Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 647: Mutual Appreciation

Tang Ning had to admit that Prince Kang played this trick very well. # PineappleㄨLotto Novel #

His performance at the royal family banquet last night was essentially to win sympathy, but compared to the previous suicide, this time the method was undoubtedly a level higher.

He first put himself in an extremely weak position, and then praised Prince Duan very highly. Although they were both princes, their status was completely different. This formed a huge gap, a gap that was enough to make Emperor Chen alert.

This was also the reason why Prince Duan lost the opportunity to manage the military examination and the Tang family's Ministry of Rites changed from the main to the auxiliary in the civil examination.

Prince Duan was not yet the crown prince. If he was too arrogant, he would definitely be beaten by Emperor Chen.

What Tang Ning found strange was that Prince Kang's behavior was very different from before.

A person's personality may change suddenly in a short period of time, but IQ will not.

Especially last night's self-torture trick, in addition to testing acting skills, it also tests wisdom. Prince Kang's wisdom is not up to this level, and there must be a master behind him.

This is a good thing for Tang Ning. Only the smart Prince Kang can contain Prince Duan and the Tang family, which can save him a lot of trouble.


Tang family.

His Majesty's two orders this morning, one gave Prince Duan's credit to Prince Huai, and the other kicked the Tang family out of Wenju. Prince Duan and the Tang family were just proud of themselves, but they were hit head-on and beaten back.

"What is the surname Xu doing?" Tang Qi frowned and said, "How could this method be thought of by Prince Kang himself? When he hanged himself, I had some doubts, and this time it is even more obvious..."

A young man who looked like a scholar stood beside him and said, "My Lord, Mr. Xu said he didn't know, and warned His Highness Prince Duan not to act rashly."

Tang Qi looked at Tang Huai and asked, "Can this person surnamed Xu be trusted?"

Tang Huai gently stroked the index and middle fingers of his right hand, shook his head and said, "King Kang is already the heir to the throne. Except for rebellion, there is no chance for him to get involved in the throne again. The surnamed Xu is a smart man. He won't If you don't understand this, wait and see for now..."

Tang Qi frowned and said, "Then the credit for the martial arts examination will be given to King Huai for nothing?"

"This is His Majesty's intention, who can change it?" Tang Huai glanced at him and said calmly, "As for King Huai, you don't have to worry. Even if His Majesty's throne goes to King Run, it won't be his turn. He is just a tool for His Majesty to take the opportunity to hit Prince Duan..."

Tang Qi thought for a moment before saying, "Don't worry about King Huai, but you still have to be careful about King Kang, lest he jumps off the wall..."


Prince Duan was kicked out of the decision-making team for the martial arts examination, and King Huai took over, and the martial arts examination was still held on time.

Three years ago, Tang Ning participated in the imperial examination, and three years later, he had become an examiner of the imperial examination.

The popularity of the martial arts examination in previous years was not even one-tenth of that of the civil examination, but this year was different. The court attached great importance to this matter and expanded the scale of the martial arts examination. With intentional publicity, this year's martial arts examination was more popular than the civil examination.

The location of this year's military examination was chosen at the training ground of Zuo Xiaowei.

The State of Chen has been established for decades, but the military examination was established only more than ten years ago. Previously, important positions in the army were held by the sons of nobles. In recent years, the Emperor Chen has cut many titles, and only then have positions become vacant.

The examination content of the military examination is also simpler than that of the civil examination, and the procedure is more concise.

The first level tests archery, which includes flat shooting, foot shooting, and horse shooting. The targets are also divided into static targets and moving targets.

In the flat shooting level, candidates shoot three arrows, and all three arrows must hit the target to advance. Foot shooting requires two out of three hits, and horse shooting only requires one out of three hits. Those who do not meet the requirements in any level will be eliminated directly.

Of course, archery is only the first level. After that, there will be tests on horse spears, force measurement, military strategy, etc. There are many types. There are about thousands of candidates in Gyeonggi Province, and only dozens of people can stay.

But if these dozens of people do not die on the battlefield, their future will be much better than those civil scholars.

At this time, the northwest was in chaos. If one could make achievements on the battlefield and earn a title, it would be a matter of benefiting his descendants and entering the circle of the rich and powerful in the capital.

Civil officials govern the country with their talents, while military officials' achievements are all earned with their lives. This is why the court gives special preferential treatment to military generals.

The process of the military examination is simple. There is no need to mark the test papers one by one and then sort them out. The elimination system makes the examiner's task much lighter than that of the civil examination examiner.

What Tang Ning has to do is to see if anyone cheats during the competition, or if the examiner covers up injustice.

He was a little bored watching the examinees demonstrate their archery skills. At a certain moment, he saw King Huai stand up from the seat in front and walk towards him.

He looked at King Huai and said, "Your Highness, is there something?"

King Huai smiled and said, "I have a private matter and would like to ask Lord Tang for a small favor."

Tang Ning said, "Your Highness, please tell me."

King Huai said, "Tianranju has a secret pastry called Qiqiao Lily Pastry. I wonder if Lord Tang can discuss with the fourth lady and sell the secret recipe of Qiqiao Lily Pastry to me."

Tang Ning looked at King Huai and said in surprise, "Is this the private matter your Highness is talking about?"

King Huai smiled and said, "To be honest with Lord Tang, Princess Huai likes this pastry very much. I once sent someone to Tianranju to inquire, but was told that the secret recipe was not passed on. I can only ask Lord Tang for help. Miss Su is your wife and the owner of Tianranju. I hope Lord Tang can help."

Tang Ning was a little surprised. Although Prince Huai didn't have a high sense of presence, he was still a prince. If he wanted to get a secret recipe from Tianranju, he only needed an order. It couldn't be easier, but he actually had to find it in a roundabout way. Himself, it shows that he acts in a low-key manner.

As a prince, Tang Ning's impression of Prince Huai immediately improved a lot because she actually opened her mouth to him for the sake of the princess's appetite.

Men who dote on their wives are generally not bad people.

At this moment, he even felt a sense of sympathy with King Huai.

He looked at King Huai and said with a smile: "It's a trivial matter. It's too outrageous to say whether to buy it or not. I'll go back and ask my wife and bring the secret recipe to His Highness tomorrow."

King Huai smiled and said: "There should be rules for buying and selling. Don't worry, Mr. Tang, I will not pay less money..."

"Since His Highness King Huai insists on giving it, I have no choice but to accept it." Tang Ning nodded and said, "What do you think of one hundred thousand taels, Your Highness?"

King Huai's expression was startled, and Tang Ning laughed and said, "It's just a joke. Your Highness doesn't have to take it seriously. If Your Highness insists on giving it, then just ten taels of silver."

As soon as he finished speaking, without waiting for King Huai's reply, he suddenly raised his hand and walked straight in front of King Huai.

King Huai subconsciously turned his head and raised one arm slightly. Tangning grabbed a stray arrow that was shooting at the back of his head, threw it to the ground, looked at King Huai and said, "The sword has no eyes. Your Highness wants to use it on the school field." Be careful and try not to turn your back to the school grounds..."

King Huai looked at the arrows on the ground, put down the slightly raised palms in his sleeves, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Lord Tang."

Behind him, a pale examiner ran over and said in panic: "Your Highness, Mr. Tang, are you okay..."

King Huai shook his head and said, "It's okay, you can go and do your work."

Not long after, the examiner's furious voice came from behind.

"You can miss from such a distance. You must have bought your qualifications. Get out of here right away. I don't want to see you here..."

The candidate said aggrievedly: "I, I have one more chance..."

The examiner said angrily: "Go away, I will count to three. If you are still here, believe it or not, I will have your legs broken!"

Tang Ning watched the candidate run away quickly, looked at King Huai, and asked casually, as if with deep meaning, "Your Highness is practicing martial arts?"

King Huai smiled and said, "Get used to it a little bit."

Tangning didn't ask any more questions, looked at the sky and said, "It's getting late. Today's competition will end soon. I'll go back first. My wife is still waiting for me to eat..."

King Huai nodded and said: "I am leaving too. If I go back late, the princess will blame..."

The two looked at each other, then smiled at each other and left.

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