Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 535: Stealing Cousin

On the mountain behind Zuo Xiaowei's camp, loud noises have always been heard in the past two days. Fortunately, there are no ordinary villages around the camp, and there is no disturbance to the people.

Tang Ning felt that since gunpowder had already appeared, it could not be wasted. The trend of history was irreversible. Sooner or later, this thing would play its due role on the battlefield.

In this case, just let it exert its power earlier.

Of course, he didn't have the professional knowledge in this area, and he was afraid of death, so it was better to leave things like improving gunpowder to special people.

Most of these fireworks craftsmen have been passed down from generation to generation, and the formulas in their hands are different, and the power of the gunpowder they create is also different. When they gather together and communicate with each other, they can use small gunpowder to make flowers.

Generally speaking, ordinary people would not pass on this heirloom skill even if they died, but no one wanted to miss the opportunity to transform from a businessman to a military official and spread it to their descendants.

Tang Ning had already requested an order from Emperor Chen to build a separate firearms camp outside of Zuo Xiaowei to specialize in the study of firearms and gunpowder. The request had been approved.

There is no need to worry too much about the safety of these people. Anyone who has been tinkering with gunpowder for a lifetime and can still stand in front of him and gasp is a selected elite.

Xiao Jue came over, looked at him and asked, "Is it useful to invite those people?"

Tang Ning said, "We'll find out later."

In fact, after several people's communication and research, in two days, they have created a gunpowder that is more powerful than the military's secret recipe. Although it is only a little bigger, it is still progress. It won't take long. More advanced and mature products will appear.

Tang Ning glanced at Zhang Chao, who had changed into ordinary guard clothes and walked out of the military camp, and asked Xiao Jue, "What happened to General Zhang Zuolang?"

Xiao Jue looked back and said, "Maybe he went to have a private meeting with a sweetheart again."

"Private meeting?"

"Without a private meeting, that woman won't live long." Xiao Jue glanced at him and said, "Otherwise, where do you think Princess Yiyang's reputation as a shrew came from? On the surface, he doesn't care about Zhang Chao's romantic affairs outside, but Once his love affair outside is known to her, it will sink into trouble the next day..."

Princess Yiyang was indeed cruel. Tang Ning was secretly grateful. Fortunately, the ladies in his family were all good, unlike Xiao Jue who guarded a tigress. If he dared to have other lovers in this life, his lover would not be betrayed. Caisui, the possibility of him being caissoned is quite high.

He gave Xiao Jue a pitiful look and said, "I'll go to the back mountain to take a look. Keep an eye on the camp..."

The Queen Mother's birthday is getting closer and closer, and no one in the capital, from the common people to the powerful, knows about it.

On the occasion of the Queen Mother's birthday, Emperor Chen hosted a banquet for all the officials and dignitaries of the capital and offered a general amnesty. Notices were posted all over the world, wishing that everyone in the world would congratulate the Queen Mother. Under such circumstances, Tang Ning could not be too stingy. , discussed with Xiao Jue, and each prepared a gift that was neither too heavy nor too light.

Tang Ning always wondered if Chen Huang, who loved money as much as his life, had the idea of ​​taking the opportunity to accept gifts. The gifts he received at the Queen Mother's birthday banquet would make him laugh out loud in his dreams.

In the inner courtyard of the Tang family, Tang Yu handed a small bundle to Tang Ning and said, "Tomorrow is Shui'er's birthday. Help me give this to her."

Tangning weighed the baggage and found that it was not heavy. She asked curiously, "What is this?"

"I sewed the clothes for her." Tang Yu explained: "From the time she was born, I have personally sewed a set of clothes for her every year."

She treated Tang Shui better than her own mother. No wonder Tang Shui had been kissing her since he was a child. Tang Ning picked up the bag and said, "I'll give it to her tomorrow."

Natural residence, somewhere in a remote corner by the lake.

There are not many gardens with lakes in Beijing, and Tiantianju is one of them. Although the lake here is not big, it is not small either. There are green trees around the lake. Whenever night falls, in the woods beside the lake, It has become a holy place in the hearts of young men and women.

Whatever etiquette and restraint, after the night fell, nothing was left that was eroded by the night.

Tang Ning stood in a remote place by the lake. She looked at Tang Shui who was walking over. She handed the small bundle in her hand to her and said, "Mom asked me to give it to you."

Tang Shui took the gift, looked at the shadows in the woods behind him, and whispered: "Just let someone deliver it. Why did you choose this place?"

Tangning shook her head and said, "Send it to the Tang family. What if someone discovers it?"

If he wasn't worried about being seen by the Tang family, he wouldn't act like he was having an affair underground.

Tang Shui no longer struggled with this issue and asked, "Where's yours?"

Tangning asked, "What's mine?"

Tang Shui frowned and said, "Where is your gift?"

"I forgot to prepare... Next time, I will remember it next time." Tang Ning said, "I'm leaving first."

Tang Shui stood there, holding the small bundle in his hand, feeling a little disappointed.

This trace of disappointment only flashed through her heart, and she turned to leave.


At this moment, there was a sound of stones falling into the water from behind.

She subconsciously turned her head to look, only to find that a ray of light shot straight into the sky from across the lake. When it reached the highest point, it exploded and turned into silver flowers all over the sky.

Before she could recover, there were one, two, and countless rays of light soaring into the sky. Bundles of fireworks exploded in the sky and reflected on the lake, making the world look like daylight.

During festivals in the capital, large families would set off fireworks to celebrate, but she had never seen such a grand scene.

At this moment, not only the guests of Tiantianju, but also almost all the people in Beijing were attracted by this gorgeous fireworks show.

"so beautiful!"

"I've never seen such beautiful fireworks!"

"I don't know whose handiwork it is. How much money will it cost..."

The gorgeous fireworks lasted for half a quarter of an hour before they showed signs of dissipating. However, just when everyone sadly thought that the fireworks were about to end, several more fireworks shot into the sky, but this time, the fireworks exploded. After that, it did not disappear, but left a few words in the sky.

The flowers are bright and golden, and the fragrance is blown away from afar.

"Could it be a certain girl's birthday today?"

"Are these fireworks just to congratulate a certain girl on her birthday? What a grand gesture!"

"Who on earth did this? Did he clear out all the fireworks in the capital?"

Naturally in the middle, some people were already rushing towards the other side of the lake, wanting to find out.

Tang Shui stood by the lake, staring blankly at the writing in the sky disappearing. When he came to his senses and looked ahead again, Tang Ning's figure had long since disappeared.

That disappointment had long been thrown away by her. In the darkness, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised. In the woods behind her, a woman leaned against a tree and murmured: "I don't know which girl is in love today. She is so happy..."

Beside her, a man looked at the figure by the lake, and then looked at the direction where a certain figure disappeared, thoughtfully.

Tangning stood in the darkness, looking at the figure by the lake.

It was Tang Shui's birthday. As his cousin, he naturally had to show his appreciation, otherwise it would be too shameful.

So he had people prepare these a day in advance, hoping to give her an unforgettable birthday.

Girls generally like this kind of romantic thing. If he hadn't already picked up all the girls he should pick up, he wouldn't use this bottom-of-the-box trick to pick up girls.

Of course, he prepared these for Tang Shui as a simple birthday gift, not because he wanted to seduce her.

He hid in the dark and took a look, but he couldn't see her expression clearly. He only felt that she seemed to be in a good mood, and her goal for today should have been achieved.

When Tangning was about to leave, she saw a young man and woman walking arm in arm from the forest.

He looked at the man and said in surprise: "Zhang..."

Zhang Chao's expression changed, he took a few steps forward, walked to him, and whispered: "Don't expose my identity, or I will tell you about stealing your cousin..."

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