Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 648: Alert

King Huai is an extremely interesting person. VertexX23US

He is a high-ranking prince, but he has no princely airs. There is only a princess who is obedient to her. For a pastry she likes, she can lower her face and ask him for help, without caring about the majesty of the royal family.

Moreover, he looked as weak as himself, but judging from his reaction just now, his skill was not inferior to Tang Ning's, and was even better than him.

At least, Tang Ning herself was not able to control herself as freely as King Huai, even when Mount Tai collapsed in front of her, her face remained unchanged.

In other words, he looks harmless to humans and animals, but in fact, he may be a tiger that chooses people to eat.

"A little bit of practice..." Tang Ning twitched her lips. If King Huai had just a little bit of martial arts practice, he would have dared to eat the arrow just now.

There may be a limit to modesty, but people who are excessively self-effacing are either really incompetent or extremely scheming.

Sun Qian, the Minister of Civil Affairs, came over, looked at Tang Ning, and said in shock: "Master Tang can actually catch the arrow with his bare hands. With your skills, if you participate in martial arts, it is no problem to win the first prize in martial arts..."

"Master Sun, you are overly complimentary." Tangning waved her hand and said, "I just practiced for a few days..."

Tang Ning left before the end of today's competition. She really wanted to go home for dinner.

In his previous life, he was alone for a long time, but now he enjoys the feeling of being a happy family.

After dinner, Tang Ning and Su Mei went out for a walk. When they mentioned King Huai's request, Su Mei raised her eyebrows, looked at him, and asked, "King Huai?"

Tang Ning nodded and said, "He said that Princess White likes to eat Tianju's Qiqiao Lily Cake. If someone asks you for your secret recipe, he wants to buy it."

Su Mei asked suspiciously: "Is this the only one?"

Tangning nodded and said, "Only this."

In fact, he had been surprised for a while just now. After all, how could a man like him, who could put face down for his wife, have a second one in the capital?

Su Mei thought for a while and said: "The secret recipe of Qiqiao Lily Cake is nothing. I'm worried that he has other intentions. There are many doubts about King Huai, and I still can't figure it out."

Tangning asked, "What's the suspicion?"

Su Mei said: "There is no doubt about it."

Tang Ning looked at Su Mei speechlessly and said, "You just said there were some."

Su Mei looked at Tang Ning and explained: "The biggest suspicion about him is that there is no doubt about him. Whether it is the civil and military officials in the court or Prince Kang and Prince Duan, they can find some clues more or less, but King Huai has no clues." , He lives in seclusion on weekdays, and there are very few records about him in Tianjin, so no doubts can be found. "

She thought for a moment and then said: "Moreover, this time in the dispute between King Kang and King Duan, it seems that King Kang failed and King Duan benefited, but in fact all he got was some false fame. The central department that King Kang originally controlled was given to King Huai. He is also responsible for the martial arts competitions, and all he gets are substantial benefits..."

After listening to what Su Mei said, Tang Ning also realized that in the fight between King Kang and King Duan, King Huai was the king of picking up the slack.

When he first came to the capital, King Huai was just a salty fish who could only say, "Brother Duan Wang is right, Brother Kang is right, and the two brothers are right." He had no foundation or influence in the court. Years later, he already has so many resources in his hands...

Su Mei looked at him and said, "King Huai is not a simple person. No matter what, you should be careful."

Tangning smiled and said, "I understand."

Su Mei's sense of smell here was much more sensitive than his. Although Tang Ning was the head of the family, she often succumbed to her decisions.

This is because after careful consideration, he often finds that what Su Mei said is right, while Tang Ning herself sometimes acts out of loyalty.

The two of them walked and stopped at the same time when they reached somewhere.

This place was very familiar. In front of it was the backyard of Red Sleeve Pavilion. Tangning looked up and found that the windows of the room he lived in before were still ajar.

Inside that window, there are many memories of when they first met.

Su Mei smiled charmingly at him and asked, "Would you like to go up and have a look?"

Tangning got up late the next day, which resulted in her arriving at the Xiaoqi Camp a quarter of an hour late.

King Huai looked at him and said, "Master Tang seems to be in poor spirits. Did he not sleep well last night?"

King Huai could stand and talk without pain in his back. If he had three concubines, he would be squeezed by one of them first and then squeezed by the other two when he went back at night, and he wouldn't be able to sleep well.

Of course, he is much better now than before.

He handed an envelope to King Huai and said, "This is the secret recipe for Qiqiao Lily Cake. Your Highness has kept it."

King Huai took out a silver coin from his sleeve and handed it to him, saying, "Thank you."

Tangning accepted the money and sat back in her seat.

The examiners of the martial arts examinations originally sat at the front. This place was theoretically 100% safe. However, after yesterday's incident, they moved the position a few feet to the back and placed a wooden wooden board behind the candidates. Made screen.

Thousands of people have signed up for the martial arts competition in the Gyeonggi region. Zuo Xiaowei's school is very large and can be divided into several areas for simultaneous competition. The first round of the martial arts competition can be completed in five or six days.

Tang Ning and Wang Huai still left a little earlier before today's competition ended.

When he returned home, he unexpectedly saw Lu Ya.

Lu Ya and Princess Anyang used to come to the Tang family frequently. Since Xiao Jue left, Lu Ya came here less often. After that incident, Princess Anyang never came again.

In the study, Tang Ning looked at Lu Ya and asked, "What does Miss Lu want from me?"

Lu Ya looked at him and said, "I want to participate in martial arts."

"You?" Tang Ning looked at her in surprise. Chen Guo did not allow women to participate in civil or military examinations, unless they disguised themselves as men. But even then, there were strict inspections for joining the army. She couldn't pass that test. .

Lu Ya looked at him and said: "Chen State has a precedent for women to participate in martial arts. Decades ago, there were countless female generals fighting on the battlefield. It was possible before, why not now?"

Tang Ning knew what she was talking about. Decades ago, there was a large-scale attack on the grassland. Many of the men in the Chen Kingdom's generals were killed and wounded, and no one could use them. In the end, in order to defend the country, the women in the generals also put on armor and went out to fight, and won the battle with great difficulty. That battle to defend the country.

Tang Ning knew that she wanted to see Xiao Jue, so she thought about it and said, "I'll give it a try, but I don't know if His Majesty will agree to it."

Lu Ya nodded and said, "Thank you, Mr. Tang."

In the royal study room, Emperor Chen closed the book in his hand, looked at Tang Ning, shook his head and said, "It is a shame for our country, Chen, to let women go to the front to fight. The men of Chen country are not dead yet, so it is not the woman's turn to rush to the front. This matter There’s no need to mention it again.”

This matter was actually something that Chen Huang nodded. If he didn't agree, there was nothing Tangning could do.

But Lu Ya's idea of ​​fighting alongside Xiao Jue at the front was destined to fail.

The capital, a garden somewhere.

Today is a garden party held by Princess Anyang, attended by all the famous ladies from Beijing. When Lu Ya was sitting in a corner, lost in thought, Princess Anyang came over and asked teasingly: "Why, do you miss your Xiao Jue again?" "

Lu Ya sighed and said, "Your Majesty did not agree to that matter."

Princess Anyang thought for a while and said, "How about I help you think of a solution?"

Lu Ya shook her head and said, "Forget it, even Mr. Tang can't do anything, let alone others."

Princess Anyang was startled and asked, "Which Mr. Tang?"

Lu Ya said: "Of course it's Minister Tang. He just asked His Majesty for me yesterday. Your Majesty didn't agree, so there's no need to trouble Sister Anyang anymore."

Thinking of Tang Ning, Princess Anyang showed an angry look on her face and said, "What are you talking about? Anything that Tang Ning can do, I, Anyang, can do, and what Tang can't do, I, Anyang, can still do." , Don’t worry, leave this matter to me!”

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