Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 731: Surrender

There was an enemy attack in front, and the well-trained Sushen cavalry formed a formation to meet the enemy in almost an instant.

Thirty thousand troops charged from the front, and the other twenty thousand surrounded from both wings. Although they were facing only ten thousand people, they did not slack off or take it lightly.

Hanle breathed a sigh of relief. Although the fourth princess caught their spies and ambushed here, the victory or defeat was still determined by the strength of the two sides.

Fifty thousand against ten thousand, how could they win? Did she think she had ten thousand heavy cavalry?

Such a thought flashed through Hanle's mind. When the ten thousand people in front rushed over, his body trembled violently and he almost fell off the horse.

The cavalry in front was no more than ten thousand, but they were all wearing armor, even armed to the eyes.

Not only that, even the war horses under them were covered with thick armor.

At this moment, a word emerged in his mind.

"Heavy cavalry!"

The grasslands had heavy cavalry before, but that was more than a decade ago. He had the honor of seeing heavy cavalry charging on the grasslands.

The heavy cavalry, covered in solid armor, was like a moving steel wall. The light cavalry was vulnerable in front of them.

A few hundred fully armed heavy cavalry could easily break through the defenses of thousands or even tens of thousands of light cavalry. When the Hanle tribe was at its peak, even the Wanyan tribe had to avoid its edge.

But later, their tribe could not afford the huge resources required by the heavy cavalry, and was dragged down by the heavy cavalry. The leader at that time disbanded the team. Since then, he has never seen heavy cavalry again, but their terror has left a deep mark in his heart.

They only have 50,000 light cavalry. Even if there are 50,000 or 100,000 more, they dare not confront these heavy cavalry head-on.

"Retreat, retreat!"

When Hanle realized that it was 10,000 heavy cavalry charging towards them, he gave the order to retreat.

He knew that when facing the heavy cavalry, he must not stand in front of them no matter what.

Fortunately, the terrain here is open. On the grassland, the heavy cavalry cannot outrun the light cavalry. As long as they avoid their charge, the light cavalry can easily drag the heavy cavalry to death.

However, the retreat of 50,000 troops is not so simple. The formation of the team behind him was in chaos for a while. When they wanted to retreat to both sides, countless figures suddenly emerged from behind the distant hills.

There were dense figures, more than 100,000.

These people were obviously prepared to ambush here, surrounding Hanle and his 50,000 troops.

At this moment, Hanle finally understood why none of the spies he sent out came back.

The heavy cavalry that was running did not accelerate the charge and crush them with an unmatched attitude, but slowly slowed down in the middle and stopped completely when they were still a hundred feet away from the 50,000 troops.

This distance was enough for them to launch a new attack.

Looking around, Hanle's heart had sunk to the abyss. These people were definitely not the Fourth Princess's troops. The Fourth Princess did not have so many heavy cavalry, let alone so many people.

These people were Han people. The Han people sent so many troops into the grassland to ambush them here. Fifty thousand cavalry were surrounded by them. They were afraid that they would be exterminated this time.

The two leaders beside him were already scared pale. Looking at Hanle, they asked in a trembling voice: "Commander, commander, what should we do..."

Fifty thousand soldiers were trapped in a circle, and everyone's face showed a terrified expression.

Originally thought it was just a war without suspense, but unexpectedly there was no suspense, but they lost themselves. The opponent not only had several times their troops, but those cavalry surrounded by cold armor made them extremely scared.

Hanle looked around and had already fixed on a position. If they did not charge head-on with these heavy cavalry and find a direction to break through, they still had the possibility of rushing out.

He could surrender to the eldest prince, he could surrender to the fourth princess, but he would never surrender to the Han people.

At this time, Wanyan Yan came out from behind the heavy cavalry and looked at Hanle from a distance.

When Hanle looked up and saw her, his expression was stunned.

Wanyan Yan's lips moved, and just as she was about to speak, Hanle simply turned over and dismounted, knelt on one knee, and said loudly: "Hanle is willing to surrender!"


Tang Ning had long discovered that these tribes on the grassland did not have any integrity or anything like that. As long as they were all Sushen people, they had a common ancestor, and they would follow whoever was strong. Therefore, the tribe under the third prince would still be theirs in the future.

Naturally, they were reluctant to destroy their own things, so Tang Ning did not give the 10,000 heavy cavalry a death order. Otherwise, they would do nothing. After surrounding these 50,000 people, they would order these heavy cavalry to charge back and forth several times. Among the 50,000 people, there would not be many left who could stand up.

Wanyan Yan's treatment was generous, and the third prince exploited them mercilessly. These days, the people arranged by Aina incited emotions among them. After they were surrounded, they could be encouraged again, and maybe they would surrender.

This would minimize the losses. Wanyan Yan was reluctant to leave her people, and Tang Ning was reluctant to leave the soldiers of the Chen Kingdom.

What Tang Ning didn't expect was that Hanle was more sensible than he expected.

Before Wanyan Yan spoke, he surrendered himself, and the main generals surrendered. The 50,000 cavalrymen behind him didn't hesitate for long before laying down their weapons.

The third prince had only more than 60,000 able-bodied men who could fight. Now that five out of six were gone, the remaining 10,000 people could no longer cause any trouble.

In other words, Tang Ning's trip to the grassland this time was almost settled.

Wan Yanyan only needs to integrate these tribes to become a real khan.

He breathed a long sigh of relief and suddenly felt something strange in the atmosphere. When he turned his head, he saw Wan Yanyan staring directly at him, like a hungry wolf staring at its prey.

Tangning couldn't help but shiver and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Wanyanyan looked at the 10,000 heavy cavalry and said, "Can you lend me these people for two years?"

"No." Tangning rejected her unreasonable request without any hesitation.

These heavy cavalry were Chen Huang's treasures. After the threat on the grassland was lifted, they would return to the capital with him to resume their duties. If these things were lost, he would not be able to explain to Chen Huang.

Wanyanyan shook his arm and said, "Just two years..."

Tangning couldn't resist her teasing, and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, after things here are settled, I will return to Beijing to help you ask for your Majesty's instructions..."

There is still the threat of black barbarians on the grassland. As long as the grassland and Chen State establish an alliance, Emperor Chen will not ignore it.

He was also worried that after Heiman destroyed Sushen, he would become a threat to Chen Guoxin. He would probably adopt the same strategy as supporting Shuhu and Jiagu to contain the Wanyan tribe, and would fund Sushen's tribes to keep Heiman at bay in the Yinshan Mountains. outside.

Ayina and Ayue came over quickly with happy faces. Ayina looked at Tangning and asked, "Should we work together to capture the third prince?"

"No need." Tangning waved her hand and said, "Let people spread the news and be careful with all the tribes. Anyone who is willing to surrender to the Fourth Princess can forget the past..."

Most of the third prince's fighting force has been captured by Wan Yanyan, and the rest are just the old, weak, sick and disabled. If the strong men in the family are here, they will naturally follow them.

As for the third prince, he was trapped in the shallows and couldn't afford to splash any water.

Wanyan is in charge of the department, in the big tent.

The third prince was drinking tea when a figure ran in in a panic and said: "Khan, Chief Hanle..."

The third prince raised his head and asked, "Is Hanle back so soon?"

The man pursed his lips and said in a trembling voice: "Chief Hanle and his fifty thousand soldiers were ambushed midway and were captured by the fourth princess..."

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