Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 563: Worms

Ruyi Xiaolangjun Text Volume Chapter 563 The one who stood out was the Li Ke Shi Zhong. The responsibilities of the Liu Ke Shi Zhong were similar to those of the Censor, but more professional and specific. The person responsible for a specific one of the six departments was One piece.

In the affairs of the Ministry of Personnel, it is the duty to supervise whether officials in the Ministry of Personnel have neglected their duties.

The person he impeached was not simple. Although Tang Ning was not the real Minister of Civil Affairs, he was the emperor's favorite, and his power was still higher than that of the Minister of Civil Affairs.

Being arbitrary and arbitrary is a taboo in official examinations, and overstepping one's authority is even more taboo. As for causing trouble to the local area, if this label is implemented, I am afraid that he will be recalled to the capital immediately for questioning.

Li Ke continued in the matter: "Tang Ning, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, arrested and imprisoned Ezhou governor, Biejia, Changshi, Sima and other officials without the permission of the imperial court. This caused widespread resentment and panic among the people in Ezhou. I sincerely request your majesty to immediately It is not too late to recall him to the capital for accountability and send another official to take the Jiangnan Road exam..."

Many officials in the court still didn't know what Li Ke was impeaching Tangning for, but after hearing what he said, they knew better.

The situation in Jiangnan was clearer to each official in the DPRK and Central Government. No one from the capital who was sent to Jiangnan dared to interfere in the affairs of Jiangnan.

But this time they happened to encounter a broom star who was fearless, and they could only admit that they were unlucky.

Ezhou is not big, but many people know it. One of the several large copper mines in Chen State is in Ezhou.

The imperial court tried to raise mining taxes many times, but was blocked by Jiangnan officials. There was naturally something fishy about it. It was no accident that Ezhou local officials fell into Tang Ning's hands this time.

But similarly, some people in the court would not let him go so easily. Even if the Ezhou officials were convicted, many officials representing the interests of Jiangnan would seize on him and recall him from Jiangnan first.

After Li Ke spoke up about the matter, several officials came forward to second their opinions.

Such situations where several officials impeach someone at the same time must have been discussed in advance, and the officials who came forward were either from Jiangnan or had close ties with Jiangnan.

Several censors in Taichung were filled with indignation because Tang Ning not only arrested Ezhou officials, but also captured the censor Zhongcheng and sent him back to the capital. This was a naked trampling on the dignity of the censor.

Several senior officials signed a petition to remonstrate, but Chen Huang's expression was quite indifferent.

He looked down and said: "I am tired today. This matter will be discussed at the next court meeting."

After saying that, he stood up and left from the back hall.

After the court meeting dispersed, Fang Hong walked out of the hall, and Sun Qian, the right servant of the Ministry of Personnel, rushed over from behind, shook his head and said, "Master Fang, what should we do?"

What Tang Ning was doing in Ezhou was acting as the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel. As a result, the Ministry of Personnel suffered a lot of attacks in the palace just now. Shangshu Zhou was ill, so the affairs of the Ministry of Personnel naturally fell into the hands of their two ministers. On the head.

Fang Hong said: "Master Tang is not a person who ignores the important and the important. He must have his own reasons for doing this. We only need to wait for those criminals to arrive in the capital, and everything will come to light."

Sun Qian nodded and said, "I also believe that Mr. Tang is not that kind of person, but he may be in big trouble this time..."

After Sun Qian finished speaking, he sighed and said: "It would be okay if Mr. Tang is in the capital. With his ability, officials from the Jiangnan faction may not be able to do anything to him, but if he is far away in Jiangnan, he will not be able to control the situation in the capital... …”

Fang Hong smiled and said: "Master Sun still doesn't understand Master Tang. Even if he is far away in the south of the Yangtze River, those people in the capital can't stand him. What we really need to worry about is them..."

The two of them walked out of the palace gate and went straight to the official office.

At the same time, in a carriage on the street, Tang Qi looked at a middle-aged man and said: "He jumped into this muddy water in the south of the Yangtze River himself. Now that he has jumped in, he should not come out again... …”

A smile appeared on the middle-aged man's face, and he said: "My lord, this trick of borrowing a knife to kill someone is really wonderful. On the Ezhou side, it was thanks to Feng Xiang's relationship. He disrupted Ezhou, Feng Xiang and the people around him. Can you let him go easily?"

Tang Qi shook his head and said, "All this depends on Your Majesty..."

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Don't you understand your Majesty's temperament, Mr. Tang? Unless he can obtain huge and unimaginable benefits, otherwise, your Majesty will not watch the court fall into chaos... Tang Ning will never see him again." It’s so powerful. Only one person can defeat half of Jiangnan?”

He looked at Tang Qi, narrowed his eyes, and said, "If Prime Minister Feng and his party can give His Majesty a stable court, what can Tang Ning give to His Majesty? For Your Majesty, what is more important than the stability of the court?" "

In the royal study.

After Emperor Chen went to court, he would usually come directly to the imperial study to handle political affairs. However, this time, he did not review the memorials. Instead, he frowned and paced slowly in the palace.

He knew about the matter in Ezhou yesterday, and he also expected that in today's morning court, officials from the Jiangnan faction would hold on to the matter, and he was already mentally prepared for this.

What he was worried about was not that the Jiangnan faction was causing rebellion in the court. What he was worried about was whether those Jiangnan rebels had penetrated into Ezhou?

Although Ezhou is located on the west road of Jiangnan, it is also on the edge of the two south roads of the Yangtze River. It is not very far from the capital. It can be reached within a few days of urgent march. If even Ezhou is infiltrated by the rebels, will this Jiangnan still be the Jiangnan of Chen's country?

But if it weren't for those rebels, why would Tangning go to war to kill all the high-ranking officials in Ezhou? He wouldn't be full...

Now the grassland situation has changed again. The Wanyan tribe is about to unify the grassland. The speed of annexation and expansion of the country of Xiaowan in the Western Region is astonishing. In less than two years, all the territory outside Shazhou is theirs. In ancient times, whenever the Western Region became powerful, there would be wars with the Central Plains. Ambition will always expand with the expansion of territory...

Just at this time, Jiangnan is in chaos again...

Chen State seems to be bright on the surface, but in fact it has internal and external troubles. In this situation, some ministers in the court do not think about how to govern the country and strengthen the army. They only know how to form gangs and fight against dissidents. They only have their own interests in mind. They are like termites attached to the court, absorbing the nutrients of the country and strengthening themselves. Once Chen State changes in the future and changes to a new dynasty, although the Zhao Dynasty is dead, they can still be their high officials...


A hint of sharpness gradually appeared on the face of Emperor Chen, and he punched the table, scaring the eunuchs who served beside him to turn pale.

"Your Majesty, don't be angry." Wei Jian stepped forward and said, "Lord Tang has always been trustworthy in his work. When he comes back from Ezhou, everything will be clear."

"I do believe him." Emperor Chen breathed a sigh of relief and said, "But even the court officials got the news, but he didn't send anyone to send a letter back to explain to me. Is he too disdainful to explain, or is he planning to give me a surprise when the time comes?"


After the news from Ezhou reached the capital, the already restless court was stirred up again.

Everyone knows that the Jiangnan faction headed by Feng Xiang has always been very protective of the interests of Jiangnan. This time, Tang Ning's actions in Ezhou have undoubtedly angered this group.

According to insiders, they have united dozens of officials in the court, listed Tang Ning's ten major crimes, and waited to directly attack Your Majesty at the morning court the next day.

However, before the next day, news came from the palace.

Your Majesty is ill and will be absent for ten days.

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