Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 817: Attacked [Updated 20/23]

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Princess Anyang and Tang Shui were in the pavilion, fighting and having no idea what they were talking about.

Tang Ning used to think that Tang Yaojing was a woman who had an eye for money, but she didn't expect that Princess Anyang was even worse than her.

Tang Yaoyao loves money and likes the process of making money. She actually has no concept of money and never spends it randomly.

What Princess Anyang likes is obviously the process of spending money.

She treats guests to dinner and holds parties all day long, has friends all over the world, spends money from her hands, and can't make any splash. If we want to judge the most prodigal woman in the capital, she will definitely be able to outlast the others and come out on top.

Of course, a prodigal family is not a failed Tang Ning's family.

After all, they are just friends. When they leave the capital, it is not impossible to give her some shops and property.

His and King Huai's proposal has been passed and will be implemented immediately.

Tang Ning got to know the powerful people in Beijing who were doing this kind of gray business, and found that things were not as complicated as he thought.

The Zhou family has the largest business and is the least trivial to deal with. The main reason is that he has the Queen Mother behind him, and because of her status, neither the officials in the court nor King Huai are willing to have trouble with the Zhou family.

After all, no one wants to offend the most distinguished old man in Chen country.

There is nothing to fear from other families.

These families are all hovering at the bottom of the elite, and the origins of some families can even be traced back to the founding of the country when a large number of knights were granted. By now, their influence in the upper circles has been almost nonexistent.

In addition, there are some relatives who are only as good as the royal family, and the imperial doctor who was knighted for his service in treating the concubine more than 20 years ago...

These are all small families that are about to decline. However, larger families do not bother to do such things that have their backs poked. There is no hope for these small families to revive, so they simply start amassing money endlessly, because this business is almost without capital. Buying and selling, so that they will not invest their money and energy in other business matters.

As a result, after the court banned them from making money through this inhumane method, if they did not transform as soon as possible, they would have nothing to do but sit on their hands.

However, when they get used to this way of making money that does not require much investment and can reap huge profits, it is not certain whether they can calm down and do other things.

In the past two days, the Zhou family had a great time dancing with these powerful people, but the Tang family was unusually quiet. Although the Tang family was gone, Tang Ning still did not relax her surveillance on them.

If you don’t break out in silence, you will perish in silence.

After seeing Kang Wang's example, Tangning didn't think silence was a good thing. At this time, the quieter it was, the more abnormal it was.

Of course, it is unfounded to worry that the Tang family and King Duan will rebel like King Kang.

A lesson learned from King Kang is that if Emperor Chen can still let King Duan launch another rebellion, then his throne will never be so stable for so many years.

The next thing Tang Ning will supervise is the ban.

After today, the capital will not allow people from the Western Regions to be traded as goods. Those slaves that have not yet been sold must be handed over in exchange for prisoners and hostages of the Chen Kingdom in the Western Regions.

Regarding the proposal of not allowing the grasslands to be used against Chen State to treat innocent people in the Western Regions, and banning the trade of slaves in the Western Regions, the imperial court officially wrote it into law.

This is naturally not good news for those families who make a living in this field.

But they cannot disobey the law, no matter how they act in secret, at least openly, they must appear to be obedient.

Among them, the most tragic one is Yongpinghou.

Other families still have some savings and can survive for a long time, but Marquis Yongping is completely destitute and owes a lot of debt.

As an extremely marginalized powerful person, he cannot afford to offend any of his creditors.

At Duke Zhao's Mansion, Zhou Wu sent Marquis Yongping out, shaking his head and saying: "It's not that I won't help you, it's just that the amount is too huge. You know, the Zhou family is not having a good time now. This thousand taels is already what the Zhou family can take. The limit is out.”

Marquis Yongping had a mocking look on his face. One thousand taels was just a drop in the bucket for the Zhou family. It was just because Zhou Wu didn't want to help him.

He cupped his hands and said, "In that case, I'll take my leave first."

Zhou Wu watched him walk away, a trace of disdain appeared on his old face, and he turned around and walked back.

The door of Zhou Mansion was closed, and Marquis Yongping turned around, grinned, and said: "Everyone on the left and right is going to die, why don't we all die together..."

Because during the Chinese New Year, all ministries will temporarily close their offices, so each department will be busier than usual before the Chinese New Year.

The Shangshu Province was busier than the six departments and other yamen. The excerpts from each department were concentrated here. Tang Ning could no longer go home at three o'clock in the afternoon. He and King Huai had read all the excerpts. When they walked out of the palace, the sky was completely dark. down.

Normally, this would be the most lively time in the capital, but it had only been a few days since King Kang's rebellion, and the entire capital was still under martial law. At night, the people were reluctant to come out anymore.

Tang Ning held a lantern in her hand and looked at the darkness ahead. She decided to ask Lao Zheng to pick him up at this time tomorrow. Although he and Prince Huai would be on the way, Prince Huai's Mansion was closer and there was still a long way to go. He needed himself Walk.

It wasn't that he was worried about his own safety. Ever since Su Mei got the Book of Ten Thousand Poison Poisons, Lao Zheng might not be able to gain favor with his current poisonous poison methods.

If even these methods fail to work, even if Lao Zheng comes, it will be useless.

King Huai walked side by side with him, and the two chatted without a word, mostly about the recent court affairs.

At a certain moment, King Huai turned to look at him and asked casually: "Master Tang seems to have a high opinion of Xiaowan?"

"If there is a chance, I would like to meet the leader of the Xiaowan Kingdom." Tang Ning said: "His vision and structure are extremely advanced, at least six hundred years ahead of the Chen Kingdom."

"No one knows what will happen in the future." King Huai looked at him and wondered: "Why is Mr. Tang so sure? The world will be like this six hundred years from now."

Of course, Tang Ning couldn't say that he had calculated it based on time. The ideology of the people of Xiaowan was obviously not on the same level as that of Chen and Chu.

Some of their concepts, thoughts, and values ​​would only appear in modern times six hundred years later.

Of course, the premise is that the trajectory of historical development generally follows another world.

He glanced at King Huai and said, "To be honest, I come from the future six hundred years later..."

King Huai looked at him, shook his head, and stopped talking.

Tang Ning didn't explain any more. When the truth is so false that others won't believe it, you can tell the truth casually.

King Huai didn't speak, and Tang Ning didn't speak either, making the atmosphere a bit awkward.

This embarrassment only lasted for a short time, and then disappeared again.

Tangning and Wang Huai stopped at the same time and looked at the alleys that were engulfed in darkness on both sides.

One after another figures came out of the deep alleys on both sides. They were wearing night clothes and their faces were covered with black cloth. The weapons in their hands shone coldly in the darkness.

Tangning glanced at King Huai and asked, "Why don't you bring a guard?"

King Huai asked back: "You didn't bring any with you either?"

This is the disadvantage of not traveling with an escort. Tangning looked at the man in black approaching them and said, "Your left, my right?"

King Huai nodded: "Okay..."

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