Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 732 Fate [3rd update]

Only the Third Prince's men know how difficult his journey has been.

The eldest prince was deeply loved by the Khan, and the second prince was more talented. It was difficult to surpass the two of them and sit in the position of the Khan.

However, God favored him. Two years ago, the second prince went to Chu as an envoy to instigate rebellion and was killed. He died in a foreign land.

He originally thought that after the death of the second prince, he would have one less competitor, but unexpectedly, the fourth princess suddenly appeared, took over the second prince's tribe, and competed with the third prince.

He found another way and wanted to launch a rebellion in the south of the Yangtze River of the Chen State. He was almost successful, but was suppressed by a certain high-ranking official of the Chen State and ended in vain.

The eldest prince failed in his assassination of the fourth princess and should have been severely punished, but the Khan turned a blind eye and instead wanted to pass the throne to the eldest prince.

The third prince was forced to hand over his command talisman, faded away from the core of power, and encountered a low point in his life.

However, under such circumstances, he killed the Khan and the eldest prince, fought a bloody path, and became the king of the grassland.

Just when he got out of the lowest point in his life and climbed to the top, only one step away from that position, 50,000 of his 60,000 soldiers were captured, and he fell to the bottom again.

In a short period of time, from the trough to the peak and then to the trough, most people may not be able to bear this kind of blow.

The third prince slowly looked up at him, put down the raised tea cup again, and asked: "What did you say...?"

The man looked pale and whispered: "Chief Hanle led 50,000 troops to encircle and suppress the Fourth Princess. Unexpectedly, he was captured on the way. Hanle and the 50,000 cavalry were captured by the Fourth Princess..."

The third prince looked at him and asked, "Ten thousand people captured fifty thousand people?"

There was also a hint of disbelief on the man's face, and he said: "According to the spies who escaped, the Fourth Princess suddenly had hundreds of thousands of horses and 10,000 heavy cavalry..."

"Hundreds of thousands of horses and 10,000 heavy cavalry?" The third prince looked at him and asked, "The entire Sushen clan only has more than 100,000 people. Did her hundreds of thousands of horses fall from the sky?"

"My subordinates know that Khan does not want to believe it..." The man gritted his teeth and said: "It is a fact that leader Hanle and the army were captured. I hope that Khan can regain his strength and keep the green hills, so that he will not have to worry about running out of firewood. …”

The third prince was silent for a long time, then waved his hand and said, "Go down."

The man raised his head and hesitated: "Khan..."

"Go down."

The man looked up, bowed and said "yes", then slowly withdrew.

The third prince picked up the tea cup again, but just held it. His face was calm, but deep in his eyes, there was some kind of flame dancing.


At a certain moment, the tea cup in his hand suddenly shattered, the tea splashed everywhere, the fragments were inserted into his palm, and blood dripped on the table drop by drop.

Wanyanyan already has nine out of ten of Su Shen's combat power in her hands. These people are not wholeheartedly loyal to the third prince, so naturally they don't need to expend too much effort to subdue them again.

As long as they can be promised enough benefits, there is no need to worry about them becoming rebellious.

Of course, this is not something Wan Yanyan needs to pay unilaterally. She alone cannot support Su Shen's dozens of tribes.

What Tang Ning needs to do now is to open up the trade route between Chen State and the grassland. The grassland needs Chen State's supplies, and Chen State also needs the grassland's specialties. In the process, they can gain great benefits.

A happy life needs to be created by themselves. This is a path of mutual benefit and long-term development.

Tangning sat at the table, thinking and writing down her development plan for the next few years.

Xiao Jue lay on his bed with her legs crossed and asked: "Do you really want to leave her alone in the grassland to guard the boudoir?"

"Worry about yourself." Tangning said without raising her head, "After returning to Beijing, Shangshu Lu may break your legs if he finds out about your affairs."

The love between men and women comes from human nature, and no dogma or high wall can stop it.

Even in an era when etiquette was prevalent, things like eating forbidden fruits were common, but the fate of those people was much worse than that of young people in later generations.

If you meet a reasonable father-in-law, you may be able to achieve a good thing, but if you meet a hot-tempered father-in-law, Xiao Jue's legs will definitely not be saved.

Tangning herself felt that Lu Ding was not a reasonable person.

Speaking of this, Xiao Jue shivered, got up from the bed, and said, "Please help me stop it when the time comes..."

Tangning shook her head and said, "You can handle your own matters by yourself."

Xiao Jue said with a dark face: "You are not a friend enough..."

Tangning glanced at her mouth and said, "What are friends?"

"Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust." Xiao Jue looked at him and sneered: "I wonder what Miss Tang would do if she knew you raised a little wild horse on the grassland..."

"Friends are meant to help each other, support each other when one party is in trouble, treat each other with sincerity, and share weal and woe..." Tang Ning put down her pen, looked at him, and said, "Don't worry, if Lu Shangshu breaks your leg, I will let him do it." Divine Doctor Sun connected it for you, and I guarantee that you can jump as well as before..."

Wuyanbu is very lively these days.

The fourth princess recruited 50,000 strong men from the Sushen tribe. They all came from different tribes and had their own families. Now that the third prince had come to the end, the tribes began to move to the vicinity of the Wuyan tribe. The heads and leaders of each tribe, They all declared their allegiance to the four princesses.

Compared with the eldest prince and the third prince, the fourth princess is more merciful and treats her tribes better. In the past, the tribes were afraid of the intimidation of the eldest prince and the third prince, and dared not act rashly. Now that the fourth princess has become the Khan, they naturally have no worries.

At the same time, the original Wanyan tribe seemed a little miserable.

50,000 soldiers and horses turned to the fourth princess, and the third prince was doomed. The remaining 10,000 people also fled in the past few days, and the surrounding tribes moved away from here.

Inside the big tent.

One of them looked down, his face stern, and said: "Send people to each tribe to watch, whoever dares to defect again will be killed without mercy!"

The third prince waved his hand and said: "No need, if they want to leave, let them go."

The man looked at the third prince and said anxiously: "Khan, you can't give up!"

Another person said: "Zong Yan is right, we will leave the main tribe first, hide for two years, and then wait for an opportunity to move. As long as we are alive, there is still a chance..."

The third prince waved at them and said: "You go out, I want to be alone."

Several people looked at each other, could only sigh, and left helplessly.

After everyone left the big tent, the third prince was silent for a long time and took out a dagger from his sleeve.

He carefully looked at the dagger in his hand, and it seemed that he could still see the blood stains on it.

He once used this dagger to stab his father, the previous Khan, in the chest. Similarly, the previous Khan also died under this dagger.

"It's fate..." The third prince murmured softly with a self-deprecating smile on his face.

At a certain moment, a space in the tent was slightly bright.

An hour later, the servant who delivered the meal saw the third prince again in the tent.

There was a knife stuck in his chest, and the blood stained the front of his clothes red.

With a faint smile on his lips, he leaned back in the chair, opened his eyes and looked ahead, as if he was inspecting his territory.

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