Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,090: Suppressing the Fantasy Mirror

"Extraterrestrial life... This strange object is actually the scales of a giant beast."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath.

There are three layers of changes deep in the scales. He exhausted all his strength and only activated the first two layers. If the scales were used to their extreme, even a strong person like the Eternal Lord would be hard-pressed to resist.

Such a treasure is actually the scales of a giant beast?

"At least the legendary Qiankun realm is no less great than the Luo Shen." Gu Xiuyun suppressed the shock in his heart.

Endless Void is still too young.

In just 400 million years, compared to the huge world of spiritual practice, it is only a drop in the ocean. Whether it is the level of Taoism or the evolution of life, it is far from reaching the extreme.

Thinking in his heart, Gu Xiuyun's eyes gradually brightened.

Whether the beings outside the world are powerful or not has nothing to do with him. With this scale in hand, he has an additional method, and it is a pure killing method.

"Demon Scale Flying Insect... If I can activate the third level of change, maybe I can try to take back the Tongxin Gu from the hands of the Eternal True Master."

Thinking of the insect beast that had been trapped in the Ancient Palace of Samsara, Gu Xiuyun thought secretly in his heart.

Needless to say, the role of Tongxin Gu is just to transform into armor and protect the body, it is no less than a true supreme level defensive treasure.

What's more, it can also give Gu Xiuyun huge physical strength and allow him to temporarily possess the magical power of insect beasts.

With this insect beast by his side, Gu Xiuyun would dare to fight the True Master head-on, and he would be much more confident against the Patriarch of Tianji.

"To activate the third level, you must have enough true energy, but the true energy in my body is limited, and it takes time for the energy to transform into true energy. Even if the energy is pushed to the extreme, it will not be able to touch the deepest power of the magic scale."

Gu Xiuyun frowned.

The magic scale is like a peerless formation. If you want to maintain the third level, you must inject ocean-like vitality and divine power every moment.

And even if Gu Xiuyun circulates his true energy to the extreme and continuously transforms his energy, he still cannot reach the threshold of the third level formation.

Unless... he can go one step further and break through to the twelfth level of true meaning, or increase the speed of transformation of Yuanli.

"In the twelfth level of true meaning, you must understand the rules of fate. Don't think about it in a short time. Even if you really break through, there will be no time to regain the concentric Gu."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

Once you understand the rules of destiny, the power of heaven's punishment will come immediately, and the three disasters and nine disasters will also come at the same time. At that time, it is also the time when the founder of Tianji appears.

How could he have the opportunity to go to the Reincarnation Hall and take away Tongxin Gu?

The only way... is to evolve the inner heaven and earth so that Yuanli can be transformed into true energy faster.

"That's good. Now that I have fully integrated the advanced rules, it's time to go to the Moro Realm!"

Gu Xiuyun stood up and walked towards the palace without leaving the residual world.

The borer is dead, but the sky formation is still alive.


At the edge of the starry sky, a cyan figure appeared out of thin air, and an ink-colored inkstone hung on one side, emitting astonishing fluctuations.

Gu Xiuyun did not activate this treasure during the previous fight with the Venerable Bodhisattva.

Although the black inkstone is powerful, after all, he did not refine it himself, so it cannot threaten the peak venerable. What's more, with the method of the borer, the black inkstone will be severely damaged if you are not careful.

"Human race, are you really sure to suppress the Fantasy Mirror?" A voice came from the inkstone.

"It's not difficult to suppress her, the key is how to make Huanshi Jing surrender," Gu Xiuyun glanced at the Lingbao beside him, "Mo Yan, this matter depends on you."

"Don't worry, I have plenty of ways to control her," Black Inkstone said eagerly, "Huanshi Jing is well versed in the changes in people's hearts, but it has huge flaws. I only need to scare her with toads for a few days to ensure that this girl will behave."

Gu Xiuyun smiled lightly and shook his head without saying much.

If it were other treasures, he really wouldn't care, but the Mirror of the Illusionary World was different. This treasure was proficient in illusions, and it was also the final spiritual treasure of the remaining formation in the Jade Immortal Realm.

If you can take it for your own use——

The four sages, together with the Fantasy Mirror, can completely make the entire Jade Immortal Realm unbreakable. Even if the real sages take action, they can't even think of breaking through the realm barriers.

"After all, a small space is not a long-term solution. When technological civilization evolves to the later stage, it is necessary to go out of the space and build a larger energy base. The Jade Immortal Realm is undoubtedly the best choice."

The cyan figure looked into the distance.

Suppressing the Fantasy World Mirror had long been part of his plan, but the intervention of Zhu Zhi and Xu Shang brought this matter forward.

After a while.

The edge of the dark stars.

Invisible fluctuations filled the air, and in just an instant, chains circled hundreds of millions of miles, completely sealing the entire void.

On the surface of the stars, Lord Tianzhen stood up and looked into the distance with cold eyes, "Hansi Chain... Mo Yan, what are you doing here?"

"Of course I'm suppressing you." The black inkstone flew out from the edge of the starry sky. "Today you have only two choices, one is to surrender, and the other is to perish. You are also a true soul-level spiritual treasure who has practiced for hundreds of millions of years. You should know that after the weapon spirit perishes, What’s the end?”

"Suppress me? Just you?"

Huanshi Jing sneered and was about to speak when the world suddenly darkened.

The boundless Dharma projection enveloped the starry sky for hundreds of millions of miles, and vaguely, a cyan figure appeared at the edge of the starry sky.

"The Dharma of Heaven and Earth? No, how can there be such a huge Dharma projection? It must be some kind of secret technique!"

Lord Tianzhen looked carefully into the distance, trying to see the other party's appearance clearly, but he was always obscured by a layer of mist.

The Fantasy World Mirror trembled slightly.

As an illusion treasure, it can not only evolve illusions, but also destroy the power of illusions, but no matter how hard he or she tries, he or she cannot see the figure in the distance.

At this time, the fog around the cyan figure slowly dissipated.

"Gu turns out it's you, a junior from the human race. I didn't look for you, but you came to my door yourself!"

After seeing the appearance clearly, Lord Tianzhen was filled with murderous intent. The plan he had planned for hundreds of thousands of years was completely defeated because of Taoist Taoist Cherishing Life.

In his or her heart, Gu Xiuyun is definitely at the forefront of the list of must-kill targets.

"Okay, I'm short of a few puppets, so I'll replace them with you first."

Before he finished speaking, the Fantasy World Mirror erupted with bright light, like a beam of light splitting the heaven and earth, and pressed towards Gu Xiuyun.

The top treasure that is close to the level of the true master is extremely powerful and is supported by the divine power of the Three Difficulties Realm. Except for the peak masters such as Bodhisattva, the Heavenly Formation has almost nothing to fear.

However, before the Mirror Light Divine Pillar could reach Gu Xiuyun, it was completely consumed by the invisible force.

"How can it be?"

Lord Tianzhen's face changed with horror.

The Mirror Light Divine Pillar of the Fantasy World Mirror, which was no less powerful than Yuan Xian's Ultimate Taoist Technique, was annihilated silently.

He (she) quickly looked around, except for a layer of uncertain reality and dharma of heaven and earth, there were no fluctuations in Taoism or secrets.

At the same time, the cyan figure took a step forward and came directly to the Lord Tianzhen.

"You are so brave. Mirror Light Illusion can't deal with you. I also have the ultimate Taoist skills of Yuanxian." A ferocious smile appeared on the face of the Lord Tianzhen. As the divine power surged, the Taoist skills condensed and took shape.

At the same moment, Gu Xiuyun's palm was filled with black and white colors, and turned into red flames.


The two Taoist arts collided together.

Lord Tian Zhen's expression was stagnant, and Yuan Xian's ultimate Taoist skills were torn apart by the red flame light.

What's even more terrifying is that as the void surges, the second and third red flames appear one after another, striking at an unimaginable speed.

"How could you have such strength in just a few thousand years?"

The Lord of Tianzhen retreated quickly, and at the same time, he ran the Fantasy Mirror, trying to block the red flame light.

However, the red flame light is comparable to Yuan Xian's ultimate Taoist magic. How can it be blocked in a hurry? What's more, the Fantasy Mirror is not a defensive treasure.


There was a roar, and cracks appeared on the mirror.

Then came the second red flame.

The true soul-level treasure of the Fantasy World Mirror was penetrated by life and death, covering the whole body of the Lord Tianzhen with fierceness, burning the pink mist and the body to pieces.

"If I can kill the Venerable Bodhisattva, I can kill you," Gu Xiuyun turned his palm over and pressed down with Wan Zhang's palm, holding the Venerable Tian Zhen like a millstone, "I will only ask you once, surrender or fall?"

"Is the borer dead?"

Upon hearing Gu Xiuyun's words, Venerable Tianzhen's face froze. He or she had no idea that Venerable Bodhisattva had died.

In fact, since hiding in the starry sky remnant world, the Tianzhen has never explored the line of cause and effect, and even actively disconnected the cause and effect.

How terrifying the Supreme Master is. Once he is aware of it, he can completely find the location of the Fantasy Mirror through the changes in cause and effect.

Even if it is blocked by the stars, you can still find the correct pattern.

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