Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 432: The Secretary's Entrustment

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Zhao Yuan held up a chicken leg and gnawed it. Tang Yaoyao looked at Tang Ning and asked, "Have you found a new business opportunity?"

Tang Ning has always felt that you can't make enough money, you just have to spend it, but Tang Yaojie has always maintained a high enthusiasm for making money. This may be something that comes from the bones of her Tang family. No wonder the Tang family's business is doing so well. big.

Tangning looked at her and said, "The Sixteenth Guards Competition is coming soon. You can place your bets. The bookmakers will definitely give you a handicap when the time comes."

Tang Yaojing is known as the god of gambling. He won nearly one million taels of silver through gambling because Tang Ning won the first prize in the exam. Nothing can make money faster than this.

"Gambling is risky." Tang Yaoyao looked at him and asked, "Aren't you in the Ministry of War? Do you have any inside stories?"

Unexpectedly, Tang Yaojing, who had always been unconventional in her work, had become diligent and thrifty. Tang Ning was surprised by this improvement.

However, the Ministry of War only has the right to host the Sixteenth Guards Competition, and it is a thankless task. There is no inside story or secret dealing, unless he poisons the food of a strong team and bets on another weak team. To win, their food is controlled by the Ministry of War anyway, so this method is very feasible.

But doing this is too demeaning. It is not what a gentleman does, and the money earned is not clean. The most important thing is that it is risky. It is better to cultivate a weak team as a dark horse, but Tangning does not belong to the Sixteenth Guards. This The idea is not feasible at all.

This matter can be put aside for a while. As the organizer, even if the Ministry of War does not have any secrets or shady secrets, there will definitely be some inside information.

It seems that Wu Langzhong is in charge of the preparations for the competition. Just ask him when the time comes.

Xiao Jue has been running here every day recently. After walking in quickly from the door, he looked at Tang Ning and asked, "I heard that you beat the 16th Guards Captain today?"

Tangning looked at the bruises on his face and asked, "What's wrong with your face?"

Xiao Jue touched his face and said, "It's nothing, I touched it accidentally."

It's not easy to show off one's face with bruises and bruises. Tangning did not continue to ask questions and nodded: "The Ministry of War is not their military. I just taught them a lesson and told them not to be too presumptuous. How did you know about this?" of?"

"How do I know?" Xiao Jue glanced at him and said, "Everyone in the capital knows that the Sixteenth Guards Colonel was beaten at the Ministry of War. Sixteen people could not beat one, and no face was left at all..."

Tang Ning's previous fame in the capital was mostly due to his being the top three scholar. Of course, the next scientific examination is coming soon, and his status as the top scholar is gradually not mentioned by people, but when it comes to broom stars, the nemesis of the minister is , it can be said that no one knows it, no one knows it. Being famous for beating people may not be a bad thing for him. A record of 16 against 1 is much better than a broom star.

Tang Ning looked at Xiao Jue and asked, "Why are you here at this time today? You should be on duty today, right?"

Xiao Jue waved his hand and said: "After today, I will no longer be in the Youyu Guard. I am now the Zuo Xiao Cavalry Colonel."

Emperor Chen has taken good care of the Xiao family. Xiao Jue has been promoted to the rank of Xiaoqi Xiaowei after only one year as the captain of Yulin. Although Xiaoqiwei is not as good as Yulinwei, the Xiaoqi Xiaowei is a sixth-grade military officer. Xiao Jue It only took one year to reach a full level.

It's a pity that he was exhausted from running around in the six departments, catching corrupt officials and eliminating sycophants. In the middle of the journey, he even went all the way to Chu State. He was in danger many times and was only promoted to one level.

As for Young Master Xiao, he only lived in the capital for a year. This is the difference between the emperor's brother-in-law and ordinary people.

Tangning looked at him and asked, "For no reason, why did His Majesty ask you to join the Cavalry Guard?"

Xiao Jue explained: "My father used to be the general of the Knight Cavalry Guard, and many of his subordinates were in the Knight Cavalry Guard. Those of us will train in the Feather Forest Guard at the beginning, and after two or three years, we will be transferred to the other twelve Wei..., by the way, I am in charge of Zuo Xiaoqiu Wei's competition this time."

"Are you responsible?" Tangning looked at him, thought of something, and asked, "How strong is Zuo Xiao's cavalry guard?"

Xiao Jue said: "It's not bad."

"Where did last year's Xiao Bi rank among the 16 guards?"


"Fifteenth?" Tangning's eyes lit up and she nodded, "Fifteenth is good..."

Xiao Jue looked at him and asked, "What do you mean?"

Tang Ning did not answer him directly, but looked at Xiao Jue and asked, "Do you want to get rich?"

Xiao Jue shook his head and said, "No, I have enough money."

Tangning asked again, "You really don't want to?"


Xiao Jue only said one word before Tang Ning stuffed a chicken drumstick into his mouth. Tang Ning looked at him, shook her head and said, "No, you think."

"Master Tang."

"Hello, Mr. Tang."

"Mr. Tang, morning."

When Tangning returned to the Ministry of War, she was treated completely differently from the previous two days.

When he first came to the Ministry of War, all the officials in the Ministry of War avoided him, but today they became particularly eager. Officials he knew and didn't know took the initiative to say hello to him.

On the way to the Bingbu Yamen to check in, all I heard was his brilliant record yesterday. Yesterday, the Sixteenth Guards lost face, and the Bingbu was proud. The officials of the Bingbu were both prosperous and devastated. , his attitude towards him has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

In addition, he heard another piece of news.

There was more than one violent incident yesterday. It is said that in a certain restaurant yesterday, someone saw the daughter of Lord Shangshu, Miss Lu, who is very famous in the capital, attacking someone in public. The reason for the attack seemed to be that the other party insulted Lu. The eldest lady said that she would never be able to get married, which touched the back of Miss Lu...

Everyone expressed pity for the beautiful but hot-tempered Miss Lu, and pity for Xiao who dared to reveal the witch's reverse scale...

Tangning stood in the corridor for a while and listened to the gossip before returning to her room.

As soon as he sat down, he saw Lu Ding walking in from outside.

Tangning stood up, cupped her hands and said, "Master Shangshu."

"You're welcome." Lu Ding waved his hand and said, "I'm here to ask you for something."

Tang Ning said, "Master Lu, please tell me what it is."

Lu Ding said: "I think the new system for the Sixteenth Guards Competition you proposed yesterday is very good. It is not only fair, but the pressure on our military department is also much less."

Tangning looked at him and asked, "Master Lu, what do you mean..."

"My intention is that since this method was proposed by you, you will be responsible for the preparations for this Sixteenth Guards Competition. After all, no one is more familiar with this new system than you."

When Lu Ding said this, he was still a little embarrassed. After all, this kind of thing has always been thankless. Not only is it unprofitable, but if something is not done well, the Sixteenth Guards will blame him. Those involved in this matter, even within the Ministry of War, blame each other every year.

On the way here, Tang Ning was still thinking that there were too many things that could be done in the Sixteenth Guards Competition held every four years. Unfortunately, he was not in charge and could not seize the business opportunities. Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the Ministry of War, Lu Ding would This opportunity was presented to me.

He thought for a while, looked at Wu Langzhong on the side, and said: "Wu Langzhong is in charge of this year's competition. In this case, I am not stealing Wu Langzhong's job. Isn't that bad?"

"Okay!" Wu Langzhong was stunned for a moment, then stood up immediately and said: "I am worried that if I can't handle this matter well, I will betray Lu Shangshu's trust. Mr. Tang, those who can do more work, I have no objection at all. …”

"In this case, I have no choice but to obey my order." Tangning sighed, looked at Lu Ding, and asked, "I don't know the cost of this competition..."

Lu Ding looked slightly embarrassed and said: "The funds of the Ministry of War have always been tight. The Sixteenth Guards Palace will not allocate funds in previous years. The Ministry of War can only provide one thousand taels..."

Funding issues are also one of the problems encountered by the Ministry of War. For the Sixteenth Guards Competition, the imperial court never allocated funds, and the Ministry of War could only fund itself. For the Ministry of War, which is already tight on funds, it is impossible to spend too much money to prepare...

Tangning looked troubled and said, "Mr. Lu, you also know that the Sixteenth Guards Competition requires a lot of manpower and material resources. These one thousand taels..."

Wanting the horse to run but not giving the horse hay are completely contradictory things.

Lu Ding looked at him and said: "The Ministry of War can provide up to two thousand taels, no more."

Tangning looked at him, sighed, and said, "In that case, let me give it a try."

Seeing that he agreed, Lu Ding breathed a sigh of relief, encouraged him a few more words, and then left in a hurry.

When he returned to his yamen, he picked up the tea cup, but did not drink it, with a look of hesitation on his face.

No one was willing to do a thankless task. He thought it would take a lot of effort to persuade Tangning, but he didn't expect it to be so easy. It was so easy that he began to doubt himself. Is there any problem in this?

After thinking for a long time, he didn't think of anything wrong. He shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

In any case, this difficult matter was finally settled.

In the Ministry of War Yamen, Tang Ning, who had already won the right to host the Sixteenth Guards Competition, had just sat back down in her seat.

He wants to write a plan.

A planning document on the "First Tangren Cup Sixteen Guards Championship".

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