Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,668 Shen Qi

After a long time, a hole half a man's height was dug in the ground, and the young man lay down in it holding the shriveled body.

"Ask the immortal to cast a spell." The young man closed his eyes and looked at peace.

"With your qualifications, you can definitely ascend to immortality and become a Taoist. Have you thought clearly, do you really want to give up this opportunity?" Gu Yue said in a deep voice.

"Without Ning'er by my side, no matter how long I live, it will be meaningless." The young man's voice was particularly calm.

Gu Yue said no more, and a soul thought enveloped the void.

After a while, countless illusions condensed and took shape, turning into mountains, rivers, towns, and streets.

Outside the city, a young man in well-dressed clothes drove a carriage speeding over. The young man's face was full of fierceness, and his eyes were like devouring tigers.

Suddenly, his body trembled slightly and a look of shock appeared on his face.

"Where is this? I'm obviously outside the city -"

While he was wondering, the young man's eyes widened suddenly. He saw the girl standing at the gate of the city, with her clothes fluttering and her hair tied with exquisite hair accessories.

"Ning'er? Is it true that as the immortal said, I have returned to seven years ago?" The young man took a deep breath, with shock and excitement in his eyes.

The girl looked curious and was wandering along the city wall. The foot of the wall was lined with vendors, stretching from the city gate to several miles away.

You need to pay a fee to enter and leave Yucheng. If you are a traveling merchant, the fee is higher, which can easily cost hundreds of copper coins, so many vendors sell under the city wall.

At this time, the young man's carriage had arrived outside the city.

The girl also walked to a vendor. She glanced at the jewelry in front of her and pointed to something, "Shop, how much does that hairpin cost?"

"Girl, you have good eyesight. The jewelry I have here are all from Nanchizhai. They are made of high-quality jadeite. The color is transparent and refreshing. Girl, you might as well give it a try first."

With that said, the shopkeeper held up the jade hairpin and brought it to the girl.

The girl stretched out her hand to take it, but before she could grasp it firmly, the shopkeeper had already withdrawn his palm, and with a snap, the hairpin fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

"Sure enough, it was seven years ago."

The carriage has stopped, and the young man is watching this scene from a distance.

Back then, he met the girl because of the jade hairpin. The shopkeeper deliberately took away his hand early and broke the hairpin, thus extorting a high price from the girl.

This kind of method can be easily seen through by young people who have already experienced strong winds and waves.

Sure enough, the next moment, the vendors from all around swarmed up and surrounded the girl.

The shopkeeper sneered, "Girl, this is the best jadeite, and it has been carefully carved by the masters of Nanchizhai. It is worth at least thirty taels of silver. I won't bully you. Just give me fifteen taels of silver, and it will be settled today." I'm out of luck."

"Fifteen taels?"

The girl frowned slightly, "But I only have ten taels on me."

"How can ten taels be enough?" The shopkeeper's face suddenly darkened. He stared at the girl several times, and finally settled on the hairpin on her temples. "The remaining five taels of silver will be paid for with the hairpin on your head."

The girl looked hesitant and was about to refuse when the vendors around her interrupted:

"Such a fine jade hairpin was carved by the master of Nanchizhai himself. Not to mention thirty taels of silver, you may not be able to buy it even for fifty taels. Little girl, you broke someone else's things, and it's already very long for you to pay half of it. You’re welcome, what are you still arguing about?”

"Yes, he looks quite handsome, but he is also a sharp-tongued and arrogant person. Zhang Laosan is really unlucky to meet such a careless person."

"In my opinion, she should be taken to the court. First, she should be beaten fifty times, and then put in prison and tortured slowly. She should not be less than a tael of silver."

The vendors were talking to each other, saying that black was white, and the girl almost burst into tears. She quickly pulled out the hairpin and took off the sachet from her waist.

At this moment, a sneer came from the city gate, the voice was as loud as thunder, "I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen anyone so shameless."

Everyone turned to look.

I saw a young man in fine clothes walking towards me, "Girl, don't give them your hairpin. These dealers are all a group of people. Your hairpin is worth twenty or thirty taels of silver at least. How can you give them an advantage? What's more?" The jade hairpin in this store is also a fake.”

"Fake?" The girl lowered her head and looked at the jade fragments.

Green paint lines can be faintly seen between the cracks, but you can't find them unless you look carefully.

Based on the girl's background, it stands to reason that these emeralds can be judged to be genuine or fake at a glance, but she has been living in the boudoir compound and rarely walks outside. She was just said to be confused by the vendors around her. How could she still be in a irritable mood? Distinguish the true from the false carefully.

"So you guys are in the same group, liar!" the girl said angrily.

Zhang Lao San's face suddenly turned livid, and he looked at the young man with a gloomy look, "You are so stupid that you appear out of nowhere and dare to interfere in my business, Mr. Zhang San. It seems that you don't want to live anymore. Brothers, give me a break." beat!"


A group of vendors grabbed sticks and rushed forward. Before they could reach the young man, they saw fists and feet falling from the sky——

Bang! Bang! Bang!

More than a dozen vendors were all thrown out, bruised and bruised.

"Come on, this is a practicing guy."

Zhang Laosan's face turned pale and he quickly fled away with the vendor, not even bothering to pack away the jade ornaments.

The young man did not pursue her, his eyes fell on the girl.

Seven years ago, the two met at the gate of the city. At that time, it was just like before. The girl's face was slightly red, her brows lowered, and she seemed a little shy.

"Back then, I wanted to take revenge on the Rong Cheng family, but I pushed Ning'er to that person. It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous."

The young man's eyes gradually became moist. He looked at the girl in front of him and didn't know how to speak.

"Thank you very much, young master. My little girl Jiang Ning, I wonder what your surname is?"

"My name is Shen Qi."

The young man's voice was a little hoarse, "Miss Jiang, dragons and snakes are entrenched in Yucheng, you'd better go home early!"


The girl lowered her head and ran into the city.

It was only then that Shen Qi finally regained his composure.

He has understood that he has really returned to seven years ago, but the difference is that he is no longer the same person he was seven years ago, and many things can be changed.

"Rong Chengshi...I'm coming!"

The young man turned and walked towards the city gate.

"Anyone who enters the city must hand over the road guide," the guarding soldier looked at the young man with a cold expression, his eyes were rather unkind, "Besides, the entrance fee is ten taels. If you don't have money, just stay away and don't come to cause trouble."

"Ten taels of silver is still a small amount. If you dare to fight at the city gate, even if you enter the city, you will have to be punished for bullying the villagers." Another soldier said.

These soldiers guarding the city were obviously colluding with Zhang Laosan and others, otherwise they would not have allowed Jiang Ning to be deceived.

Shen Qi glanced at both sides and took out a jade plaque from his waist, "Look clearly, what is this."

"Rong Cheng Yu Ling!"

The soldiers guarding the city looked shocked and quickly knelt down and said, "Young man is blind, please forgive me."

"Sir, let's arrest Zhang Laosan immediately and ask him to apologize to you."

"No need," Shen Qi shook his head indifferently, "Just keep the city safe. As for those surreptitious transactions, if I see them again in the future, I will never give you mercy."

After the words fell, the young man drove the carriage and drove into the city.

The soldiers guarding the city stood up one by one with frightened faces, looking at the car in the distance, their eyes full of fear:

"Which young master is this? Why have I never seen him before?"

"I don't know. Anyway, the Rongcheng jade order is real. Even if he is not the young master of the Rongcheng family, he must be his close confidant. He can crush a few of us to death easily."

"Be careful when doing things in the future. This person has very high martial arts skills. You have seen those moves before. He defeated Zhang Laosan and others in a flash. He is at least a high-level martial artist."

As he said this, the soldiers guarding the city secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the young man didn't get angry, otherwise the token alone would have killed their heads.

Half of Yunan County belongs to the Rongcheng family, and Yucheng is the capital of the Rongcheng family. Here, the words of the government are far less intimidating than Rongcheng Yuling.

On the street, a young man drove a carriage and drove slowly.

He is a son of the Rongcheng family, but he is an abandoned son. Because his mother is a maid, he has been forced to live in a remote mountain villa since he was a child. He has not even had a correct name.

His mother's surname was Shen, so he took his mother's surname and named him Shen Qi.

What was contained in the carriage was my mother's coffin.


With a low roar, the carriage crossed the street and rushed to the deepest part of Yucheng, where was the residence of the Rong Cheng family...

In the void, Gu Yue sat cross-legged, silently looking at her feet.

The young man was still lying in the soil, with spiritual energy surging around his body to maintain the vitality of his flesh and blood.

As for the so-called seven years ago, it was just an illusion.

With the methods of the Ninth Grade Patriarch, let alone Shen Qi, who was just a mortal, even Master Shangmiao would have a hard time distinguishing the true from the false.

"This junior's mental power is truly terrifying. A mortal body can actually burst out with such powerful thoughts. Maybe he is the person I'm looking for."

Gu Yue's eyes flashed.

The illusion of fate cannot change the past and future, but it can create an illusion. As long as you don't tell the other party, then... it is real.

What Shen Qi regretted most was that he gave up on Jiang Ning. From then on, the two of them were separated by the world. It was not until Jiang Ning died in depression that he finally woke up.

But some things, if you miss them, you miss them, and they can never be changed.

The fantasy path of destiny is the only regret medicine. Although it is an illusion, it ultimately changes the past and the future. This is a special path of life, completely constructed with the power of the soul.

When the desire of the mind is astonishingly strong, the power of destiny may be born, and what the illusion of destiny requires is this kind of power.

Gu Yue sat cross-legged, meditating on the rules of wind and thunder while observing the changes in the illusion.

The carriage drove quickly and finally arrived in front of the tall mansion.

The entire gate of the Rongcheng clan is made of bronze, and the small doors on both sides are also made of iron wood covered with gold paint. They are extremely heavy. There are eighteen guards standing in front of the door, all wearing armor and holding weapons.

"Rongcheng clan..."

Shen Qi looked at the guard in front of the door, his eyes slightly focused.

As the half owner of Yunan County, the Rongcheng family is very powerful. There are eighteen guards in front of the door. The weakest one is also a rank warrior, and there are even two fourth rank.

Small worlds lack spiritual power and have almost no practitioners, so martial arts are prevalent.

Warriors are divided into nine levels. The weakest level can be seen everywhere, and some of the soldiers guarding the city can reach this level.

But from the third level and above, it is very rare.

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