Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,667 Fighting

With Gu Xiuyun's current strength, it is more than enough to save his life, but if he wants to break free from the constraints and break the ban, he must upgrade his killing methods to a higher level.

Fate horoscope, lifeless chart, and life path are not good at killing, so they can only rely on the five elements rules.

In the final analysis...all means are sideways, and rules are fundamental.

"No Venerable in the Three Difficulties Realm is an easy person to deal with, let alone a terrifying existence like Venerable Bodhisattva who stands at the pinnacle of the endless void and is second only to the True Master."

"I was too reckless in this battle."

Gu Xiuyun sighed in his heart.

As calm as he was, he had to admit that after suppressing Li Kong, he acted a little less cautiously.

Jianxiao is different from Zhenzun Yinshan and Zunzong Likong. Although those two are powerful, Gu Xiuyun already knows their details and has a plan in mind.

As for the methods of the Venerable Bodhisattva, he knew nothing about it. He only knew that the opponent was from the Haoyue Moth clan and possessed the true body of Yin Luo.

Based on this alone, it is a bit risky to dare to fight against the peak of the Three Difficulties Realm.

"I was able to severely injure the Yinshan True Master and suppress the Li Kong Master, firstly by setting a trap in advance, and secondly by occupying the right time and place. In the final analysis, my strength is still far behind."

The confinement of the Venerable Bodhisattva was like a basin of cold water poured on Gu Xiuyun's head, making him realize the gap between himself and the Peak Venerable.

The Five Elements Heaven-turning Hand combined with Yuanxian Taoism, coupled with the mystery of fate, can only save his life in front of Li Kong and Jie Zhi. If it were not for the demon blood and the flaws of Lord Li Kong, he would not be able to suppress them.

The Three Difficulties are so terrifying. As the pinnacle true master, what kind of methods will Master Tianji have?

At this moment, an inexplicable sense of urgency enveloped Gu Xiuyun's heart.

Chessboard boundary, small boundary space.

Gu Yue was wearing a plain white robe, walking in the deserted city. There were many refugees in ragged clothes on the streets. They were all sallow and thin, so hungry that they could hardly stand up.

Looking at this scene, Gu Yue shook her head slightly.

The next moment, a strong wind roared in, and the smoke and dust in the sky rolled up the green and yellow wheat grains, scattering them into the world.

"Maimi? Look, God is sending a blow to Maimi!"

The refugees on both sides of the street opened their eyes wide and stretched out their hands to pick up the yellow wheat grains. Each grain of wheat was plump and clear, with a faint fragrance of rice.

Many refugees directly stuffed the grains of wheat into their mouths, but the rice grains had not yet been boiled and were as hard as stones, which immediately broke many people's teeth.

"It's really Maimi. God has heard our prayers. Liangcheng has been saved, and Wulan County has been saved!"

The refugees in the city suddenly gained strength, took off their clothes one by one, and collected the grains of wheat.

No one noticed that the woman in plain robes who was walking on the street disappeared without a trace.


The void was torn open.

Gu Yue walked out of the crack, with a faint look of worry on her face.

"Five years have passed, and we still have found nothing. According to this situation, even if it takes tens of thousands of years, let alone thousands of years, we may not be able to learn the way of living beings."

"What should I do to realize the illusion of destiny?"

Looking at the sky below her feet, Gu Yue was silent for a long time, and finally flew towards the Eight-Eyed God Sect.

Tianji Pan World.

Gu Xiuyun's second clone sat cross-legged, with thunderous flames surging around his body, mixed with a strong aura of soul thoughts.

One after another, the thorns, flowers and jade hearts were refined, and the fluctuations in the soul thoughts became more and more violent, even approaching the level of the true master.

At this moment, he frowned slightly and looked into the distance, seeing a rainbow of light rushing from the sky.

"Girl, why are you here today?"

Gu Xiuyun asked with a smile.

"Brother Xi Ming, I have been searching in the chessboard realm for a long time, but I have never found the kind of person you mentioned." Gu Yue looked helpless, "Perhaps, I can switch to the path of destiny and use the classics of the Golden Dragon Palace to cooperate with the Lianshan Scroll. , coupled with Brother Ximing’s guidance, it shouldn’t be difficult to comprehend the secrets of the sixth level in a short time.”


Gu Xiuyun flatly refused, "This is self-destructive."

"Girl, you can understand the illusory path of destiny. It can be seen that the Tao heart is consistent with it. Only by following this path can you reach the extreme. If you turn to destiny, you will never be able to understand the rules of the path of life."


Gu Yue looked sad.

Gu Xiuyun's time is running out. It's just ten thousand years, and it goes by in a few retreats quickly.

She didn't want to watch her life-loving brother die due to three disasters and nine disasters and the conspiracy of Master Tianji.

"Girl, you must not interfere in the fight between me and the Patriarch of Tianji," Gu Xiuyun said seriously, "As for how to get started with the Illusion of Destiny... first tell me, how did you find it in the past few years?"

"According to Brother Xi Ming, to understand the Illusion of Destiny, you must find mortals who have regrets or strong desires, and use the power of their minds as a driving force to open the Illusion of Destiny..."

Gu Yue spoke softly.

The Illusion of Destiny is a very special Taoism. Looking at the entire endless void, there is no other person who practices it. Because of this, Gu Yue can't find a reference and can only explore according to the method of taking care of Xiuyun.

"In the past five years, I have walked through more than 700 small realms. I have seen countless hungry victims, knights who bear blood feuds of life and death, and even mortals who are born with disabilities and struggle in pain every day. But I have tried many Time, no one can trigger Xuguan."

Gu Yue said.

"Girl, you are wrong!"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head expressionlessly, "Those pains are all external. If you bear the pain, will your mind become stronger?"

"Obviously not. According to this statement, those mortals who are regarded as slaves and servants should have the toughest minds, but in fact, they have long accepted a life of suffering, and they don't even have the desire to struggle, let alone the inner will! "

As he spoke, Gu Xiuyun moved his fingertips slightly, and a mirror light appeared in front of him.

There were many poor mortals in the mirror light. They were struggling in hunger, and endless pain tortured them day and night, but even so, these mortals still did not resist.

"This is the former Youning City. At the bottom of the city, countless mortals live in pain every day, but not one of them understands the illusion of fate."

"Girl, do you know why?"

Gu Yue shook her head in confusion.

"Because the Fantasy Path of Destiny is a path of life," Gu Xiuyun explained in a deep voice, "What is the path of life? In the final analysis, it is the power of the soul. Only the pain originating from the depths of the heart can inspire the most powerful power."

"The power of the soul?" Gu Yue was a little confused.

She has not yet entered the Tao of Creatures, and is still a little confused about the will of the Tao.

In fact, not only her, but also few of the venerable gods can truly understand the way of life. Even Gu Xiuyun only has a partial understanding of it.

Of course, after comprehending the mystery of destiny at the seventh level peak, his understanding of the way of life has far surpassed that of ordinary venerables, even better than most true venerables.

"Girl, you are looking in the wrong direction. People with truly strong minds, even if they are born in the lowest prison, have already reached a high place. Those people will either be buried in the wilderness, or they will become a being above ten thousand people."

"Only such powerful people can influence the illusion of destiny."

Gu Xiuyun said quietly.

"I see."

The doubts in Gu Yue's eyes disappeared, and she turned around and left.

"With the girl's talent and understanding, she should be able to master the fifth-grade Tao Yun in more than a thousand years. By then, her mind and will will be able to reach the threshold of the true artistic conception."

Gu Xiuyun whispered to himself.

In terms of the influence of Taoist heart, the illusion of fate is far better than ordinary fate. What's more, Gu Yue has never suffered from the torture of cause and effect, so Taoist heart is not strong in the first place.

Even a fifth-grade Dao Yun can have a significant effect on her.

Of course, this does not mean that the power of the Fantasy Path of Destiny is greater than that of the Path of Destiny, because the two are essentially different.

The destiny path that Gu Xiuyun comprehended showed the complete past and future. The past has already happened and cannot be changed. It has nothing to do with the mind and will.

Only the future will change due to changes in people's will, so the influence of fate on the mind is slightly less.

The Illusion of Destiny is different. It is a pure Taoist illusion that originates from the mind and ends in illusion. It can be said that it is a pure spiritual Taoism.

But no matter which method it is, it has its own power.

For example, the rules of killing and the rules of life and death have a weaker relationship with the will of the mind, but it does not mean that these two avenues are inferior to the path of fate.

In the small space, the plain white figure travels at high speed, looking for mortals with strong minds and wills.

Gu Yue has not yet learned the way of living beings, so she must rely on the power of a mortal's mind.

Only by stepping into the immortal gate can one borrow the mind and will of the practitioner. By then, the difficulty of practice will be much lower.

The will of a practitioner is much stronger than that of ordinary people, and the resentment and desire in his heart are also extremely strong.

Within a boundary.

Gu Yue stepped forward, her body like a rainbow, and she could cover a hundred miles with every step.

Suddenly, she lowered her brows and looked towards the city on one side.

There was a gray-haired young man at the city gate, with a shriveled corpse behind him. The corpse had already stinked, and even the skin and flesh had begun to rot.

But the young man didn't care.

In the distance, hundreds of sergeants surrounded him, led by a general wearing silver armor.

"Put her down and I can let you leave." General Shining Armor said indifferently.

The young man raised his head, his eyes slightly red, "At this point, life and death have no meaning to me. If you want to kill me, just kill him."

"court death."

A stern expression flashed across the face of the silver-armored general. He was silent for a moment, then raised his right hand and said, "Fire the arrow."

call out!

Sharp arrows pierced the air and shot towards the young man.

However, those arrows were in vain.

The young man at the city gate disappeared without a trace at some point, leaving only a pool of blood and flying arrows.

"Gone? What's going on?"

The sergeants looked around quickly, but could not find the young man.

"Search, search the whole process for me. He must be found. And that woman must be found. Even the body belongs to me."


Most of the sergeants rushed into the city, and the other rushed into the fields, frantically searching for the young people.

In the suburbs hundreds of miles away from here, a plain white figure stood in the sky, overlooking the feet.

The young man silently dug at the soil, with a shriveled corpse next to him.

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