Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 957 No Choice

Emperor Chu looked at Tang Ning with admiration on his face and said, "I didn't expect you to have such foresight..."

Tangning cupped her hands and said, "Thank you..."

Emperor Chu finally decided to send 100,000 troops to support Wanyan's tribe.

Historical experience shows that Chen Chu’s biggest enemy is not the Western Regions or Tibet. Their biggest enemy is on the grassland.

Their enemies were the former Sushen people and now the Heiman.

Of course, the Sushen people have now made peace with them, and the Black Man has become their common enemy.

When the Chu State announced reinforcements, Tang Ning also sent an order to Xiaowan to also send an army of 100,000 troops to support Wanyan's tribe east and west with the Chu State.

Both the Western Regions and Chu State border large areas of grassland, but Chen State is safer. Although the growth of the black barbarians is not a good thing for Chen State, the threat is smaller after all. Tang Ning does not expect Chen Huang to be able to The one who sent troops was afraid that he would stare at Xiaowan.

Although Tangning also wanted to give Wanyanyan the maximum amount of reinforcements, 100,000 people was already Xiaowan's limit.

Once too many troops are deployed, resulting in a emptiness, Chen Guoguo may take advantage of it. Although the Western Region is not their home field, it will still cause trouble to Xiaowan today.

In addition, after Tangning thought about it, she felt that since the agreement with Xiaomanniu only had one year left, but who knew what would happen in one year, instead of waiting for her to send troops to Chen Guo, she might as well take this opportunity to attack Chen Guo first. Go to the grassland and hold her steady for a while.

The Chu State already had hundreds of thousands of troops guarding its borders, and this time the one hundred thousand reinforcements were led by the eldest princess Li Tianlan.

Tang Ning moved with her, and half a month later, he and she parted ways in the border army, and followed a small team to go to Wanyan Department to discuss the war.

Thinking of the meaningful look on her face when she said goodbye, Tang Ning felt a little guilty. However, at this point, she could only pretend not to notice.

Xiaoxiao felt bored staying alone in Kyoto, so she came over with Tangning. Naturally, Old Zheng and the old beggar followed.

As for Li Tianlan, perhaps because she was in danger last time on the grassland, the old noodle seller also came with her.

Under this situation, Tang Ning naturally had some other thoughts in her mind.

With the deterrence of these two nuclear weapons, if they join forces and adopt decapitation tactics, they may be able to minimize the losses. Even if Heiman is determined to destroy the Sushen people, on the frontal battlefield, they And Lao Zheng.

During the battle in the Western Region, Tang Ning truly saw Lao Zheng's skill in using troops. He was a natural-born general, and the battlefield was his destination.

At the same time that the Chu State and Xiaowan sent reinforcements to the grassland, Wanyan's request for help also reached the Chen State.

After some discussion between the emperor and his ministers, Chen Guo rejected Wanyan's request for reinforcements.

Their reasons are also very valid. Most of the Chen State's troops are deployed in the state capitals close to the Western Regions to resist Xiaowan, who may invade Chen State at any time. It is really impossible to divide the troops.

This reason seems legitimate, but upon closer inspection, there are loopholes everywhere.

Chen Guo deployed more than 400,000 troops on the border to defend Xiaowan. Even if there were less than 100,000 troops, it would not have much impact on the overall situation.

Moreover, this time Xiaowan also sent 100,000 troops for reinforcements. As a friendly country, Chen's performance was not as good as that of Xiaowan, which seemed extremely unjust.

The people were talking about this a lot, but at this time, in the palace, Emperor Chen's face looked ugly.

The reason why his face turned dark was not because of the unification of the black barbarians, nor because the Wanyan tribe asked for help, but because Xiaowan from the Western Region asked the Chu State for marriage, and the Chu State actually agreed.

Xiaowan is the enemy of Chen Guo, and Chu Guo is Chen Guo's friend. The enemy actually hooked up with his friend. Have they considered Chen Guo's feelings?

When Chen Guo proposed marriage to Chu State, the reason given by Chu State was that the princesses of Chu State did not associate with foreign countries, but what did this mean?

Chen Huang punched the table and said angrily: "What do they mean!"

Wei Jian pursed his lips, but finally said nothing.

Chu State agreed to Xiaowan's marriage proposal. On the surface, this matter seemed to have nothing to do with Chen State, but the information revealed in it was really shocking.

Isn’t it that the Chu State was unaware of the relationship between the Western Regions and the Chen State, but still agreed to Xiaowan’s marriage proposal? Does this mean that they had abandoned the Chen State and formed some kind of alliance?

Although Xiaowan has been very quiet in the past six months, if Chu comes to Xiaowan to attack Chen, will Chu watch with cold eyes, or will he join Xiaowan and cause trouble for Chen?

It is already very difficult for the Chen State to deal with Xiaowan. If they add a Chu State whose national strength is comparable to theirs, east and west, Chen State will be divided up by them in less than a year.

At a certain moment, Emperor Chen took a deep breath and said, "Summon Lu Ding into the palace."

The Ministry of War was not far from the palace, but within two quarters of an hour, Lu Ding appeared in front of Emperor Chen.

Emperor Chen looked at him and asked straight to the point: "Xiaowan has sent a hundred thousand troops to reinforce the grassland. If we attack the Western Region at this time, what are the chances of winning?"

Lu Ding's eyebrows jumped and he immediately said: "Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible!"

Huang Chen glanced at him coldly and asked: "I think this is a rare opportunity for us. Why don't you say it's not?"

Lu Ding said: "Your Majesty, before Xiaowan unified the Western Regions, they were able to deal with our army for a long time. Now that they have unified the Western Regions, even if they sent 100,000 people, their strength is more than twice what they were before. To attack rashly is to attack me." The army is at a disadvantage..."

He paused and spoke again: "Besides, Xiaowan sent troops this time to support the Wanyan tribe. If the Wanyan tribe knew that we took advantage of Xiaowan at this time, I am afraid that all the achievements made by Tang Xiang in the northwest a few years ago would be wiped out. At that time, we would have to face the enemies in the Western Regions and the grasslands at the same time again..."

Emperor Chen took a deep breath and slowly sat back in his seat.

He was also overwhelmed by anger just now, and did not realize that if Chen State took advantage of the situation at this time, the Sushen people, who had become a friendly country, would immediately turn against them.

At that time, Chen State would have another powerful foreign enemy.

It is very likely that there will be more than one.

The relationship between Chu State and the Western Regions is ambiguous now, and this time it also sent troops to reinforce the grasslands. If Chen State attacked their friendly forces at this time, wouldn't it offend Chu State as well?

Thinking of this, Emperor Chen's face became even uglier, because he suddenly realized that he didn't know since when, the situation of Chen State had become so bad.

Xiaowan, the former enemy, unified the Western Regions and became even stronger.

The former friendly country Chu had an ambiguous relationship with their enemy, and its attitude towards Chen was unknown...

The current friendly country Sushen tribe was actually hooking up with Xiaowan. If Chen did not send troops to reinforce, it would probably be isolated by the three countries immediately after this incident.

In this case, there was no other choice except to send troops to reinforce and show that Chen was on the same front as them.

At this time, Lu Ding looked at him and said, "Your Majesty, I think we should not reject the grassland envoys..."

Chen Huang showed a strong unwillingness on his face, but finally waved his hand and gritted his teeth and said, "Announce the grassland envoys to meet..."

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