Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 649 Hearsay

Princess's Mansion.

Although Prince Fu's fiefdom was outside the capital, the relationship between Prince Fu and Emperor Chen was harmonious. Prince Fu would be recalled to the capital from time to time. In the past two years, Emperor Chen kept him in the capital for convenience. It was inconvenient to build another one in the capital. Prince Fu's Mansion, Prince Fu and Princess Fu live in Anyang Princess Mansion.

During lunch time, Prince Fu took a bite of food for the princess and said, "Try this. This is something I asked the cook to learn. How does it taste?"

After finishing the dishes, he saw Princess Anyang looking at him. After thinking for a while, Prince Fu also put some vegetables in her bowl and said, "Try it too, but don't taste too much. This is for your mother and concubine." ”

Princess Anyang put down her chopsticks and said angrily: "My father only sees my mother and concubine, does he still have my daughter?"

Prince Fu glanced at her and said calmly: "It doesn't matter whether you are in the eyes of my father, as long as you are in the eyes of your future commander."

Princess Fu looked at Princess Anyang and said: "You said you are not young anymore. You are not satisfied with any of the candidates you are considering for the county horse. You should just tell me which young talent you have your eye on." , Can’t we just ask His Majesty for marriage?”

"Young talents are all in name only, so don't mention it..." Princess Anyang flirted with the topic, looked at Prince Fu, and said, "Father, I have something to ask you."

"Do you need any money?" Prince Fu said without even looking at her: "If there is any banquet to be held, you have to figure it out on your own..."

"Does my father only have money in his eyes?" Princess Anyang glanced at him dissatisfied and said, "What I asked my father for this time is a serious matter..."

royal palace.

Chen Huang had just played a game of chess with King Fu and won with one more piece. He was in a happy mood and walked out of the hall. He pointed at the square in front of the hall and said with a smile: "I still remember that back then, a few of us didn't study hard and ran out secretly. , we were brawling in this square, and were discovered by the emperor and punished to kneel in the ancestral temple. Thanks to the chicken drumsticks you hid in your sleeves, the two of us survived that night, but the princes and brothers were in misery. I fainted from hunger in the middle of the night..."

King Fu took out a paper bag from his sleeve and opened it. There was a chicken drumstick in the paper bag. He took a bite himself, then handed it to Chen Huang and said, "Brother Huang, do you want a bite?"

"Your habits are still the same as before." Chen Huang smiled, took the chicken leg, took a bite, and said, "It still tastes the same as before."

King Fu touched his bulging belly and said with a smile: "After all these years, I still like this bite."

"Yes, so many years have passed in such a flash." Emperor Chen looked at the sky outside the palace and said, "Is the death anniversary of the second brother Wang coming soon?"

King Fu thought for a moment, nodded and said, "There's still half a month."

"When I looked at the square in front of me, I felt like I had seen the scenes of us laughing and playing when we were children, and seeing several dead royal brothers..." Emperor Chen looked at the square in front of him, silent for a moment, and then said after a long time: "Say, It would be great if the king brothers are still here. We can play chess and take a walk in our free time. I think my father will be happy under Jiuquan. "

Prince Fu lowered his head, sighed lightly, and said nothing. Emperor Chen looked away, sighed, and said: "I am worried that my princes will follow the same path as several princes. Is this destined to be something that the royal family cannot escape?" destiny?"

Prince Fu smiled and said, "Brother, you are worrying too much. These princes are of pure nature..."

"Pure and good-natured?" Emperor Chen snorted coldly and said, "I don't believe what you say. Do you believe it or not? If I let Cheng'er return to the fiefdom now, within half a year, he would die in Shuo due to acclimatization. state?"

Prince Fu showed embarrassment on his face and said, "King Huai and Prince Run are both gentle in temperament."

Chen Huangdao: "Rui'er has been like that since he was a child. He is lukewarm towards everything. Yuan'er, Yuan'er is still young, and with Concubine Shu teaching by his side, he has a pure heart. I am very relieved. I hope he can always be like this... "

King Fu saw that Chen Huang's face was gloomy. He knew that the mention of the past reminded him of some bad events from decades ago, so he changed the subject and said, "There are some new things happening in Beijing these days..."

Emperor Chen didn't want to bring up the past anymore, so he asked instead, "What happened?"

Prince Fu smiled and said: "Most of the generals' children in Beijing have gone to the northwest. During the martial arts competition this time, some generals' women are also clamoring to imitate their ancestors, make contributions, and go into battle to kill the enemy..."

Chen Huang waved his hand and said: "They are fooling around, let them do it. Fighting is a man's business, it is not women's turn to rush to the front."

Prince Fu smiled and said, "My brother feels the same way."

Princess's Mansion.

Prince Fu looked at Princess Anyang, spread his hands and said, "Your Majesty does not agree."

Princess Anyang looked at him and said, "Father, did you ask?"

"Of course I asked, can my father still lie to you?" Prince Fu glanced at her and said, "Don't get involved in this matter..."

Princess Anyang gritted her teeth and said, "I don't believe it anymore. I can definitely do what he can't do!"

King Fu asked, "What did you say?"

"It's nothing." Princess Anyang waved to him and said, "I'm going out for a while. You don't have to wait for me to have dinner tonight..."

Capital, Yang Mansion.

The Yang family was not prominent among the dignitaries of the capital. No one in the family was in the military or politics. The population was declining, and they were considered a noble in extreme decline.

Even if he fell to this point, even the top generals in Beijing would not dare to make trouble in front of the Yang family.

Nobles with a little experience know that the Yang family has once been glorious. Decades ago, all the men of the Yang family died on the battlefield, and a generation of generals has been cut off since then. Even so, the Yang family has also Without flinching, with no men left, the Yang family's women stepped forward and charged on the battlefield, as brave as their men. The Yang family's female generals once occupied the position of general.

At that time, it was these female generals who supported the entire country. Even decades later, they are still remembered by people. The late emperor treated them respectfully when he was still alive, not to mention those who enjoy their shadow in the capital. Junior?

Today, at the door of Yang Mansion, which has always been neglected, a luxurious carriage slowly stopped.

Princess Anyang jumped down from the carriage, walked up and knocked on the door. After a long time, an old woman slowly opened the door. When she saw her, the wrinkles on her face piled up and she said with a smile: "Princess Came here to accompany the general again..."

Less than half an hour later, Princess Anyang came out of Yang's house with a smile on her face and said, "Go to Zhao's house."

There are many families that have been as glorious as the Yang family, and the Zhao family is one of them.

royal palace.

The guards at the palace gate were on duty when three carriages suddenly stopped at the palace gate. Three gray-haired old women carefully got out of the carriage with the help of servants.

When the guards saw these three old women, their eyes widened at the same time.

It was the first time for them to meet the three old women, but the clothes they wore had already revealed their identities.

These are the only ancestors in the capital who are even treated politely by His Majesty.

An old woman walked to the palace gate, looked at the guard, and said, "We want to see His Majesty."

Royal study room.

Emperor Chen threw a letter aside, shook his head and said: "They are fooling around, and these censors are also fooling around. If the Chen Kingdom needs women to go to the battlefield, where will I put my face?"

He looked at Wei Jian and said, "Tell Shangshu Sheng that there is no need to send such discounts to me in the future."

As soon as he finished speaking, a young eunuch hurried in from outside, bowed and said: "Your Majesty, three old generals from the Yang family, Zhao family, and Qi family want to see you."

Emperor Chen looked at him and asked in surprise: "Are there these old generals in the capital?"

"We old immortals are really old, so old that even His Majesty has forgotten..." An old voice came from the door of the palace. Emperor Chen looked at the three old women who appeared at the door of the royal study. After a moment of surprise, He immediately stepped forward and said, "Why are the three old people here? Come, please give me a seat quickly..."

After the three of them sat down, an old woman looked at Emperor Chen and said, "We just heard that His Majesty looks down on the women of my generals, thinking that they are inferior to men on the battlefield, and does not allow them to participate in martial arts. Is this true? "

Chen Huang's expression was startled.

He could say this to anyone, but not to these three, and he was not qualified to say it to them.

"Hearsay, this is definitely hearsay!" Emperor Chen's expression changed, he looked at the three of them, and said: "Who said women are inferior to men? Without heroes among women like these three, there would be no Chen Kingdom today. How could I look down on it? woman?"

He picked up a memorial from the table and said with a smile: "I was about to agree to the censor's proposal when three old men came over. Wei Jian, go and give this memorial to King Huai and ask him to arrange it immediately." …”

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