Fortune Teller

Chapter 1911: The Secret of the Unsexy Arhat

In the void, the cyan figure stepped forward, each step being hundreds of millions of miles away.

Deep in the palm of your hand, you can vaguely see the fantasy world mirror the size of gravel. The mirror surface is broken, and the Lord Tianzhen is sleeping in the mirror.

"It's not easy to surrender a treasure."

Looking at the precious mirror in his hand, Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

After suppressing Huanshi Jing, he tortured him with the black inkstone for several months, vomited lotus flowers, and persuaded him day and night, and finally made Huanshi Jing bow his head.

But even so, the other party only agreed to follow him for thirty thousand years.

Thirty thousand years later, Gu Xiuyun must let him or her return to freedom, and at the same time, the Lord Tianzhen will also belong to the Huanshijing.

Gu Xiuyun agreed to this request without hesitation.

He has nothing to do with Tianzhen, and there is no need to stand up for each other. What's more, Tianzhen, unlike Qingshui and others, has been controlled by the Fantasy Mirror for hundreds of thousands of years. Even if the restraint is released, the mind and consciousness will have collapsed long ago. Idiot makes no difference.


The void was torn open, Gu Xiuyun walked quickly, and soon arrived outside the chessboard boundary. The huge boundary was filled with an inexplicable aura, stirring the entire void.

"Chessboard Realm... On Dao Chessboard, after the Moro Realm, I will have to stay here forever!"

Gu Xiuyun looked into the depths of the realm.

The Taoist chessboard has one yin and one yang, one life and one death, like a giant whirlpool stirring the heaven and earth, affecting the endless void.

Deep inside the chessboard, the pieces move erratically according to special laws.

Each chess piece is a large realm, and some have even evolved into special secret realms that even the Venerable must treat with caution.

Most of the venerables who reside in the chessboard realm come here to discuss the chessboard.

This chessboard is extremely vast, with only a million chess pieces on the surface, but if you sense it carefully, you will find that the huge southern void is covered.

Every trace of the Gangsha turbid current, every star, and every piece of void is operating under the control of the Taoist chessboard.

"Compared to the Spirit Seal and the Starry Sky Remnant Realm...the Taoist chessboard is the greatest opportunity in the entire endless void. Unfortunately, this chessboard is too profound and has exceeded the level of Taoism for practitioners."

Looking into the depths of the realm, Gu Xiuyun whispered to himself.

As early as hundreds of millions of years ago, many true and even false world lords discovered that the Tao Discussion chessboard was all-encompassing, including all material Tao, Yuanxian Taoism, True Immortal Taoism and even the living beings.

It is precisely because of this that the Venerable will often appear near the Taoist chessboard and sit there for tens of thousands of years.


Gu Xiuyun crossed the edge of the realm and landed on the top of Dingyin Mountain, "Friend Bu Se, long time no see, are you okay?"

"Fellow Taoist Cherish your life?"

The bald monk who was practicing with his eyes closed quickly turned his head and looked to one side, "How can fellow Taoist have time to come to my place?"

"Of course it's for the Zen relics." Gu Xiuyun smiled slightly.


The face of the arhat suddenly became more solemn, "Fellow Taoist, please think clearly. The Zen sect exclusively occupies the Moro realm, and the power behind it is unfathomable. On the surface, there is a true sect and several sages."

"That's why I came here to ask fellow Taoist Buse for advice." Gu Xiuyun continued.

Zen Buddhism, the source of Taoism is also the source world of all dharma. It is said that this lineage has its own system, and many methods are completely different from the orthodoxy of immortality, such as in terms of soul thoughts.

The soul method of Zen Buddhism is very special. It does not kill the enemy head-on, but gradually changes the mentality of others through silent methods.

In the end, the other party will be completely turned into his own puppet.

Therefore, there are many monsters in Zen Buddhism. Almost every disciple of Zen Buddhism takes several powerful monsters with him when traveling. Those with higher status even have a demon king as a guard.

With his status as an Arhat, it stands to reason that he should be protected by the Demon King, but he has betrayed the Zen Sect, how could he dare to leave with the demon beast?

"Fellow Daoist Xi Ming, do you know what is the most powerful method of Zen Buddhism?" Buse Arhat took a deep breath.

"Twelve Demon Lords?" Gu Xiuyun pondered for a moment and said.

In the Moro Realm, there are twelve demon lords, all of whom were forcibly converted by Zen soul methods.

I don’t know what the Zen Sect has done. Those demon lords are like puppets and have no lifespan limit.

For tens of millions of years, the Twelve Demon Lords have defeated countless powerful enemies. Even if the Zen Sect does not have the true Lord sitting in charge, the Moro Realm remains unbreakable.

"Those demon lords are indeed powerful, but fellow Taoist can ask the Jade Immortal Realm to help, plus Venerable Gengyang and the true lord behind them, it is not difficult to deal with the twelve demon lords."

The Buse Arhat shook his head slightly.

Since the fall of the four sects of Changli, a lot of news has spread. The arrival of three venerables from the Jade Immortal Realm... Gengyang took action... The unknown true sect helped secretly. The news was either true or false, and the Buseluohan also heard about it. few.

"The really scary thing is the Samsara Heart Formation in the Moro Realm. It is said that this formation has something to do with the Samsara Palace in the Langhuan Realm. Although the two major forces have nothing to do with each other, the inheritance of Taoism comes from the same place."

"Reincarnation Heart Array?" Gu Xiuyun frowned.

Zen Buddhism and the Ancient Temple of Samsara are in the same line? Why had he never seen the similarities between the two sides?

At this time, Gu Xiuyun suddenly remembered that there was something very strange about the Ancient Palace of Samsara. No matter what era it was, there was always a true deity sitting in the ancient palace.

It's incredible.

Zhenzun, can it be said that it can be born at birth?

Even the Hundred Saints Mountain has experienced destruction, and only the Hundred Saints statue remains in the world.

Each statue has a true inheritance. After a long time, relying on these inheritances, Baisheng Mountain rose again.

The Ancient Palace of Samsara has never been destroyed. No matter when, there is a true master sitting there, and it is extremely powerful.

For example, the Eternal True Master of this generation suppressed the Langhuan Realm with the power of one person, and was so powerful that it was almost ridiculous.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly.

"Friend Bu Se, since this formation is the biggest trump card of Zen Buddhism, it should not be accessible to ordinary practitioners. I have read many classics and have never heard of the Samsara Heart Formation, let alone what the relationship between Zen Buddhism and the Ancient Temple of Samsara is. ?”

The Buse Arhat showed a wry smile, "The young monk has indeed deceived fellow Taoists. I am not only a Zen Arhat, but also the protector of the Samsara Heart Formation. To be precise, I am the soul body of the next generation of protectors."

"Soul body?" Gu Xiuyun's eyes widened.

Can the soul also serve as a body? Like twin stones, putting your awareness into them?

"I don't know exactly how it is used as a body, but I can be sure that the long-lasting prosperity of the Samsara Ancient Palace and the eternal presence of Zen in the Moro Realm are all related to this secret." The Buse Arhat looked around and passed it on with his soul. Yin, "It is said that Zen has a very special treasure that can put the practitioner's consciousness into a specific soul. To do this, the soul must be perfectly transformed."

"Thousands of Thoughts to Separate Souls, fellow Taoists should have heard of it. This technique has been spread throughout the endless void, but you would never know that the founder of Thousands of Thoughts to Separate Souls... is the Venerable Zen Sect."

Gu Xiuyun was shocked.

Qiansi Nian, the separated soul, actually comes from the northernmost Moro realm?

That secret technique is indeed very strange. It changes one's own soul to adapt to different seas of consciousness. If the secret technique itself is not too flawed, it will be easily affected by the barriers of the world and the divine formation.

This secret technique alone can cause monstrous killings.

"Compared to the methods of Zen Buddhism, Soul Splitting Thousand Threads is just the simplest soul method. This method can not only change the sea of ​​consciousness, but also change the essence of the soul..."

The Buse Arhat had a bitter look on his face, "To be honest with you fellow Taoist, the young monk has fallen deeply into it. As his cultivation becomes deeper and deeper, his soul is also transforming until it evolves into a perfect soul body. At that time, even if I don't want to, I will not." A controlled return to Zen.”

"Out of control?" Gu Xiuyun's pupils narrowed.

There are such methods in the world. Also, the Ancient Temple of Samsara and the Zen Sect are both one of the most terrifying forces in the endless void. It is not surprising that there are some weird methods.

Even the Venerable Bodhisattva can obtain magic scales, broken mirrors and other rare objects. The Ancient Temple of Samsara and the Zen Sect have had Venerable ministers from generation to generation, so they have more treasures.

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