Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 818 Thunderous Rage

Last night, an assassination took place in the capital.

It was rare to assassinate someone in the street under the emperor's feet in the capital, not to mention that it happened shortly after King Kang rebelled and the capital was under full martial law. This was simply a disregard for the court and His Majesty.

Especially the targets of their assassination, one was the right prime minister of the current dynasty, and the other was a royal prince. These two people can be said to be the mainstays of the current court. The loss of any one of them would be a huge loss for the State of Chen.

Because of his physical discomfort, His Majesty, who was not planning to attend the morning court today, was furious when he heard the news. He immediately summoned the Ministry of Justice and the Dali Temple to thoroughly investigate the case. No matter who was found, he would never tolerate it.

The targets of the assassination were the right prime minister and King Huai, and Prince Duan was naturally the first suspect.

However, it was not King Kang this time. There were more than 20 assassins last night. After the overnight interrogation by the Ministry of Justice, with all kinds of torture instruments, they had confessed the mastermind behind the scenes.

These people were originally wanted criminals in the State of Chen, and they lived a life of fleeing and licking blood.

A few years ago, Yongping Hou recruited them and sent them to the Western Regions to rob people and bring them to the capital to sell.

Under the protection of Yongping Hou, these people got rid of their days of exile and could get huge rewards from it, so they stayed with Yongping Hou.

The court banned their business this time, which meant that these people had to return to their previous precarious life, so Yongping Hou sent them to assassinate the right prime minister and King Huai-----this matter was originally led by the right prime minister Tang Ning and King Huai. As long as they died, the big figures with relevant interests in the court would push forward, and the matter would naturally end here.

After learning the mastermind behind the scenes from those people, the Ministry of Justice immediately led people to surround Yongping Hou's mansion.

But in Yongping Hou's mansion, except for the maids and servants, Yongping Hou had long disappeared.

The Ministry of Justice immediately issued a sea arrest warrant and sent it to various prefectures by express horse, vowing not to stop until Yongping Hou was found.

His Majesty was also very angry about this matter. The assassins who assassinated the right prime minister and King Huai last night were dragged out by the imperial guards without waiting for the Ministry of Justice to pronounce the verdict, and all of them were beheaded without exception.

At the same time, including the Zhou family, all families that had been involved with Yongping Hou were investigated by the Dali Temple. According to His Majesty's intention, once they were found to have colluded with Yongping Hou, none of them would be spared.

Tang Mansion.

Tang Ning got up in the morning, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and did a set of boxing in the yard. He took two buns and walked slowly towards the Shangshu Province.

Lao Zheng followed behind him, not leaving his side.

After what happened yesterday, he felt that he had not fulfilled his responsibilities as a guard, and he became conscientious the next day.

This also made Xiaoru and Xiaoyi feel relieved.

The assassination last night was beyond Tang Ning's expectations, and Yongping Hou's audacity was also beyond his expectations.

However, judging from what he had investigated about the situation of Yongping Marquis, he did this for a reason.

The court banned his business of human trafficking, and he had already received deposits from others and hired people. He lost both money and people in a flash, and he could not explain to those buyers. It seemed that he had to go all out to fight for a glimmer of hope.

However, he chose the wrong person after all.

Those people last night were not even a stretch for Tang Ning and King Huai.

King Huai practiced martial arts, which Tang Ning had known for a long time, but in the battle last night, King Huai even finished the battle faster than him.

Of course, this was because he did not use Gu.

Even so, it also indirectly shows that if Tang Ning did not use those crooked ways and just fought hand-to-hand, he might not be King Huai's opponent.

His strength had been greatly improved after going to the grassland, but he still had no confidence in defeating King Huai. After dealing with those assassins yesterday, he wanted to fight with King Huai, but unfortunately he was rejected.

He entered the palace and walked into the Shangshu Province, and many people surrounded him.

"Lord Tang, are you okay?"

"Did those assassins hurt you?"

"They dared to assassinate the prime minister, they are so bold..."


Tang Ning waved his hand and said, "It's okay. The Golden Feather Guards who patrolled the city last night arrived in time and subdued those assassins."

"Thank goodness..."

"If Lord Tang had any mishap, it would be a loss for my Chen State!"

"His Royal Highness Prince Huai is here too..."

"His Royal Highness, are you okay..."


The assassins assassinated the Right Prime Minister and Prince Huai. Not only the officials of the Shangshu Province, but also the officials of the whole court and the people in the capital were worried about them.

If the Right Prime Minister and Prince Huai were in trouble, I'm afraid the entire capital would be turned upside down. I don't know how much blood would be shed and how many people would die before it could be calmed down.

Even if the two were safe and sound, His Majesty still chopped off the heads of the more than 20 assassins and ordered the Zhou family, Yichun Marquis and other families to hand over all the slaves in the Western Regions. Before this, the court had planned to give them some compensation, but now there is not even a penny left.

Zhou family.

Zhou Wu looked anxious, pacing in the room, angrily saying: "Crazy, crazy, he must be crazy, he dared to assassinate King Huai and Tang Ning!"

Yichun Hou also regretted in his heart, saying: "We didn't help him, he would drag us to death together!"

The crime of assassinating the right prime minister and King Huai, if they were even a little bit related to them, even the Zhou family would be in big trouble, let alone these downtrodden dignitaries.

Zhou Wu shook his head and said: "No, this business can't be done openly or secretly..."

Yichun Hou said: "The court wants us to hand over the people from the Western Regions..."

"Give them if they want!" Zhou Wu waved his hand. The most important thing now is to sever their relationship with Yongping Hou. If the court classifies them as Yongping Hou's accomplices, they will have a hundred mouths to clean up.

Yichun Hou sighed and said: "It can only be like this..."

Zhou Wu's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said: "This bastard, if he dies, he will die by himself. Why drag us into it? It's better for him to die outside and never show up again!"

Yongping Hou did not die outside, nor did he escape.

If the court wants to find someone, unless he leaves the State of Chen, it is impossible for him to escape.

Although it is unknown where Yongping Hou fled to, on the morning of the second day after the assassination, five hundred guards from each of the four gates of the capital rode out of the capital and searched along the major official roads and provincial roads. It only took two days for Yongping Hou to be found in a village near the capital.

This case is the biggest case that has happened in the capital in recent years, except for the rebellion of King Kang.

The three courts of the Ministry of Justice, the Dali Temple, and the Censorate held a joint trial. Yongping Hou was wearing shackles and kneeling in the hall, his face pale.

The court cut off his business, causing him to offend those big figures in the capital, and he had no chance of survival.

In this situation, he was desperate and assassinated Tang Ning and King Huai, which was also a dead end.

After being caught by the guards, his fate was already doomed.

He hated Tang Ning and King Huai, and hated them for letting him fall into such a situation. He also hated Zhou Wu and Yichun Hou. If they were willing to help him, how could he take such a risky move?

The Minister of Justice sat on the top and slammed the gavel, saying: "You are so bold, Marquis Yongping, you dared to assassinate the right prime minister and King Huai, do you know your crime!"

Marquis Yongping sat on the ground, sneered, and said: "They cut off my financial resources, so I will take their lives!"

Song Yi slammed the gavel again and asked: "Do you have any accomplices? Tell the truth!"

"Accomplices..." Marquis Yongping pulled the corner of his mouth and said: "Yes, of course, such a big thing, how can I do it alone..."

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