Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 404: Night attack!

After the princes come of age, they need to leave the capital for their fiefdoms. This is the custom of the royal family.

But this custom is not absolute. If the emperor appoints a crown prince early, the other princes will have no reason to stay in the capital once they come of age. But if the crown prince is not appointed, the emperor will leave a few princes as the choice of the crown prince.

The three princes Kang, Duan and Huai belong to the latter case.

As for the prince Fu, because he is the younger brother of the current emperor, the relationship between the brothers is harmonious, and his majesty deliberately keeps him in the capital so that he can get together often.

According to the laws of the State of Chen, the prince can have his own army, but the number shall not exceed 500. This is to prevent the prince from being too powerful and thus treason.

In the capital with 100,000 guards guarding inside and outside, 500 people can't make any waves.

If they want to rebel, they will be wiped out by the Yulin Guards before they attack the palace.

Although 500 people cannot rebel, it is more than enough to raze any mansion in the capital.

Just after midnight, countless armored figures emerged from Prince Duan's mansion, ignoring the curfew in the capital, and rushed to a mansion across the street.

No one noticed that in the dark corner opposite the mansion, a figure crossed several courtyard walls at a faster speed than them and ran to a mansion across the street.

The five hundred guards of Prince Duan's mansion were stopped by a group of dozens of people before they walked out of the street.

These dozens of people stood in two rows, each wearing golden armor and holding a long spear. They were the Golden Feather Guards responsible for patrolling the city.

The young general of the Golden Feather Guard was also shocked to see so many people appearing on the streets of the capital after the curfew, but he still ordered everyone to stop them and said sternly: "Who are you!"

Among the guards of Prince Duan's Mansion, the leader looked at the young general opposite coldly and said coldly: "The Prince's Mansion is doing business, please get out of the way!"

The young general of the Golden Feather Guard had already seen that these people were guards of Prince Duan's Mansion. Although the ceremony of enthroning the prince had not yet been held, the fact that Prince Duan was promoted to the prince was indisputable. If it was not necessary, they were unwilling to go against the people of the Prince's Mansion.

But it was already midnight, and the guards of Prince Duan's Mansion were all out, and they must not be going to do anything good. However, they were so numerous and powerful that it was impossible to stop them with just a few dozen people.

The young general decisively led his men to retreat, and after the guards of Prince Duan's Mansion left, he lit a bamboo tube in his hand.


A dazzling fire shot straight into the night sky, exploded in the sky, and turned into scattered fireworks, which could be seen in every corner of the capital.

The guards of Prince Duan's mansion naturally saw the firework and knew that it was the call signal of the Golden Feather Guard. The leader frowned and said, "Hurry up later..."

Although he expected that the Golden Feather Guard would not dare to attack the people in the Prince's mansion, if they arrived, the task assigned to them by Prince Duan tonight would not be completed.

The guards heard the words and walked faster.

At the same time, in the Tang Mansion, Tang Ning and Lao Zheng stood side by side, the old beggar yawned, and the eighth and fourth elders stood beside Lao Zheng, with very relaxed expressions on their faces.

One hundred Tang family guards stood in front of them, with a somewhat solemn expression.

Tang Ning learned about the movement of Prince Duan's mansion as soon as possible.

Whether it was Prince Duan's Mansion or the Tang family, his people were around for twelve hours to monitor. Five hundred guards from Prince Duan's Mansion left Prince Duan's Mansion at midnight. It was clear what he wanted to do without thinking.

The Tang family did not have five hundred guards. If their guards exceeded one hundred, it would be an overkill, but these one hundred people were picked out of a hundred, and each of them was worth ten.

Tang Ning did not expect that Prince Duan would be so bold after becoming the crown prince. He attacked the prime minister's mansion at night, and he calculated what kind of choice Emperor Chen would make between the two.

Unfortunately, he did not calculate that his plan with Concubine Tang Hui had been exposed.

Old Zheng looked at Tang Ning and asked, "How are you going to deal with it?"

Tang Ning said, "Anyone who dares to step into this door will be killed without mercy."

On the street outside the door, five hundred guards from Prince Duan's Mansion approached quietly.

The lanterns in front of the Tang family were hung high, emitting a faint light. The order given by Prince Duan was to kill no one. The guard leader stood in front of the Tang mansion and waved his hand. Then several people lifted a huge wood and hit the gate of the Tang family fiercely.

The door bolt broke with a sound, and they did not see the panicked servants of the Tang family.

A wave of arrows rained down.

The next moment, the dozen people in front were shot into hedgehogs and fell to the ground.

At this time, the second wave of arrows rained down.

They had no time to react at all. In an instant, more than ten people fell to the ground.

The guard leader named Xu Wei was stunned for a moment, then he immediately reacted and shouted: "Shoot, shoot!"

But before he finished speaking, a burst of yellow smoke suddenly appeared under his feet.

At the same time, he smelled a pungent smell in his nose, and the next moment, his head became dizzy.

"This smoke is poisonous!"

Xu Wei's face changed drastically. As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately tore off a piece of his sleeve and covered his mouth and nose. However, within this short period of time, nearly a hundred people fell to the ground.

Xu Wei was a little anxious, but more terrified. He thought that it would be a simple matter for the guards of the palace to come out in full force and overthrow a mansion, but he never expected that they would lose 20% of their men before they even stepped into the gate of the Tang Mansion.

He knew that he could not waste any more time. If he waited until Jin Yuwei arrived, tonight's mission would definitely fail. There was a stern look in his eyes and he said loudly: "Come in!"

The Duan Palace guard at the front showed a stern look on his face, and was about to rush into the Tang Palace when he suddenly felt a stinging pain in his neck, wrists, ankles, etc. When he lowered his head and looked down, he saw in the moonlight that the ground was densely covered with things like centipedes. A poisonous insect like a scorpion was startled at the moment, and then his vision went dark, and he fell to the ground without knowing what was going on.

The guards of Prince Duan's Mansion had never seen such a battle before. In just one face-to-face encounter, there was a rain of arrows, poisonous smoke, and poisonous insects. By calculation, half of the 500 people had been lost. But not only did they not even have the opponent's people. See, they didn’t even step through the door!

Xu Wei didn't have time to be shocked. He knew that the Tang family's guards would not exceed a hundred people. The remaining people still had a great advantage in numbers, but they had not seen their opponents yet, which made him feel violently. disturbed.

Xu Wei gritted his teeth and was about to issue another order when the ground beneath his feet suddenly shook.

Figures wearing golden armor poured out from the end of the street. In a blink of an eye, they occupied the entire street and surrounded them.

"Jin Yuwei!" Xu Wei's face completely darkened.

A thin figure walked slowly from behind. One of his legs was lame and he walked very slowly, but Xu Wei did not dare to underestimate him, because this person was General Zuo Jinyuwei and Wu Liehou Han Wei.

Wu Liehou glanced at the guards of Prince Duan's Mansion in front of him with indifferent eyes, and said solemnly: "Put down your weapons, anyone who tampers with them will die!"

Although there were many people in Jin Yuwei, they were Prince Duan and subordinates of the prince. Everyone was not too afraid and looked at Xu Wei.

However, while they were hesitating, Wu Liehou had already raised his hand and quickly waved it down.

"There is an assassin assassinating Prime Minister Tang. If you resist with weapons within one breath, kill him!"

A breath is a breath, which is how long it takes for him to wave his hand.

call out!

As he waved his arm down, there was another shower of arrows in the night sky. The guards of Prince Duan's Mansion who had no time to put down their weapons were immediately shot and killed on the spot. Even those who disarmed immediately, many were affected.

Xu Wei was hit by an arrow in his shoulder. He looked at Wu Liehou with eyes split open and gritted his teeth and said, "Han Wei!"

"Kneel down!" Wu Liehou's face darkened and he said sternly: "Assassinate the prime minister of the dynasty, who gives you the courage to do so!"

Two Jin Yu guards had already come forward and forced him to kneel down.

Xu Wei continued to struggle, but Wu Liehou glanced at him and said, "Break his legs."


Jin Yuwei ordered the ban, and Xu Wei screamed, his legs bent at a strange angle, and he knelt in front of Wu Liehou.

Tang Ning walked out of the house, looked at Wu Liehou, cupped her hands and said, "Thank you, Lord Marquis, for arriving in time."

Seeing Tang Ning, Wu Liehou showed a smile on his face and asked, "Jin Yuwei is late. Is Mr. Tang okay?"

"It's okay." Tangning waved her hand, looked at Xu Wei who was kneeling on the ground with both legs broken, and shook her head: "Prince Duan really doesn't want to wait all day..."

Xu Wei's forehead was covered with cold sweat, but he still looked at Tang Ning with fierce eyes. A smile appeared on his face and he said: "You can hide from the first grade of junior high school, but you can't hide from the fifteenth grade. His Highness will not let you go. Wash your neck." Wait for death hahaha..."

Tangning glanced at him, then looked away and said, "Go to Prince Duan's Mansion."

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