Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 403: Detoxification

Tang Ning argued with Zheng the Butcher for the first time about her innocence, but he just chuckled and stopped talking.

In another room, Li Tianlan was lying on the bed, tossing and turning.

There was only one bed in the inn, and she and Wanyan Yan each occupied half.

A quarter of an hour later, Wanyan Yan, who was sleeping inside, finally couldn't help it and said dissatisfiedly: "Can you sleep quietly? If you don't want to sleep, don't sleep. Will you let others sleep?"

Li Tianlan reached out and pressed her acupoints, so she fell asleep quietly.

Li Tianlan put his hands behind his head and looked at the dark room quietly. His clear eyes flashed in the darkness, just like the stars outside the window.


Tang Ning got up early the next day and knocked on the door of the next room. He saw Wanyan Yan and Li Tianlan also woke up. Wanyan Yan looked energetic, while Li Tianlan looked a little depressed.

He put the breakfast he bought on the table, looked at Li Tianlan, and asked, "Didn't she sleep well yesterday? Did she snore when she slept?"

"You..." Wanyan Yan was washing her face and was about to get angry, but she had to hold it in when she thought about how she was no match for him.

"I'm fine." Li Tianlan walked to the table and said, "I'll go out to collect intelligence in a while, you wait here."

"Okay." Tang Ning responded, but sighed in her heart. She actually forgot what happened yesterday. It seems that in her heart, only state affairs are important.

After breakfast, she walked out of the inn.

Tang Ning did not go out with her this time. There will be many things to do tonight, and he also needs to make some preparations in advance.

Tang Ning was mixing some medicine powder. Wanyan Yan walked around him curiously. While mixing, Tang Ning asked casually, "If a man accidentally kissed you, what would you do?"

After all, Lao Zheng was a butcher who only knew how to kill pigs and didn't know women. It would be better to ask women about this kind of thing. Although Wanyan Yan could only be considered half, she was more reliable than Lao Zheng.

Wanyan Yan glanced at him and asked, "Are you talking to me?"

"Who else is here besides you and me?"

Wanyan Yan thought for a moment and said, "Either marry him or kill him. Only my husband can kiss me."

Tang Ning asked curiously, "Do you grassland women care about this?"

Wanyan Yan snorted and said, "I care!"

Tang Ning shook her head. It seems that the first kiss is indeed very meaningful to a girl. She doesn't even care about spanking, but she cares about this.

Wanyan Yan seemed to have thought of something. She took two steps back and looked at Tang Ning, and asked warily, "What do you want to do?"

Tang Ning comforted her, "Don't worry, you look safe, I don't have any thoughts about you."

Wanyan Yan thought for a moment and said angrily, "What do you mean!"

Women are like this. It's not okay to have thoughts about them, and it's not okay not to have thoughts about them. They are indeed the most difficult creatures in the world to understand. Even the little wild horses on the grassland are not immune.

Li Tianlan came back at noon, walked into the room, and said, "I have found out the addresses of those people. We will act when it gets dark."

Wan Yanyan looked at them and asked, "What are you going to do when it gets dark?"

Tang Ning knocked on her head and said, "You are a prisoner, don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

Wan Yanyan glared at him and looked away, not knowing what she was thinking.


Cangzhou, as the fief of King Zhou, was the center of the rebellion. It had become a panic many days ago.

Especially in the past few days, the imperial army was about to arrive, and the atmosphere in the city became more solemn. Before dark, there was no one on the street except patrolling soldiers.

The troops assembled in the five states had already retreated back to the city, waiting for the upcoming battle. Among them, although many soldiers and generals did not want to rebel, the military order was like a mountain. After dozens of lives were wiped out by the general, several mutinies in the army were also bloodily suppressed, and no one dared to disobey the order anymore.

A mansion somewhere in the city.

A young general in armor curled up on the ground in pain, his forehead veins bulged, his whole body twitched. He endured the pain from his body, climbed up with difficulty, took a medicine bottle from the table, poured out a pill from it and swallowed it.

After a long time, his breathing gradually calmed down, the blush on his face faded, and the whole person seemed to be fished out of the water, his clothes were soaked with sweat.

He poured a cup of tea, just picked up the teacup, suddenly turned around, looked at a corner of the room vigilantly, and shouted: "Who!"

I don't know when, there were two figures in the room, a man and a woman.

When he saw the appearance of the woman on the left, his legs softened and he knelt on the ground, trembling: "County..., Princess!"

Li Tianlan stepped forward and said: "General Xu, there is no need to say more. King Zhou has told me everything that happened in Cangzhou."

The young general lowered his head and said: "Princess, I know that my crime is unforgivable. It is not a pity for Xu to die, but the soldiers in Cangzhou are innocent. Please let me live for a few more days. When the imperial army arrives, Xu will order his soldiers to surrender out of the city. If the soldiers are driven by the rebels, there will be heavy casualties, and the imperial army will also suffer casualties..."

"I know General Xu was forced." Li Tianlan looked at him, then looked at Tang Ning and asked: "Can it be saved?"

Tang Ning looked at her and said: "Remove that."

When the Gu in the young man's body moved just now, he had seen that he was also a Gu, not a poison.

Poisons are not divided into different families. There are many types of poisons, such as the epilepsy poison that Tang Ning once used, which spreads toxins through bites. Some poisons lurk in the human body and wander around. It can destroy all the five internal organs of the human body, and there are also poisonous insects that lay eggs in the human body and absorb nutrients. When the eggs break the body, it will be difficult for gods to save them.

The king of Zhou and the young general fell into the second category.

Tang Ning took out a small jade box from her sleeve. This was the ultimate treasure Su Mei gave him.

He opened the jade box and took out an inch-long insect with a crystal-clear body.

This insect looks like a silkworm but is not a silkworm. Su Mei said that this is the "Ice Silkworm Gu", which is the king of poisons. It can be attacked and defended. If you attack, nothing can be defeated. If you follow the rules, hundreds of poisons will not invade. What is the centipede poison and the yin snake poison? In front of it, it is completely trivial.

Just by feeling the breath of ice silkworm Gu, they will become restless and escape from their host.

Tangning looked at the young general and said, "Reach out."

Although the general didn't know his intention, he looked at Li Tianlan and obediently extended his hand.

Tangning placed the ice silkworm in his palm. The young general stared at it for a moment. Suddenly his expression changed. He covered his chest and vomited out black blood.

Within the dirty blood, there was an insect as long as a finger and as thick as a chopstick, squirming constantly.

Tangning pulled out the long knife on the table, cut the insect in half, and then took the ice silkworm Gu back.

He looked at Li Tianlan and said, "His poison is gone."

Seeing that the disgusting insect was vomited out of his body, the general held his hand on the table and kept retching. He rinsed his mouth with a pot of tea, and his complexion became slightly better.

He knelt down on one knee and said in a deep voice: "Thank you princess for saving me. General Xu Ling will be sent by the princess!"

Li Tianlan said: "You prepare your troops in the mansion first, and we will notify you after we rescue the others."

The young general looked at her and gritted his teeth and said: "Princess, several generals want to save, but Zhang Dayuan must die. He has already taken refuge with those grassland people and killed several of my soldiers. If he does not die, the spirits of the killed soldiers will not be able to survive in heaven." rest in peace!"

From the young general, Tang Ning learned that Zhang Dayuan was originally the general of Cangzhou. After being kidnapped by the grassland people, he took refuge with them and killed several generals who were unwilling to rebel. In order to protect themselves, others also In order to be able to control his soldiers and generals, he could only pretend to agree first.

The reason why hundreds of grassland barbarians were able to take control of Cangzhou so quickly was largely due to General Zhang.

Li Tianlan nodded and said, "I understand."

The young general bowed and said: "General, please prepare your troops and wait for the princess to send you!"

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