Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 940: Dayue's Surrender

There are more than a dozen small countries in the Western Region, with a population of only a few hundred or thousands. Not only do they have to guard against annexation by big powers, but they also have to worry about horse thieves massacring their cities. It is not easy to find a backer who can provide them with protection without annexing them. [This chapter was first published on Ai, You, Sheng, Novel Network, please remember the URL]

There is no doubt that Xiaowan will become the absolute overlord of the Western Regions in the future. When the time comes, other countries in the Western Regions will be conquered by them. How will the allies in the Western Regions deal with themselves?

The best choice is to be loyal to Xiaowan before this happens.

If they are annexed by Dayue or Wusun, their country will perish and the people will become slaves. Submitting to Xiaowan and still keeping the country is the best choice.

Tang Ning asked Mr. Xu to set aside an area in the city to accommodate the people of the Western Allied Countries.

As a result, the countries in the Western Region, large and small, were either annexed or chose to submit, and the entire Western Region completely formed a three-legged alliance.

Among them, Xiaowan is the most powerful, but the combination of Dayue and Wusun cannot be underestimated. Fortunately, they have occupied Dayue City, leaving Dayue soldiers isolated and helpless. Good news from the battlefield , and more and more.

After Mr. Xu made arrangements for accepting the allies, he stood quietly behind Tang Ning. After a moment, he asked, "I dare to ask the king a question."

Mr. Xu used to be from Chen State. It is said that his family suffered a disaster. The government not only failed to make decisions for him, but instead protected the powerful squires. He appealed everywhere to no avail, so he came to Xiaowan in anger.

Over the years, he has made great contributions to Xiaowan, and he has also put himself in danger. He has been undercover with King Kang for many years. After returning this time, he soon took the position of prime minister.

After Tang Ning left the Western Region, he still needed to take care of it. He smiled and said, "Mr. Xu, it doesn't matter."

Mr. Xu looked at him and was silent for a moment before asking: "After unifying the Western Regions, how does the king plan to treat Chen Guo?"

When he asked this question, he did not mention Dayue and Wusun, as if in his eyes, Xiaowan unified the Western Region, and these two could not hinder Xiaowan's unification.

Today, Xiaowan is hostile to the Chen State. The Chen State has deployed an army of 400,000 troops on the border to guard against Xiaowan's invasion.

Mr. Xu's words made Tang Ning fall into deep thought.

He thought for a while and said: "War is the original sin. Xiaowan's soldiers also have parents and family members. Don't ignore their lives for the sake of family grudges."

There were some unresolved grievances between the Tang family, Emperor Chen, and the imperial court of Chen State, but the culprits of this incident were all laid to rest, and their family of three was reunited.

Tang Ning has always had a special feeling for Chen Guo. He could not do anything to plunge millions of people into war for reasons that were not life-and-death grudges.

Mr. Xu already got the answer to this question, nodded and said, "I understand."

Then, he bowed to Tangning and said, "Having a ruler in Xiaowan is a blessing to the people..."

Wusun City.

Ever since the news came that Dayue City had been captured, the entire Wusun Kingdom fell into a huge panic.

Dayue's army was homeless, and Wusun became the last place in the desert that was not conquered by Xiaowan.

However, they seemed to be able to see it on the day Wusun City was captured.

In the past few days, there have been more than ten wars, large and small, but the two countries' coalition forces have not won a single victory. Until now, the army can only stay in the city and dare not go out to fight.

Under the heavy pressure of Xiaowan's army, Wusun has become an isolated city. The people in the city and the allied forces of the two countries can only huddle in the city. Outsiders cannot enter the city, and they cannot leave the city.

Xiaowan has a steady stream of backup, but the food in Wusun City decreases every time it is consumed.

Today's Wusun City not only has to feed hundreds of thousands of people, but also is responsible for the food and grass for the two countries' coalition forces. For a big city with rich grain reserves, although it can afford it in the short term, in the long run, Wusun will definitely... Faced with the embarrassing situation of running out of food.

In the city, in the Dayue Military Camp.

A soldier looked at the gruel in the bowl and cursed angrily: "Why is it less than yesterday?"

Several companions around him shook their heads and sighed in their hearts.

These Dayue troops have become homeless. Dayue City has been captured. They have lost their food and reinforcements and can only rely on Wusun's temporary relief. However, for them who have to fight on the battlefield often , how can this be a little bit of gruel?

In the military camp, in the commander's tent, several generals surrounded Commander Dayue, with angry looks on their faces. One of them slammed the bowl on the table and said: "General, look at this, Wusun treats friendly troops like this. Yes, the food they delivered today is 30% less than yesterday!”

General Dayue looked calm and said: "General, I know, you can go down first."

After everyone left, a look of helplessness appeared on his face.

The two armies united to fight against Xiaowan, both prospered and suffered losses. It stands to reason that Wusun would never dare to do anything bad to its friendly forces, but with Wusun's current situation, they don't even have enough food themselves, and they have to take care of the rest of the world. The Yue Army has already done its utmost to be benevolent and righteous.

Since learning about the capture of Otsuki City, several riots have occurred in Otsuki's army every day.

The soldiers and their families here are all in Dayue City. No one knows what the situation is in the city at this moment.

This made no one interested in fighting at all. Even he was worried about his wife and children who were far away in Dayue City.

But Xiaowan's attacks became more and more fierce. While they were tired of parrying, fear finally began to rise in their hearts.

This feeling will appear in anyone's heart when facing an opponent that is simply invincible.

He sat in the tent for a whole day, and when he stood up, he finally seemed to have made a decision.

He walked to the door and told the two guards: "Gather all the generals to come to the commander's tent to discuss matters..."

Another month has passed in the blink of an eye, and it is now early November, and there are still two months until the end of the year.

Yesterday, good news came again from Lao Zheng. Xiaowan had completely suppressed Dayue and Wusun on the battlefield, and the elders who had sneaked into Wusun City also successfully fought with Xiaowan in Wusun. The undercover agents got in touch, and with their cooperation, Wusun would be taken down within half a month as expected.

Tang Ning calculated the time. If they could capture Wusun in half a month, and then use another half month to discuss with the ministers the policies and guidelines after the reunification of the Western Regions, it would be possible to return to Guizhou to celebrate the Reunion Year.

Tang Yaoyao looked at Tang Ning and asked, "Are you going back soon?"

Tangning nodded and said, "We can return to Guizhou in a month at most."

Tang Yaoyao just hummed and said nothing more. She didn't seem to be in a high mood.

Xiaoxiao on the side also looked a little uninterested.

Tang Ning was a little surprised. The two of them had been criticizing the weather in the Western Region for a long time and were unwilling to stay here longer. However, after hearing the news about returning home, they did not show any happy emotions.

He looked at Tang Yaoyao and Xiaoxiao in confusion and asked, "What's wrong? Don't you want to go back?"

Naturally, Tang Yaoyao couldn't tell him that she was disappointed because after returning to Guizhou, she could no longer live in a world with Tang Ning. However, thinking of the fact that she had occupied Tang Ning for a long time these days, the thought that had just arisen in her heart arose. Feeling guilty, he quickly regained his composure, put a smile on his face, and said: "I thought, I've wanted to take care of them for a long time..."

Xiaoxiao looked up at Tangning and asked, "Brother, are there a lot of bugs in Guizhou?"

Tangning couldn't help but laugh. She never imagined that she, who was already considered the best in the world in martial arts, would be afraid of those bugs?

But it's normal for a girl to be afraid of these things. No wonder she has never been willing to learn voodoo. It turns out that the crux is here.

Tangning touched her head and said, "When you go to Guizhou Province, ask the elders to sprinkle some insect repellent medicine around your room, so that no insects will come near..."

Xiaoxiao nodded, still feeling a little down.

Tang Ning was about to comfort her again when Mr. Xu knocked on the door, walked to the yard, looked at him and said, "Your Majesty, the big moon has fallen..." [First release of this chapter. like. have. Voice. Novel Network, please remember the URL]

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