Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 361 Exchange

Wanyan Yan got sick inexplicably, and got well again inexplicably. Net

In the morning, she was still unconscious with a high fever, but in the afternoon, she was full of energy and ate three bowls of tofu pudding.

Wanyan Yan wiped her mouth and asked, "Are all Han people as smart as you?"

Tang Ning thought for a while and said, "In fact, there are not many Han people as smart as me."

"There are not many Han people as thick-skinned as you." Wanyan Yan glanced at him, picked up the long knife on the table, and started chopping in the yard.

She was wearing Zhao Man's clothes, and her hair was not braided into a small braid like before, but into a tassel bun, with a golden hairpin on her head, dressed like a typical Han woman.

Of course, she came from the grassland, so she still looked quite exotic, and wearing Han clothes, she looked a little unique.

Tang Ning stood at the door and looked at her for a while, not for her beauty, but for her knife skills.

She swung the whip in a proper manner, but her knife skills were really terrible, with many flaws. Either she didn't learn well, or her master was just a half-baked one.

Even Tang Ning could see the flaws in her knife skills, which showed how bad her knife skills were.

In order to confirm his guess, he looked at Zheng the Butcher and asked, "Old Zheng, what do you think of her knife skills?"

Zheng the Butcher was drinking, and he didn't even raise his head when he heard it, saying, "I don't know knife skills."

Speaking of which, Tang Ning didn't seem to have seen him use a knife properly. The only time he saw him use it was when he was holding a butcher knife in his hand, which was no different from butchering pigs and chopping meat on weekdays.

The old beggar once said that the more skilled a person is, the less he will pursue fancy and complicated moves. Tang Ning couldn't even reach the threshold of this level at the moment, and he didn't even know fancy and complicated moves.

However, everything has a process. Even though Old Zheng has now reached the state of seeing mountains as mountains and water as water, it will not be achieved overnight. Tang Ning did not believe him when he said that he did not know knife skills.

Butcher Zheng took a sip of wine, looked up, and said, "She does not know knife skills either."

Wanyan Yan's ears were quite sharp. She came over after hearing what he said, looked at Butcher Zheng, and asked, "You said I don't know knife skills, do you understand?"

Butcher Zheng continued to drink and ignored her.

Wanyan Yan clenched the knife in her hand and asked, "Do you dare to compete with me in knife skills?"

Butcher Zheng raised his right hand and casually made a knife-swinging motion.

At this moment, Tang Ning felt that the hair on his body stood up, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead instantly.


Wanyan Yan's eyes were filled with fear, and the long knife in her hand fell to the ground. Just now, she seemed to feel that the person opposite was not waving his hand, but an extremely sharp knife.

Her back was instantly soaked with cold sweat, her face was pale, her legs were weak, and she couldn't take a step.

Butcher Zheng shook his head and turned to leave.


Wanyan Yan finally collapsed to the ground.

Tang Ning helped her up and walked towards her room, saying earnestly: "There are always stronger people among the strong, and there are always higher mountains. Don't want to fight with everyone you meet. If you meet someone with a bad temper, you are dead now..."

Wanyan Yan and Tang Yaoyao are a bit similar, but the difference is that Tang Yaoyao will not overestimate her own abilities. She will only bully people she can beat. The little girl on the grassland is a bit reckless. This kind of character will suffer a great loss in the future.

However, Lao Zheng's strength still exceeded his imagination. He wanted to make the little girl's legs weak just by momentum. I don't know if he can do it in this life.

Since her body is better, there is no need to delay any longer.

The next morning, the delegation set off again.

After a serious illness, Wanyan Yan finally stopped shouting that she wanted to kill him all day long, and the changes that happened to her during this period were not limited to this.

It took her half a month to finally learn how to use chopsticks. If you only look at her appearance and behavior, you can no longer tell that she is a grassland girl.

Half a month after entering the State of Chu, the delegation changed from land to water, but after only two days, they changed to land again.

The State of Chen had an army that was familiar with water, but the imperial guards were in the palace all year round and could not get used to the bumps on the water, so they vomited all over the place.

Zhao Man and Wanyan Yan were not much better, and even Tang Ning felt a little uncomfortable, so he had to order to land.

Two days were still like this. If it lasted a few more days, the delegation would probably be tossed to the point of being half dead.

In this way, the time would naturally be a few days later than expected.

On the ninth day of the sixth lunar month, more than three months had passed since leaving the State of Chen. In the dense forest of a state in the State of Chu, Lu Teng jumped off his horse, walked up to Tang Ning, and said, "Sir, we will be in the capital of the State of Chu at noon tomorrow."

Tang Ning also breathed a sigh of relief. He had never traveled such a long distance in his two lives. This journey was finally coming to an end.


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of breaking wind, and an arrow shot out from the forest and nailed to a tree in front.

Lu Teng's face changed and he shouted, "Be alert!"

Many guards drew their weapons.

One of them pulled out the arrow nailed to the tree and said, "Sir, here is a piece of cloth with words on it."

Tang Ning waved his hand and said, "Bring it over and have a look."

He took the piece of cloth and looked up.

"Mr. Tang, three miles to the north, you personally bring people to exchange your deputy envoy."

Lu Teng looked and said, "I will lead a hundred guards to exchange Mr. He back."

Tang Ning shook his head and said, "They specifically asked me to go. One hundred people are too many. I can take fifty people. If they make a feint to the east and attack the west, it will be easier to deal with them here."

He put away the cloth and walked to a carriage in front. He knocked on the carriage. Wan Yanyan's head popped out and asked, "Are you eating so soon?"

"Let's go." Tang Ning looked at her and said, "Your people are here to pick you up."

"So soon?" Wan Yanyan's face showed surprise at first, then she hesitated and asked, "Can we finish the meal before leaving?"

Tang Ning asked her to eat three bowls of tofu brain and bring ten buns. Then he took Lao Zheng and fifty guards to the north three miles away.

The distance of three miles is not long, and it was reached in a flash.

More than ten figures appeared in the open space in the forest ahead.

"Master!" Wan Yanyan shouted and ran over quickly.

The guards behind her were about to stop her, but Tang Ning waved her hand and several guards stopped and let her run.

Several people in the crowd on the opposite side came forward, their faces excited, and they chattered something to her. Wan Yanyan also chattered back a few words.

She probably said something like "I'm fine" and "Don't worry", but Tang Ning couldn't understand the rest.

During this month, Tang Ning occasionally taught her some deeper usage of Chinese, and she also taught Tang Ning some simple grassland language.

A man looked at Wanyan Yan and murmured, "Princess, you seem different from before."

Wanyan Yan looked at him and asked, "What's different?"

The man scratched his head and said, "It seems..., fatter than before."

Tang Ning still knew how to say "fat" in grassland dialect. Two days ago, he accidentally discovered that in the past month, the little girl seemed to be a lot fatter than before. This was normal. She ate three meals a day, three bowls of rice per meal, and stayed in the carriage all day without exercise. It would be strange if she didn't get fat.

Of course, her body was originally thin, and now she just looked a little plump. Strictly speaking, she was not fat.

Wanyan Yan grabbed the man and beat him up. Tang Ning took two steps forward, looked at the middle-aged woman, and asked, "Where is Lord He?"

The middle-aged woman looked behind her and said, "Give him the man."

Two people walked out from behind him, pushed out a figure, kicked him on the butt, and shouted, "Go!"

Tang Ning looked at the man in front of him with ragged clothes, messy hair, and a dirty face, which was even more tattered than the most sloppy beggar he had ever seen, and asked in surprise, "Are you... Lord He?"

He Rui looked down at himself, then looked up at the woman opposite him who was dressed in silk and silk, wearing pearls and jade on her head, and had a radiant face. Thinking of what he had experienced along the way, he could no longer hold back the pain in his heart, and couldn't help crying out loud, tears streaming down his face...

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