with cold, nor did she have any other obvious illness. She was said to be from bumps and fatigue, but for a martial arts practitioner like her, even if her martial arts skills were mediocre, her physical fitness was far superior to that of ordinary people. Even Zhao Man's palace maid Everything was fine, how could she fall ill first?

Since the cause of the disease was not found, Dr. Wang did not dare to use medicine indiscriminately. Tang Ning thought that she would be fine after a night's rest, so she deliberately moved the camp time forward by an hour.

But early the next morning, not only was her illness not cured, she was completely unconscious. She was lying on the bed, mumbling words that Tang Ning couldn't understand.

Tang Ning rubbed her eyebrows. If she had a problem here, things would be in trouble.

Lu Teng walked in from outside and said, "Master Tang, it's time for us to set off."

Tangning thought for a while and said, "Just rest for half a day and enter the city before dark."

Lu Teng was startled when he heard this. He didn't know why he suddenly wanted to rest for a long time, but he still nodded and said, "Okay."

Tang Ning walked to Butcher Zheng's tent and said, "Old Zheng, lend me a jar of your wine."

Butcher Zheng was not as stingy as the old beggar. He waved his hand and said, "Take it."

Tang Ning took a jar of wine, heated it in the water bath for a while, then called a palace maid, dipped a cloth in the wine, wiped Wan Yanyan's forehead and palms, and said, "Take off her clothes and wipe them like this her body."

She had a serious fever now. If she didn't cool down quickly, she might hurt her head. After Tangning told the palace maid about the key points of using alcohol to cool down, she withdrew from the account.

A quarter of an hour later, the palace maid came out and said, "Sir, the girl is awake and wants to see you."

Tangning took a look inside and asked, "Has she put on clothes?"

The palace maid said: "Put it on."

Tangning walked into the tent and saw Wan Yanyan lying on the bed, looking straight at the top of the tent.

She didn't know if it was because her body temperature had dropped, but she seemed to be in better spirits. She looked at Tangning and said, "I figured it out."

Tangning stood beside the bed and asked, "What have you figured out?"

She looked at Tangning and said, "You are not wrong, and I am not wrong either."

Unexpectedly, she had a fever. Not only was she no longer confused, but her thinking became clearer. Tangning looked at her and said, "You should rest for a while. I'll call the imperial doctor. Tell him if you feel uncomfortable." "

"I'm much better." She sat up from the bed with her hands supported, looked up at Tangning, and asked, "They all say you are very smart. Can I ask you a question?"

Tangning looked at her and said, "Ask me."

She raised her head, her face still a little pale, looked at Tangning, and asked with confusion, "If you are not wrong and I am not wrong, then who is wrong?"

"Why is the grassland at war with you?"

"Why do so many people die?"

"It's not good to fight and kill too much. Can't everyone be good?"

There are no answers to these questions, or everyone has different answers. Tangning looked at her and said, "You need to find the answers to these questions yourself."

Being able to ask such questions shows that she is still a simple girl. The answers to these questions are cruel. By the time she can answer herself, she will have almost grown up.

Wan Yanyan sat on the bed, stunned for a while, sniffed, turned her eyes to the side, and asked, "What is this?"

Tang Ning looked at the remaining half of the jar of wine and said, "Wine."

"I heard that the wine you Han people drink is very delicious. You can forget all your worries after drinking it." She murmured, picked up the wine jar, and drank heavily.

"Cough! Cough!"

She covered her mouth, coughed violently, and shed tears.

She raised her head, looked at Tangning, and cried: "Liar, it doesn't taste good at all. You can't forget your worries after drinking it. Liar, you are all liars..." [First release of this chapter. like. have. Voice. Novel Network, please remember the URL]

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