Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 433: Do Whatever You Want

The 433rd chapter of the main text of Ruyi Xiaolangjun: Do Whatever You Want The planning of the Sixteen Guards Competition was a piece of cake for Tang Ning.

The Ministry of War was responsible for the small and large competitions in previous years. Although there was no ready-made plan, there was a general format. He only needed to fill his content into this framework.

The biggest problem was that the two thousand taels of silver given by the Ministry of War were not enough to buy prizes, let alone the venue usage fee, reconstruction fee, labor fee, mental damage fee, etc.

In the past, the competitions were all held in the military camp outside the city, but since Lu Ding gave him this task, Tang Ning naturally couldn't fool around. The choice of the venue needed to be exquisite, and the audience seats had to be built neatly, so that the ticket fee could be collected higher.

However, all of these required silver. Tang Ning didn't lack this little money, but the public and private affairs had to be clearly distinguished. The Sixteen Guards Competition was the business of the Ministry of War, so naturally the Tang family's money couldn't be used.

As the organizer of the competition, Tangrenzhai needs to invest some money in the early stage, and Tang Ning needs to discuss this matter with the boss lady Tang Yaoyao.

Before Tang Ning finished listening to Tang Yaoyao, she frowned and asked: "Why do we have to pay for the Ministry of War?"

Tang Ning explained: "This is just the initial investment. I guarantee that the return in the future will be ten times or a hundred times of these investments. This is an investment."

Tang Yaojing used to be very generous and never asked where the money went. Since the two of them opened a store together, it has not been easy for him to get money from Tang Yaojing. The reason must convince her.

Tang Yaoyao thought for a moment and said, "I don't see any return on this investment."

Tang Ning looked at her and said sincerely, "When have I ever lied to you?"

Tang Yaoyao looked at him and said, "Two years ago, you lied to me that you wouldn't attract bees and butterflies when you came to the capital. Half a year ago, you lied to me that you wouldn't mess around when you went to Chu. Do you still dare to say that you haven't lied to me?"


Tang Ning was speechless. Tang Yaoyao looked at him and said angrily, "Only ghosts would believe what you men say!"

Although she said so, she still agreed to let Tang Renzhai host the Sixteen Guards Championship.

This is Tang Yaojing, who says one thing and means another, is hard on the outside but soft on the inside, and never refuses Tang Ning's request.

It's not enough to finalize this matter, we need to find some other sponsors.

Tang Ning looked at Tang Yaoyao and asked, "Is your father home?"

"Yes." Tang Yaoyao looked at him and asked, "Do you have something to do with my father?"

Tang Ning nodded and said, "Something."

Tang Yaoyao was surprised and said, "Aren't you always avoiding him?"

"That's strange. Why would I avoid him?" Tang Ning shook his head and said, "I don't owe him money or steal his daughter..."

Compared with the wealthy and powerful Tang, Tang Ning and Tang Yaoyao were like nouveau riche. Anyway, he had a lot of money. Who else would he cut if not him?

Tang Yaoyao frowned: "Who to steal from?"

"It doesn't matter who to steal from..." Tang Ning waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's go find your father and cheat him... for some money."

Tang Ning and Tang Yaoyao walked in from the gate. Tang Yaoyao turned his head and looked at him and asked, "You want to get money from my father, it's impossible."

Tang Ning looked at her and said, "How about we make a bet?"

"Bet?" Tang Yaoyao glanced at him and asked, "What bet?"

"If I get money from your father, you have to do something for me." Tang Ning thought for a while and said, "On the contrary, you can ask me to do something."

Tang Yaoyao asked, "What is it?"

Tang Ning said, "As long as it does not violate morality, it can be anything."

"Okay!" Tang Yaoyao thought for a while, stretched out his hand, slapped his palm together, and said, "It's a deal."

Tang's house, in the main house. Tang Ji was flipping through an account book in his hand. It was the end of the year. This account book recorded the profits and losses of the Tang family's industry in the capital this year.

He flipped through it casually, looking a little unhappy, and said, "This year's profit has actually decreased compared to last year. Who is in charge of the capital?"

The old housekeeper stood in front of him and said, "It's Lao Xu."

He said, and then added, "But sir, you can't blame Lao Xu for this matter. The capital is different from Lingzhou. The business here is extremely prosperous and the competition is fierce. New variables will appear every few months. We have to compete with other merchants. It is common for profits to fluctuate every year."

Mr. Tang turned a new page and did not delve into it.

He also knew in his heart that the traditional industries run by the Tang family, such as silk shops, pawnshops, grain shops, restaurants and inns, in the capital, where there are pawnshops, then this street is full of pawnshops, where there are restaurants, this street is also full of restaurants. It is not easy to stand out from so many competitors and take the lead.

Unless they are like Tangrenzhai, which has the advantage of content among all bookstores and cannot be copied by others, their books, including the derivative peripheral products, are protected by copyright law. If anyone dares to use them without authorization, the fine from the Imperial College alone will bankrupt them.

Tang Ji stroked the short beard on his chin. He didn't know where this rascal came up with this vicious trick, which directly cut off the way for others to copy.

At this time, a servant came in and said, "Master, Mr. Tang and Miss are here."

Hearing this, Tang Ji panicked and asked, "Are they here together?"

Last time he overheard Xiu'er and his daughter discussing something, "There's no rush now, even Xiao Wu can't be ranked..." and so on. Since then, his heart has been hanging on him.

How could he, Tang Ji's daughter, be someone else's mistress and still ask for it?

The servant looked at Rich Man Tang whose expression changed, nodded in surprise, and said, "We came here together."

After he finished speaking, Tang Yaoyao walked in from the outside, looked at Rich Man Tang and said, "Dad, we have something to discuss with you."

Rich Man Tang stood up subconsciously and said, "No!"

Tang Yaoyao was stunned for a moment and said, "We haven't said what happened yet."

Rich Man Tang said resolutely: "If it doesn't work, it won't work. You should give up this idea as soon as possible."

Tang Yaoyao looked at him, then looked at Tang Ning and said, "You lose."

Tang Ning didn't expect that Rich Man Tang would be so determined. Hearing this, he shook his head helplessly and said, "I originally thought that it would be better to cooperate with Uncle Tang than to cooperate with others. Since Uncle Tang is not willing, I will go." I'm looking for someone else. Uncle Tang, don't blame me for not looking for you first..."

"Wait a minute." After Tang Ji was stunned, he stopped him and asked, "What kind of cooperation?"

Tang Ning briefly described to him the matter of sponsoring the Sixteenth Guardian Competition.

Tang Ji finally let go: "So it's not..."

Tang Yaoyao asked curiously: "What is it not?"

"It's nothing." Tang Ning looked at Tang Ning, his eyes flashed, and said, "You asked me to provide money to help you prepare for the Sixteenth Guards Competition, including all the tools and prizes for this competition, all from my Tang family store s things?"

"They are two Tang families." Tang Ning looked at Tang Yaoyao and said to Rich Man Tang, "It's your Tang family and our Tang family."

In this competition, he and Tang Renzhai of Tang Yaojie were the chief organizers, and Tang Richman's Tang family was just taking advantage of them.

"What is your Tang family? It's a dream!" Rich Man Tang pulled Tang Yaoyao to his side and corrected: "It's your Tang family and our Tang family."

Tang Yaoyao only understood the word "dream". She looked at Tang Ning and said, "My father doesn't agree. You lose."

"No, I agree." Tang Ji waved his hand, looked at Tang Ning, and said, "I will do as you say, but you have to promise that no one else will participate in the preparations for this competition except ours."

Tang Ning nodded and said, "As I said just now, the wealth should not go to outsiders, so the first thing I thought of was Uncle Tang."

Rich Man Tang reminded again: "We are outsiders too."

Tang Yaoyao was a very strange father. He quickly agreed to big things, but always struggled with these insignificant details. After Tangning reached an agreement with him, she was unwilling to argue with him about these small things and left.

Tang Yaoyao looked at Rich Man Tang in confusion and asked, "Dad, why are you..."

Rich Man Tang waved his hand, looked at her, sighed softly, and said: "Yaoyao, this guy is very smart. A simple girl like you might have been deceived by him at some point, and you still have to count the money for him. You But you must be careful about him..."

"How dare he!" Tang Yaoyao curled her lips and said, "If he dares to lie to me, I will beat him!"

As soon as Tang Ning returned to her yard, Tang Yaoyao flew over from the wall.

She walked to Tang Ning and said, "I lost, what do you want me to do?"

Tang Yaojiao is willing to admit defeat. She just promised herself one thing, and there is no limit to the scope except that it does not violate morality.

This means he can do whatever he wants now.

"Anything can be done..." Tangning looked at her, looked up and down, with a smile on her face, she slowly approached her ear and whispered: "I want you..."

When Tang Yaoyao saw him approaching with a smile, her face turned slightly red. Thinking of the stories she had read these past few days, her eyelashes trembled in panic, and her beautiful eyes slowly closed.

"I want you to learn three pig sounds."

Tangning laughed, then looked at her and asked in surprise, "Why are you blushing? Why do you close your eyes?"

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