Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 534: Su Mei goes to Jiangnan

Su Mei was unusually busy today. When Tang Ning walked in, she was sitting alone in the yard, looking up at the moon in a daze.

Seeing Tang Ning walking in, she looked away, stood up, stretched her body, and asked, "Newlywed Yaner, why don't you spend more time with your third wife?"

Even if he wanted to accompany the third lady, he had to obtain the consent of his father-in-law. After Tang Yaoyao came back, Rich Man Tang seemed to have no intention of letting her come back. He had endless arrangements for her every day. It seemed like She was going to take over all the Tang family's business.

Tangning walked over, sat across from her, and said, "Bring them to Tianranju for dinner and stop by for a visit."

"It just so happens that I have something to tell you." Su Mei looked at him and said, "I have to go on a long trip, so I will leave my mother to you. Xiaotao, you can also help me take care of her."

It's been a long time since the Tang family's incident happened, and outsiders were not allowed to enter or leave the inner courtyard. It wouldn't be a big deal to take the mother over, but it was the first time Tang Ning had seen her speak so solemnly about it.

Tangning looked at her and asked, "Where are you going and how long will you be going?"

"Jiangnan, as for how long it will take..." Su Mei shook her head and said, "It could be as short as three to five months, or as long as a year and a half."

Tang Ning usually wouldn't ask in detail about Su Mei's matters, but this time it was obviously different. He looked at Su Mei and asked, "Is there any danger?"

"Don't worry." Su Mei looked at him and said, "I'm not going alone, Master will be with me."

Since she said this, Tangning didn't ask any more questions. She just wanted to find a time to pick her mother up before she left.

After a while, in the secluded courtyard of Tianran, Tang Yu looked at Su Mei with a glimmer of light in her eyes. She then looked at Tang Ning and said, "Jiangnan, I've heard that Jiangnan is good, with picturesque scenery and pleasant climate. You Dad once said he would take me to Jiangnan, but I have never been to Jiangnan yet.”

Su Mei held her hand and said with a smile: "I have a mission this time, and it may be a bit dangerous. When I get free time in the future, I will take my mother to Jiangnan to see it."

Tang Yu looked at her and asked worriedly: "Why is there still danger?"

"It's a little dangerous..." Su Mei said without caring at all: "I might choke to death while eating. It's a bit dangerous, but it's okay..."

Tang Yu patted the back of her hand and said, "Crow's mouth, bah bah bah..."

Tang Ning looked at this scene with a smile. Apart from Tang Shui, Su Mei probably had the best relationship with her mother. However, this time Su Mei could not take her with her on her trip to the south of the Yangtze River. When she had the opportunity in the future, she would definitely take her with her. She went to Jiangnan to see.

He sat in the courtyard for a while, and then walked out of the courtyard when it was estimated that the time was almost up.

Chen Zhou walked over slowly and followed him silently.

Chen Zhou was better than Ling Feng and others because of his understanding and eyes. This was also the main reason why the first battalion captain could not be other than him.

On the way from Su Mei's courtyard to the main building, Tang Ning unexpectedly met someone.

Mr. Xu seemed to be walking by the lake, and when he met Tang Ning, he stepped aside slightly.

A fool and as arrogant as Prince Kang could actually respect others, so when Tang Ning saw Mr. Xu for the first time, she paid special attention to him.

This person gives the impression that he is just a gentle scholar, but at first glance he is a scheming counselor type.

It is said that King Kang was able to keep up the fight with King Duan over the years because he was assisted by a counselor named Xu, and it should be him.

But there is no reason for such a smart person not to see that King Kang is actually a puddle of mud that cannot stand up to the wall. I am afraid that even in Chen Huang's mind, if he really has to choose between King Kang and King Duan, the probability of King Kang being eliminated is very low. Be bigger.

But this is someone else's choice. Tang Ning hopes to see such a talented person beside King Kang who can compete with the Tang family and King Duan.

Su Mei left the capital in early February and went to Jiangnan.

The daily flow of tourists in Tianranju remains the same, but the small courtyard is empty. The most beautiful woman in the capital has always been mysterious, and it is common for her not to appear in public eyes for ten and a half months or even several months.

Late one night before Su Mei left, Tang Ning took Tang Yu back home, and Xiao Tao, whom Su Mei had entrusted to him, also temporarily lived in the Tang family.

The most important thing that the court pays most attention to recently should be the birthday of the Queen Mother. When the mother of Liu Feng, the Minister of Rites, celebrated her sixtieth birthday, Liu Feng was just a little extravagant and was demoted to another state. A good thing turned bad.

Not long after this, the emperor's mother-in-law celebrated her birthday. She was not even sixty or seventy years old, but it had already caused an uproar in the entire capital. The ostentation was so grand that it was rarely seen in the world. By then, all the people in the capital who were above the sixth grade Officials will all participate, plus the orders of each family's concubines, etc., the cost is probably equivalent to Liu Feng's mother's 60th birthday sixty times.

This kind of participation is mandatory. Anyone who doesn't go means not giving the emperor face. If he doesn't go, he doesn't wish the Queen Mother happiness and longevity. No one dares to let the emperor remember him because of this incident.

Tang Ning's three family members, Gaoming, will also attend when the time comes.

The Queen Mother's birthday was approaching, and Zhao Man became worried.

She had been worrying about what gift to give the Queen Mother for several days.

The Queen Mother lacked for everything, and the things she gave couldn't be too cheap, too vulgar, or too popular. Looking at her sad face, Tang Ning pinched her face and said, "Okay, you don't have to worry anymore. Leave this matter to me."

Zhao Man jumped up happily and asked, "Really?"

Tang Ning nodded and said, "I promise it won't be cliché and will not surpass all the gifts given by others."

Zhao Man kissed him on the face and said, "Then I will go shopping with my two sisters..."

Tang Ning was going shopping today, but not with Xiao Ru Xiao Yi or Zhao Man, but with Xiao Jue.

Of course, it was not that he had any other thoughts about Xiao Jue, but they had something important to do.

The gunpowder in the Cavalry Battalion was too old and could no longer be used. Moreover, the level of gunpowder and firearms in the army was a little worse than Tang Ning had imagined, and it was in urgent need of improvement.

Tang Ning himself did not have the ability to do so, and he would not rashly improve these things and joke with his life.

There were many fireworks shops in Beijing, and those fireworks craftsmen were really familiar with gunpowder, and they were definitely more familiar with the power control of gunpowder than anyone else.

Being a fireworks craftsman was really unfair to them, and they were more than enough to be military advisors.

Between the New Year and the Lantern Festival, or during any festival, these fireworks shops are the most popular. On weekdays, they are deserted and there are not many customers.

Tang Ning and Xiao Jue walked into a shop, and the shopkeeper immediately came up to them and asked with a smile: "What do you want, sir? We have everything here, including sky rockets, firecrackers..."

Xiao Jue asked: "Did you make all these fireworks?"

"Of course!" The shopkeeper said: "This is my ancestral craft, which has been passed down for several generations. This craft is unique in the capital..."

"Okay." Xiao Jue waved his hand and said: "Report to the Left Cavalry Camp tomorrow morning."

Hearing Xiao Jue's words, the shopkeeper's face changed, and he said in a trembling voice: "Little, I abide by the law on weekdays, but I haven't committed any crime..."

After explaining to him for a long time, the shopkeeper realized that they were not here to arrest people, and he agreed with some trepidation that he would report to the Cavalry Camp on time tomorrow.

This matter actually has some sense of coercion, but if they can stay in the army, not only will they have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives, but if they are lucky, they can also benefit their descendants.

After visiting several fireworks shops, Xiao Jue looked at Tang Ning and asked, "We have already found three, how many more do you want to find?"

Tang Ning said, "There are two more, choose one from the two."

Xiao Jue knocked on the door of another shop and looked at an old man who came out. Just as he was about to ask a question, he was suddenly stunned and looked at his empty sleeves.

The old man looked down and said, "I was tinkering with fireworks when I was young and accidentally blew them up. Do you want to buy fireworks?"

Xiao Jue was about to ask a question, but Tang Ning waved his hand and said, "No need to ask, it's him."

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