Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 958 Goodbye Wanyan Yan

Emperor Chen met with the grassland envoys who came to ask for help in the imperial study, and finally agreed to reinforce the grassland.

The previous decision of the imperial court to sit back and ignore its allies made the people of the capital unable to hold their heads high, but fortunately, it was not too late to make amends. His Majesty, who had been ignoring the affairs of the court for a long time, finally made a wise decision.

Most people thought that His Majesty and the Court had suddenly figured it out. Only a few people understood that the Court and His Majesty had no second choice in this matter.

When the grassland encountered a crisis, even the Western Regions and Chu State took action. As the Chen State, which was most closely connected with the grassland, chose to stand by and watch, wouldn't it exclude itself from the Three Kingdoms?

If the Western Regions and the Chu State grasslands collude and the three parties attack the Chen State at the same time, there is no doubt that Your Majesty will become the king of Chen State's subjugation.

Even if they are unwilling in their hearts, they must provide this assistance to the grassland.

The 100,000 reinforcements provided by Chen State do not need to be dispatched from other places. They already have 400,000 troops stationed in the northwest. Ximen Guard General Xiao Jue will be the commander of this reinforcement.

These days, he has received more and more attention from His Majesty.

Although the matter has been settled, Huang Chen's face in the palace is even uglier than before.

After the accident on the grassland, a series of things happened, which made him realize belatedly that the situation in the countries surrounding Chen State had changed so much.

The originally calm lake suddenly became turbulent. How Chen Guo could survive in this big wave was a question he had to consider.

He didn't know how the Western Regions got in touch with Chu State. He only knew that after today, Chen State could no longer simply regard the Western Regions as an enemy, unless he wanted to become everyone's enemy.

He glanced at the people below and said, "Let's talk about how we will deal with the relationship with the Western Region in the future..."

The Minister of Rites said: "Although I don't know why the Western Regions connected with Chu and the grassland so quickly, this is very disadvantageous for us..."

The Minister of War said: "In this way, if there is a war with the Western Regions, the attitude of the Chu State and the grassland will become unpredictable."

"We must change our strategy towards the Western Regions..."

A number of officials expressed their opinions one after another. Although they analyzed the problem from different perspectives, the results were similar.

That is, Xiaowan is no longer the Xiaowan of the past, and the Western Region is no longer something Chen Guo can move if he wants.

At a certain moment, the Prime Minister, who had been silent all this time, stood up and said: "Your Majesty, enemies are easy to resolve but not easy to make. I believe that there is no deep hatred between Chen State and the Western Regions, and it is not impossible to negotiate peace..."

"Do you think I don't want to negotiate for peace?" Emperor Chen snorted coldly and said, "If Xiaowan hadn't been ambitious and provoked a war on the border first, how would the current situation be like this?"

Wang Xiang said: "Now and then, these days, Xiaowan has not caused trouble at the border, and as far as I know, after they completely pacified the Western Regions, they were also very friendly to the merchants of Chen State. Perhaps this is a good reason for peace negotiations. Chance."

Emperor Chen waved his hand and said, "Let's wait until the matter on the grassland is over to discuss this matter..."

After all the ministers exited, he sighed deeply, with a look of unwillingness on his face.

The Chu State once paid tribute to the Chen State, and the Western Regions were once a vassal of the Chen State, but now, all this has changed.

The State of Chu had been on an equal footing with the State of Chen a few years ago, and the small foreign countries in the Western Regions had also grown into such a behemoth.

In the past few years, Chen State's treasury has become more abundant, people's lives have become more prosperous, and there have been fewer external wars. Everything seems to be developing in a good direction. However, in fact, Chu State and the Western Regions are also developing, and they are better than Chen State. The country has developed faster, and now, in his hands, Chen State has completely lost its previous dominance.

This was unacceptable to an ambitious emperor.

He had the ambition to dominate the world and have all the barbarians surrender. However, his health was deteriorating and it was impossible to fulfill this ambition. No matter how unwilling he was, he had to admit this fact.

At this moment, he seemed to be much older again. With a hoarse voice, he said to Wei Jian: "I'm tired, go back to the Temple of Yang..."

Grassland, Wanyan Department.

The reunified Heiman posed a great threat to the Sushen tribe. However, this time, the tribes felt very peaceful.

Heiman is still the Heiman before, but Sushen is no longer the Sushen before.

Under the leadership of the extremely wise Khan, Sushen has formed an alliance with the Chen State and the Chu State. The three countries trade with each other for mutual benefit, allowing the people to live a life that they have never had before. This time the black barbarians invaded, the Chen State , Chu State and the Western Regions each sent 100,000 reinforcements to support them.

With such powerful reinforcements, the mere black barbarians are nothing. Maybe this time is their chance to defeat the black barbarians and become the sole masters of the grassland.

Ah Yue walked into the tent and said: "Khan, the Chu reinforcements are less than a hundred miles away from us..."

The Chen State, the Chu State, and the Western Regions supported them from three different directions. Among them, the Chu State was the closest and the reinforcements arrived the fastest. Reinforcements from the other two countries had to wait for some more time.

Wan Yanyan stood up and said, "Let Ayina go there in person, don't neglect me."

Ah Yue nodded and immediately went to inform Ayina.

Wanyanyan walked out of the tent alone, walked out of the camp, and came to a grassy slope.

She sat down on the grass slope, her hands around her knees, and looked into the distance.

The endless grassland in the near distance, the shadowy forest in the distance, and the silver snow-capped mountains at the end of her sight.

Her eyes were full of familiar scenes, but she could not see the person she wanted to see.

In the past two years, she wanted to chase Chen State more than once, but she was the Khan of the grassland. When the threat of Heiman was not eliminated, she could not abandon her subjects.

This time, if she could completely defeat Heiman and become the only master of the grassland, she would have no worries and could do whatever she wanted.

Thinking of this, her heart was instantly filled with expectations.

Under the grass slope, Tang Ning stood there, looking at Wanyan Yan sitting on her knees, with a trace of pity in her eyes.

The figure was still as thin as ever, helpless and confused. In the past few years, many cruel things happened to her, which made the innocent and romantic girl become the Khan of dozens of Sushen tribes in a very short time, and became one of the most respected people in the world.

She had to grow up quickly to shoulder the responsibilities on her shoulders. Women of the same age as him only had the responsibility of supporting their husbands and raising children, but she shouldered a country and a nation...

Tang Ning walked slowly up the grass slope. Wanyan Yan had her back to him. When she heard the footsteps, she didn't turn around and said, "Go to the big tent and wait first. Let me be alone."

Tang Ning shook his head helplessly and said, "Yes, Khan..."

The figure sitting on the grass trembled, and the next moment he jumped up suddenly and looked back.

Tang Ning looked at the extremely surprised expression on her face and the little sparkling in her eyes, and his heart trembled, and he opened his arms to her.

A light shadow flew over from the front and Tang Ning was knocked to the ground by her. The two of them rolled down the grass slope in an instant...

At the bottom of the grass slope, Xiao Xiao covered her eyes with a red face, and her crystal clear eyes blinked between her fingers...

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