Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 564 Recall

Chapter 564 of the text volume of Ruyi Little Man: Recalling Jiangnan West Road governs nineteen prefectures. In just a few days, what happened in Ezhou has spread to more than ten prefectures.

Officials such as Ezhou's governor, Biejia, and Changshi were imprisoned, and even their property was confiscated. The wealthy businessmen in the state were fined a large amount of tax money before they were able to be safe.

When officials from various states heard the news, they were in disbelief at first. After confirming it, they suddenly became frightened.

In the entire Jiangnan West Road, the governor of Ezhou can be regarded as a ruthless kind. Many of the officials who went to Jiangnan suffered losses at his hands, but even he fell into the hands of others, let alone those whose means were inferior to his. ?

After the Ezhou incident, officials from various states in the south of the Yangtze River knew that a ruthless character might really come to the capital this time.

Officials in the south of the Yangtze River are fearless if they are magnanimous in their hearts. Those who have ghosts in their hearts burn incense and worship Buddha. They hope that their backers in the capital can work hard as soon as possible to recall that person to the capital to question the crime. After all, although this is Jiangnan, the other party It seems that they have military power, even if they are local snakes, they dare not fight with the opponent with real swords and guns.

Whether they are beaten or not is another matter. The other party is a Beijing official with a sacred mandate. They use secret methods to be okay. As long as their hands and feet are clean, they can sit back and relax.

But once the war breaks out openly, it is a real rebellion. If this charge is taken, even if you have nine lives, you will have to take part in it.

Hearing that the man had left Ezhou and was about to go to another state capital, people all over the south of the Yangtze River were panicked.

It has been several days since Tang Ning left Ezhou. In the past few days, they have traveled through three more states.

The situation in these three states is different from Ezhou. Although there are indeed some problems in the state, they are not as serious as Ezhou.

The most important thing is that the attitudes of the officials in these three states are extremely good, and they are extremely cooperative with the investigations of the officials. If the governor of Ezhou had the same attitude at the time, instead of secretly doing evil things, maybe he is still in Ezhou now, instead of He was locked in a prison car and watched the scenery along the way from Ezhou to the capital.

After all, the purpose of his trip to Jiangnan this time was not to take exams. If the other party looked at him, he would not treat him like the governor of Ezhou.

However, he did not tolerate tax issues. Once a businessman was found to have committed tax evasion and other acts, he would immediately impose a fine of five times the amount of silver and a fine of five years at a time. All he needed was silver and no banknotes. After the tax was paid, he would be fined. It will be shipped to the capital.

As for the officials involved, corresponding evaluations will naturally be given during the assessment, and the Ministry of Personnel will make the final decision.

Jiangnan West Road, Hongzhou.

Tang Ning has stayed in Hongzhou for three days. He has not found any major problems in Hongzhou and is preparing to leave for Raozhou today.

The governor of Hongzhou and others escorted him out of the city and said with a smile on his face: "Lord Tang, go slowly!"

This smile is a smile from the heart. When this adult from the capital leaves, each of them is happy in their hearts.

The incident in Ezhou almost made the officials in Jiangnan states become frightened when they heard about "Tang Ning". Before he was about to arrive in Hongzhou, the officials in Hongzhou did not let go of their worries.

After he arrived in Hongzhou, everyone was even more careful with him at all times, for fear that he would put them in jail and have their homes ransacked in his anger...

Surprisingly, Mr. Tang, who did such a big thing in Ezhou, does not seem to be as vicious as imagined.

The examinations in Hongzhou were quite satisfactory, and Hongzhou officials did not suffer any particular difficulties.

It seems that Ezhou is just a way for him to scare the monkeys. After all, if he really makes the two roads south of the Yangtze River uneasy, he will not be able to explain it to the imperial court.

After leaving Hongzhou and going further south, you will reach Raozhou. After passing Raozhou and going further south, you will reach Jiangnan East Road, which is also the destination of Tangning's trip.

There are more than a dozen states in Jiangnan West Road, and Tang Ning handed them over to several officials. Now in Jiangnan West Road, the states are afraid of hearing about the officials. Except for Ezhou, the attitude of the officials in other state capitals is acceptable. They should not What obstacles will you encounter again?

Before getting on the carriage, he looked back at Chen Zhou and asked, "How many days have it been since they set off from Ezhou?"

Chen Zhou thought for a while and said, "Tomorrow will be ten days."

From Ezhou to the capital, ten days is enough if there are no detours.

In the past ten days, the capital must have been very lively. After those things were transported to the capital, it would be even more lively. It was a pity that he was far away in the south of the Yangtze River and could not see this lively scene.

The capital has been quite peaceful these days, but even ordinary people can detect the undercurrents surging beneath the tranquility.

The reason for the calm was that His Majesty announced a ten-day break from court on the grounds of physical illness. No matter how much dissatisfaction some officials had, they had nowhere to express it.

Of course, everyone knows that His Majesty is not really ill, but is trying to escape. Tang Ning is his favorite, and His Majesty's trust in him cannot be increased. He is entrusted with all important matters, so naturally he does not want to punish him. , and even do not hesitate to use such methods to escape.

At this time, the court had been suspended for nearly ten days, and the voices in the court regarding recalling Tang Ning to the capital to face charges not only did not weaken, but actually increased.

Due to His Majesty's evasive behavior, the officials in Jiangnan quickly accumulated dissatisfaction with Tang Ning. Now, it is not limited to Ezhou.

Shangshu Province.

Li Ke looked at an old man during the incident and said, "Tang Ning is lawless in Jiangnan and causing trouble to the place. Is it necessary for the imperial court to just watch like this?"

The old man was reviewing the memorial and said without raising his head: "When they come back from Jiangnan, it will be clear whether the Ezhou officials are guilty or whether Tang Ning, the acting minister of the Ministry of Rites, caused trouble to the place."

Li Keqi Shizhong continued: "Even if the Ezhou officials are guilty, Tang Ning is just a deputy minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. What authority does he have to perform duties on behalf of the imperial court and His Majesty?"

The old man said: "Didn't Your Majesty give him the Shang Fang Sword?"

Li Ke looked at the old man in the matter, his tone suddenly changed, and said: "But think about it, Mr. Feng, since the founding of Chen Guo, who else has been given the Shangfang Sword?"

The old man paused while flipping through the memorial. After thinking about it carefully, he frowned.

The Sword of Shangfang is the highest power given by the king to his ministers. It can also be said that the ministers exercise their royal power on behalf of the emperor. The Sword of Shangfang cannot be easily taught to others. Since the founding of the Chen Kingdom, Tang Ning was the first to receive this honor among several generations of emperors.

Li Ke noticed the change in the old man's expression during the incident, and struck a chord while the iron was hot: "In ancient times, anyone who has been favored by the emperor, who relies on favor and is arrogant, and who regards the law as nothing, is not a sycophant. This person disturbs the imperial court internally and causes trouble in the place externally. Your Majesty was blinded by him. Because of him, he ignored the opinions of the ministers and did not hesitate to stop the court for ten days. If he continues, the court will be in chaos..."

The old man put down the memorial with a thoughtful look on his face.

He is the right minister of the government and has to deal with many national affairs every day. There is no reason for him to pay special attention to a deputy minister of the Ministry of Personnel and several Ezhou officials.

But as a king, for the sake of a minister, he treated the morning court as a child's play and stayed away from court for ten days, which was a bit too indulgent.

There is a saying in Li Ke's story that is right. A concubine who is favored by the emperor will bring trouble to the court, let alone an important minister who holds great power?

Whenever someone gets the special favor of the emperor, it is the beginning of great chaos in Chao Gang and the overthrow of Guo Zuo.

He thought for a while and said: "Hurry to the south of the Yangtze River and summon Tang Ning, the acting minister of the Ministry of Personnel, back to the capital."

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