Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 941: Unification of the Western Regions

Xiaowan divided its troops to encircle Wusun City from the east and west. The coalition forces of Wusun and Dayue defended the east and west gates respectively.

Last night, Dayue’s army opened the west gate and announced their surrender to Xiaowan.

Dayue’s generals were also quite principled in their work. After they left the city, they had the gates closed and did not bring Xiaowan’s army into Wusun City.

Xiaowan’s generals accepted Dayue’s surrender and confiscated their weapons, but did not form a coalition with them. Instead, they allocated a part of their forces to guard these surrendered soldiers, and the rest continued to besiege Dayue City.

Tang Ning was not worried that this was Dayue’s plan. With Lao Zheng there, if they surrendered in a false way, they would only pay a heavier price.

After Dayue surrendered, Xiaowan’s pressure was immediately reduced by half, and in contrast, Wusun had to face Xiaowan’s army independently.

Tang Ning looked at Mr. Xu and asked, "What did General Zheng say?"

When General Zheng was mentioned, even Mr. Xu showed a hint of admiration on his face. Before he went to the military camp, Xiaowan could only tie with Dayue Wusun at most, and after he took over as the commander, Xiaowan had never lost a battle.

It can be said that the reason why Dayue surrendered so quickly was largely because the Xiaowan army he led was invincible and undefeated.

He looked at Tang Ning and said, "General Zheng said that Wusun can be taken down within half a month."

On such matters, Old Zheng never made big statements, and Tang Ning only had to wait for his good news here.

The news of Dayue's surrender soon spread throughout Xiaowan City.

This was another great victory for Xiaowan. The people cheered and sang and danced, and the small countries that surrendered earlier were also secretly glad in their hearts that they made such a wise decision in advance.

Compared with the excitement of the people of Xiaowan, the hearts of Wusun, from officials to the people, seemed to be pressed by a huge stone, as if a dark cloud was pressing down on their heads.

Even if they joined forces with Dayue, they were still no match for Xiaowan. Now that they had lost Dayue, their strength was only half of what it was before, while their opponents had a powerful helper.

With such a huge gap in strength, it was only a matter of time before Wusun City was broken.

In the imperial city, the hall where the ministers usually held meetings was very quiet at this moment. None of the king and ministers spoke.

Everyone looked serious and could not hide their sadness.

They were Wusun people, and they were proud of being a superpower, but no matter how proud they were, they had to admit that Wusun had reached a moment of life and death.

The king of Wusun sat on top, his face pale and bloodless, and his straight spine bent down.

As the king, he had no choice but to take responsibility for Wusun's current situation.

Now the Xiaowan army was eyeing them outside the city, and they didn't have much time left.

An old minister trembled and stepped forward, saying hoarsely: "Lord, we must make a decision quickly..."

Another young minister raised his head with difficulty and said: "Xiaowan is strong, we are no match for them. Now they have the help of Dayue and the Western Regions allies. If Wusun continues to resist, it will only increase unnecessary casualties. We, we..."

There was extreme repression in his voice. After a long time, he exhaled a breath of turbid air and gritted his teeth and said: "Let's surrender!"

After saying this, his face suddenly relaxed and said: "I have inquired about , surrender to Xiaowan, and can keep the name of the country. They only want military power and will not interfere in other countries' internal affairs..."

"Asshole!" An old man pointed at him, his fingers trembling, his eyes bulging, and said angrily: "How can we, the soldiers of Wusun, be cowardly and afraid of death? How can we surrender?"

"Without military power, the power of life and death will be held by others. What's the difference between that and the destruction of the country..."

"How can you say such a foolish thing!"


The old ministers rebuked him one after another, and another part of the people in the hall bowed their heads deeply, neither agreeing nor opposing. But in such a situation, if there is no fierce opposition, it means agreement.

The young official was rebuked by everyone, his face flushed, and he suddenly said in anger: "If you want to die, are you going to drag my 200,000 people of Wusun with you?"

The people were questioned by this, and their bodies stood still, and they didn't speak for a while.

"Enough." At this moment, a hoarse voice came from above.

Everyone looked at the king who stood up slowly, as if he had aged a lot in an instant, and murmured: "King..."

The King of Wusun waved his hand, and his eyes swept around the hall for a long time. A trace of reluctance appeared on his face, and he said word by word: "Let's surrender..."


The time to capture Wusun was more than ten days earlier than what Lao Zheng said, because on the third day after Dayue surrendered, Wusun opened the country and announced its submission to Xiaowan.

Tang Ning thought they would hold on for a while longer, after all, Wusun was also a superpower with a population of hundreds of thousands. Unexpectedly, they saw the general situation so quickly and made a choice.

Wusun's surrender indicated that Xiaowan had finally achieved the unification of the Western Regions. Over the years, many countries have been annexed by the three major countries. Now that Dayue and Wusun have surrendered, Xiaowan can finally gather the power of the entire Western Regions together and mobilize more than 400,000 troops at any time.

Although Dayue, Wusun, and the allied countries in the Western Regions retained their national names and political powers, the royal families of each country no longer controlled the military power and only retained a small number of guard forces. The rest of the soldiers and generals were reorganized and placed under Xiaowan's command.

Tang Ning spent a full ten days discussing with Mr. Xu the policy of governing the Western Regions and the future path of the Western Regions.

First of all, of course, it is the attitude towards the countries in the Western Regions. This can continue the national law before Xiaowan.

There are big and small countries, but the citizens of each country are not high or low. The people of Wusun and Dayue are not more noble than Huhu and Cheshi. Even the original people of Xiaowan are equal to them in status.

Secondly, it is necessary to open up trade routes in the Western Regions, create favorable conditions for merchants from various countries, and promote the development of commerce in the Western Regions.

In order to accomplish this, the horse thieves scattered in the Western Regions must be eliminated or subdued. Without a safe environment, which merchant can safely travel in the desert?

In addition, there are other detailed and tedious things. Tang Ning just pointed out the general direction for them and handed them all to Mr. Xu for implementation.

After completing these things, he and Tang Yaoyao and his party left Xiaowan and embarked on the return journey.

At the same time, the news that Xiaowan conquered Dayue Wusun and unified the Western Regions quickly spread to Chen State, Chu State, grassland, and Qiandi...

The emergence of a unified country in the Western Regions directly changed the situation on this continent. Wherever the news was heard, a storm of shocking storms was set off...

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