Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 942: Emperor Chen’s Shock

Chen Guo.

It is already the twelfth lunar month of the fourth year of Dingyuan, and in one month it will be the fifth year of Dingyuan.

This is the fifth year since Chen Guo changed his country to Yuan Dynasty, and it is also the most unstable year.

In the past year, although the people of Chen State still lived and worked in peace and contentment without any disturbances in their lives, several major events actually happened in the imperial court.

The two princes rebelled one after another, and the emperor's critical illness almost completely overturned the situation in the court. Fortunately, there was a Dinghai needle in the capital. No matter how critical the situation was, it could be calmed down with his action.

Right Chancellor Tang Ning has been away from Beijing for half a year. No one knows where he has gone, just like a year ago when he quietly went to Guizhou.

That time, he quietly quelled the rebellion in Guizhou and eliminated a major hidden danger in the south of the Yangtze River for Chen State.

When Tang Ning was in Beijing, he was a virtuous minister who governed the country. Corrupt officials and corrupt officials were invisible to him.

When he was not in Beijing, he did bigger and more valuable things, quelling the rebellion in the south of the Yangtze River, pacifying the situation in the northwest, and pacifying the rebellion in Guizhou... Each of these was a great achievement.

His whereabouts are a mystery to the people and even to most officials in the court.

In the past six months, many people have been speculating whether he went to the Western Regions.

After all, the Chen State is now stable in all directions. Only in the Western Region, there are still great hidden dangers. The Right Prime Minister has always gone wherever there is a threat to the Chen State.

In the past six months, the Western Region has become increasingly chaotic, which is the same as Right Minister Tang Ning's style of doing things.

Although his name is Tangning, there is no peace wherever he is.

The Royal Palace, in the Royal Garden.

Snow had just fallen in the capital a few days ago, and the snow in the Imperial Garden had not yet melted, and there was still a hint of coldness in the air.

Chen Huang followed Wei Jian, walking slowly in the imperial garden.

His complexion looks much better than it did half a year ago. Under the care of the imperial physician, although his body has not fully recovered, it has returned to 60 to 70% of its previous appearance.

He wandered around the imperial garden for a quarter of an hour, and suddenly asked: "How is the situation in the Western Region?"

In the past six months, due to physical reasons, he has no longer personally dealt with political affairs, but he still pays special attention to some major issues related to the state.

Wei Jian stopped and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, the Western Region has become more chaotic in the past six months. Dayue and Wusun have joined forces and gathered an army of 200,000. It seems that they want to get rid of Xiaowan. Just a month ago News came that in order to fight against the horse thieves, those small countries formed another Western Region Ally..."

Emperor Chen didn't take the so-called allies of the Western Regions seriously, because he knew that they were just in name. Those so-called countries were not even comparable to a village in Chen State.

On the contrary, it was the news that Dayue and Wusun had joined forces that caught his attention.

Emperor Chen thought for a moment and said: "I just thought about it not long ago. If we can unite Dayue and Wusun, plus our Chen Kingdom's 400,000 troops, to destroy Xiaowan and take the head of the leader of Xiaowan, wouldn't it be like picking something out of a bag? ?”

Wei Jian thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, the situation in the Western Region is complicated and the area is huge. If our army goes deep into the Western Region, the supply of food and grass will be a big problem. Fighting in the Western Region will not be beneficial to us... …”

"That's why we have to join forces with them." Emperor Chen thought for a long time, and then he made a decision in his heart, and ordered: "Summon the king and several ministers to the palace. This is a rare opportunity for us."

After Wei Jian gave the order, Emperor Chen remembered something and asked again, "Has Tang Ning returned to the capital?"

Whenever something big like this happens, he subconsciously wants to discuss it with Tang Ning. Unfortunately, he has been away from Beijing for half a year.

Wei Jian shook his head and said, "Not yet. If Mr. Tang returns to Beijing, he will definitely enter the palace to see His Majesty as soon as possible."

Emperor Chen snorted coldly and said, "Don't think that I don't understand him. He didn't enter the palace just to see me..."

Wei Jian smiled coquettishly and made no further remarks.

"This bastard boy, in the past six months, I don't know where to go to be romantic and happy..." Chen Huang said with a look of regret on his face: "If I had known, I would have let him go to the Western Regions, he is just a troublemaker, staring at Whoever falls in love with him will be in trouble. If he goes to Xiaowan to cause trouble, maybe our Chen country will no longer have the big threat of Xiaowan..."

The two of them wandered around the imperial garden for a while, and then Emperor Chen was ready to return to his palace.

At this moment, a young eunuch hurriedly walked in and said: "Your Majesty, Mr. Lu, the Minister of War, wants to see you, saying that he has something very important to see your Majesty..."

In the past six months, Emperor Chen had left all government affairs to Shangshu Province, knowing that his illness was not a serious matter and officials would not bother him.

Emperor Chen's brows furrowed slightly. It must not be a trivial matter for Lu Ding, the Minister of War, to rush into the palace.

There was a serious look on his face and he said: "Let him raise the temple."

A moment later, Lu Ding stepped into the Yang Temple and bowed: "I see your Majesty!"

"Lu Aiqing is excused." Chen Huang waved his hand. Seeing a trace of anxiety on his face, he couldn't help but feel an unpleasant feeling in his heart, and asked, "What happened?"

Lu Ding raised his head and said slowly: "Your Majesty, there is a report from the front. Dayue, Wusun was defeated by Xiaowan, and has now surrendered to Xiaowan. Xiaowan, Xiaowan has unified the Western Region..."

Chen Huang's body shook, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Today, Xiaowan in the Western Region is almost the only thorn in his heart. He originally planned to send troops to help Dayue and Wusun after this year.

Unexpectedly, the scene he least wanted to see happened.

Xiaowan unifies the Western Region, and what the Chen Kingdom will face on the border is never peace...

His face was extremely ugly, and he whispered: "Go ahead and let the morning court resume tomorrow, and all the ministers must not be absent..."

Chu State, Kyoto.

The news of the unification of the Western Regions by Xiaowan spread to Chu State today.

Although Xiaowan's unification of the Western Regions can be regarded as a great event, there is still a Chen State between Chu and Xiaowan. No matter how powerful Xiaowan is, it cannot threaten Chu.

Unless they destroy the Chen State, of course, this is impossible. Although Xiaowan is powerful and can pose a great threat to the Chen State's border, if they push the Chen State, they can defeat the Chen State in a very short time. Raising an army with a population larger than that of the Western Regions, but if they really had to use this method to fight Xiaowan to the death, Chen Guo would have to pay an unimaginable price.

After all, Xiaowan was too far away from Chu State, so although this incident also caused waves in the court, its impact was extremely limited.

For the Chu State, the continuation of the royal family was much more important than Xiaowan's affairs.

The current emperor of Chu State has only one queen and only one princess. Although this princess's talents are not inferior to those of the previous emperors, she is a woman and cannot inherit the throne of emperor.

The queen is sterile. This is no secret in the court, but how can the emperor be childless? Although the current emperor is in his prime, he will one day grow old. At that time, who should inherit the throne?

A minister once suggested that His Majesty should have more concubines and give birth to more princes for the sake of the overall situation.

However, this suggestion was rejected by His Majesty in person. Not only that, he also specially rewarded several beauties to marry these officials as concubines.

Even though some of these officials married the daughters of wealthy families and never took concubines in their lives, they could not disobey the emperor's orders and could only follow the holy orders.

Later, these officials did not go to court for several days. When they appeared in court again, blood stains could still be seen on their faces.

Since then, no one has mentioned it again.

If your majesty is unwilling to accept a concubine, they cannot force him. When the time comes, it would be a good idea to adopt a heir apparent from the kings.

Changning Princess Mansion.

Although Li Tianlan is a princess, she has taken over the government affairs a few years ago and has made many political achievements in the past few years. No one in the court dares to look down on her because she is a woman.

At this time, she was sitting at the table in the study room of the Princess Mansion, with a secret note on the table.

The content on the secret note is very important. Xiaowan unified the Western Regions and greatly changed the pattern of the mainland. Although there is still a Chen State between Chu and Xiaowan, this cannot be completely ignored.

However, after the woman at the table read the secret note with an expressionless face, she completely forgot about it.

Thinking of her three-year appointment with someone, which had already exceeded half a year, a hint of sullenness appeared on her cold face, and she whispered: "Breaking promises!"


The penholder in her hand broke into two pieces because she held it too hard.

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