Fortune Teller

Chapter 883 The Mark of Destiny

Just as Gu Xiuyun expected, in the next few days, the roar of the Chaotic Mountain Secret Realm continued, violent law fluctuations filled the void, and many Douxiao Realm people fled this place.

Half a month later.

The ninth-grade spiritual treasure containing the origin of water and fire finally appeared.

As soon as this matter came out, ninth-level ancestors came here, only one of them was from the human race, the others were all powerful from the demon race, and even the real dragon and Suzaku showed their whereabouts.

"The Dragon Clan and Suzaku are here. I'm afraid this matter has attracted the attention of His Holiness."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, glanced at the black-striped golden dolphin on his shoulder, and couldn't help but curse a few times.

His martial arts energy could only conceal his true artistic conception, but could not block the Lord's gaze.

Fortunately, it was just an ordinary treasure house, and the Venerable did not come in person. Even the Venerable, thousands of miles away, could not see through the hidden magical power of the Qilin beast.

on land fragments.

The cyan figure continued to search for the Taoist brand, and the fighting in Yukun's treasure house always remained within a radius of 100,000 miles, without affecting too far.

Another half month has passed.

The battle for the Yukun Treasure House finally came to an end. The ninth-grade spiritual treasure was acquired by a true dragon from the Dragon Clan. The other ancestors dared not go against the Dragon Clan and could only return to their respective dojos.

The fighting among the Eighth Grade True Artistic Realm is still going on, mainly related to the cultivation treasure land in the Yukun Treasure House.

Each cultivation treasure land represents a secret. If it can be captured, more powerful people will be born in the sect or ethnic group.

Among these true artistic conception masters who are fighting are the ancestors of Yuqiong Palace.

A fragment of land.

The green figure stopped and stopped, his eyes not moving away for a long time. After searching for a long time, he finally found a Taoist mark about the mystery of fate.

In front of him was a half-foot-deep footprint, filled with mysterious fluctuations. In the eyes of ordinary practitioners, those fluctuations represented the power of the Golden Element, but in Gu Xiuyun's perception, there were fluctuations of fate behind the Golden Element, and they reached the seventh level. The fate is mysterious.

"There is no fixed route in the way of destiny, and each mystery contains special changes," Gu Xiuyun whispered to himself, "If you want to understand the mystery of the seventh level and even the rules of destiny, you must understand enough mysteries and accumulate them, and then you can hope to make progress. Take the last step.”

The path of life is the same as the path of matter, divided into five levels of Tao Yun, six levels of mystery, and eight levels of rules.

But the difference is that the material Tao has long been analyzed by countless powerful people, and a large number of Taoist books have been created, such as the Tao Yun Secret Technique. The Wuhen Sect alone has hundreds of thousands of volumes.

The Taoist scriptures of the Eight-Eyed God Sect are even more numerous.

As for the way of living beings, it is difficult for even the venerables to get started. Only a few have understood it, and almost all the true sages are practicing it.

Over the past hundreds of millions of years, there have only been hundreds of thousands of sages who have understood the path of destiny, and no more than tens of thousands of people have understood the mystery of sixth-grade destiny.

There are probably only one or two thousand people who understand the mysteries of the seventh level.

It is extremely difficult to understand the complete rules of destiny based on these Taoist rhymes and mysteries, so every trace of Taoism is precious.

Gu Xiuyun stared at it for a long time, feeling vaguely aware of it in his heart.

Just when he wanted to observe more carefully, suddenly, there was a roar between heaven and earth, and the spiritual power frenzy broke out again in the Yukun Treasure House.

"what happened?"

Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly and looked into the distance, "Xiao Hei, is there any other secret hidden in the Yukun treasure house?"

"I don't know either."

The black-striped golden dolphin shook his head.

"It seems that the Yukun Treasure House is not that simple," Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly, "This matter is indeed strange. Back then, all the major forces joined forces to attack Tiankun Divine Island, and all the rare treasures were swept away. With the methods of the venerable, Yukun should not be left out. Kun Treasure House, it shows that even they are not aware of it.”

"Xiao Hei, how did you find out?"

"The bottom of the Yukun treasure house cracked, and a trace of breath escaped," said the Black-patterned Golden Dolphin. "I got into the treasure house from there."

"The bottom of the treasure house? Tell me the specific location."

Gu Xiuyun was curious.

If it were just an ordinary venerable's treasure house, he would have no interest in it, but if there were bigger secrets, he could let Bai Kongze explore it.

The void fluctuated slightly, and an accompanying clone of Bai Kongze followed the direction pointed by the black-patterned golden dolphin and drilled into the depths of the Yukun treasure house.

Not long after walking, Bai Kongze heard the sound of fierce fighting.

"Yuqiong, put down this treasure, otherwise I will swallow you too!"

"Is it just a dream to use the sky-swallowing magical power to deal with Pindao?" Another person sneered, "Pindao has experienced countless fights since he entered the path of cultivation. He has never been afraid of anyone, and you are the same."


A loud rumbling sound shook the entire treasure house.

Bai Kongze followed the source of the sound and sneaked over. In front of him was a wall made of black stones. Half of the wall was broken, revealing a thousand-foot gap.

"It turns out that the wall of the Yukun Treasure House is double-layered, and there is another layer of space inside the stone wall," Gu Xiuyun said with a strange expression, "What a mysterious stone, it can even cover the soul of the venerable, no less than the magical power of the Kirin! "

The gap was empty, with only an altar emitting blood-colored light, one hundred feet high and ten feet wide.

Taoist Yuqiong stood above the altar, holding a half-foot-square jade in his hand, and was fighting with two eighth-level demon emperors. One of them was somewhat similar to the Linhan tribe, with blue scales all over his body and eyes. Slender and narrow, like a vulture.

The other Demon King looks like a black turtle, and the armor on his back exudes a strange luster. Just looking at it makes one feel nervous.


The black turtle exploded with magical power and knocked Taoist Yuqiong away. The jade in his hand fell out of his palm and hung above the altar.

"what is that?"

Gu Xiuyun looked carefully and saw that the surface of the jade was covered with complicated patterns. Although it was not a spiritual treasure, it contained extremely strong spiritual power, almost as much as the Supreme Treasure of the Supreme Being.

"There is a rare item in Yukun's treasure house that is comparable to the Supreme Treasure?"

Gu Xiuyun's pupils shrank suddenly. Even the venerable would fight for such a treasure. How could it be hidden in an ordinary treasure house?

Moreover, the spirit of the venerable treasure is very intelligent, but the jade is like a dead object. He has only seen this kind of scene on the heavenly disk.

"has a problem!"

Gu Xiuyun pondered for a moment and decided to let the true form of the human race leave the chaotic mountain secret realm first, while Bai Kongze continued to stay.

No matter what kind of treasure the jade is, with its power comparable to the Supreme Treasure of the Supreme Being, it will definitely attract the Supreme Being. When the secret hidden in the body is discovered, the trouble will be big!

While thinking.

The two demon kings have already rushed forward, each grabbing half of the jade and refusing to let go of each other.

"Lin Han, I surrender this treasure to my emperor. I can give it to you any treasure you want!" the black turtle monster roared.

"Fart, what treasure can be as good as the Venerable Treasure? It's mine!" Linhan Demon King responded sternly.

The two demon kings refused to give in to each other. Taoist Yu Qiong also rushed forward and grabbed the jade bi, his eyes filled with blood, "The jade bi is a poor Taoist, let me go."

Two demon kings and an eighth-grade peak power actually started fighting on the altar. It didn't look like a true power of artistic conception at all.

At the same time, the light deep inside the altar became more and more intense.

Bai Kongze was so frightened that he quickly exited the gap and watched from a distance.

Gu Xiuyun felt something was wrong.

Jade Bi seems to have the ability to confuse people's hearts. Taoist Yuqiong, Lin Han Demon Emperor and Black Turtle Monster have all lost their normal reason. If it hadn't been in the state of emptying, I'm afraid they would have been tricked.

The spiritual tide surges deep in the treasure house.

The powerful masters of true artistic conception who were staying in other directions also rushed over, one, two, three...

Fully hundreds of eighth-grade powerful men all got into the cracked space. In just a moment, they all lost their minds and rushed to the altar.

The edge of the secret realm in the chaotic mountains.

The true form of the human race had a gloomy expression and without saying a word, it directly tore open the space crack and entered the depths of the Nirvana Space.

In a few steps, he escaped thousands of miles away.

"Gu Xiuyun, what happened??" The black-striped golden dolphin looked around with confusion on his face.

"There is a problem with Yukun's treasure house. There is a crack hidden in the bottom wall of the treasure house..."

Gu Xiuyun used his true energy to communicate and explained secretly.

"A jade comparable to the Supreme Treasure?"

The black pig's eyes lit up.

"Don't be greedy, it's not a good thing. If you dare to approach the true artistic conception, you will be lost," Gu Xiuyun warned, "I just observed carefully, there are Taoist patterns left by the true master on both sides of the cracks in the stone wall. Luo, the space between them should be left by the true master of the Tiankun tribe."

"The True Lord of the Tiankun Clan hid this treasure in the Yukun Treasure House, and no one has noticed it until now. It is very likely that when this object was buried, only the True Lord himself knew about it, and not even the venerable members of the clan knew about it."

"The true treasure of the true Lord!"

The black-striped golden dolphin swallowed. It only heard half of Gu Xiuyun's words and ignored the other half.

Gu Xiuyun shook his head helplessly and led the black-striped golden dolphin forward at great speed. In just a moment, he traveled hundreds of millions of miles.

Inside the Yukun Treasure House.

One hundred and twenty-five masters of true artistic conception gathered above the altar, desperately fighting for the jade. As time passed, the light emitted by the altar became more and more dazzling.

Finally, a ray of red cloud appeared.

Hundreds of great powers all turned into flying smoke and completely perished, leaving only the shadows of their souls floating around the jade. After absorbing massive amounts of energy, the red clouds condensed into shape and turned into a half-foot-high circular light gate.

"It's actually a teleportation array. What's on the other side of the light gate? The remains of the true master, or the real treasure of the Tiankun tribe?"

Bai Kongze looked thoughtful.

After half a breath, he no longer hesitated, his body in the void condensed into a ball, he directly grabbed the jade and rushed into the depths of the light gate.

Whoosh! !

The moment the jade passed through the light door, the red clouds dissipated and the altar began to crack.

A few breaths later, a phantom appeared in the depths of Yukun's treasure house. The phantom looked somewhat similar to a real dragon, with a triangle on its forehead and a red light shining from the middle corner.

"Strange, where have all those true artistic conceptions gone? Why are all the causal lines broken?" Xuying looked around with doubts on his face.

After a while, another figure arrived.

"Xuanhan, you're here too!"

The virtual shadow of the real dragon glanced at the black turtle beside him and said softly, "There is something wrong with the Yukun treasure house. I came the earliest, but I didn't find any figure of the true artistic conception. Even the line of cause and effect was broken. If I remember correctly, those There is one of your disciples in Zhenyijing, ask him, what's going on?"

"I can't ask," Venerable Xuanhan shook his head slightly, "Just a moment ago, my disciple suddenly died, and both of his true bodies disappeared!"

The Dragon Clan Lord narrowed his eyes.

A turtle disciple of Venerable Xuanhan once refined the twin stones and had two true bodies. One was fighting outside, and the other was accompanying Venerable Xuanhan. They both died?

Could it be that there is a venerable person hidden in Yukun's treasure house who uses causal means to obliterate all true artistic conceptions?

"I was the first to come, but I didn't sense any Taoist fluctuations. This thing is weird!!" The Dragon Clan Venerable frowned.

"When Tiankun Divine Island was destroyed, two True Masters searched for a long time without leaving. They seemed to be looking for a certain artifact." Venerable Xuanhan glanced at the True Dragon beside him, "Old Poison Dragon, if you find Whatever it is, it’s best to say it to avoid embarrassment to everyone.”

"What do you mean?"

The eyes of the Dragon Clan Venerable flashed sharply.

"Nothing," Venerable Xuanhan sneered and flew above the altar, "This place is covered with dust, but there is only one corner missing. Judging from its shape and quality, there should be a half-foot-square artifact falling on the altar. But now it’s gone. Old Poison Dragon, you were the first one here!”

"I don't know, and I have never seen it." The Dragon Clan Venerable snorted angrily and drifted away.

"It's not that easy to cover up the past with just one sentence."

Venerable Xuanhan's eyes were cold and he wanted to stop the real dragon's shadow, but he didn't dare to take action.

In the Demon God Realm and even in the entire endless void, the Dragon Clan is the most powerful ethnic group, because behind the Dragon Clan, there is likely to be an ancestor of the World Lord.

Over the past 400 million years, all the major ethnic groups have gone up and down, sometimes prospering and sometimes declining. Only the Dragon Clan has always been prosperous and has always had a venerable person in charge.

In today's era, the Dragon Clan is still ranked among the top ten in the Endless Void, with one True Venerable, five Venerables, and a large number of ninth-grade True Dragons, not to mention the blood descendants of the Dragon Clan at the Douxiao Realm level.

Various ethnic groups such as dragons, horned dragons, crocodile dragons, and tyrannosaurus monsters are all descendants of the dragon tribe. Taken together, they can even rival a realm.

With such a powerful background, Venerable True Dragon was naturally very arrogant. He did not bother to explain Venerable Xuanhan's doubts and did not bother to defend himself.

After the Dragon Clan Venerable left, several more Venerables appeared one after another.

After seeing the strange altar in the gap and asking Venerable Xuanhan a few questions, they all left.

No one knows what happened in Yukun's treasure house, and the venerables are too lazy to investigate!

They suspected that the treasure on the altar had been taken away by the Dragon Clan Venerable, but they did not dare to go and question it. It was not worth it to confront the Dragon Clan for an unknown treasure.

As for the practitioners in the Luanshan Secret Realm, they are still practicing with great concentration in various places as usual. The world does not even know that hundreds of powerful masters of the true artistic conception have fallen into the Yukun Treasure House.

His Holiness did not bother to spread the news.

Time passed slowly, and before I knew it, a month had passed.

A hidden space.

The transparent figure suddenly descended, and then, the heaven and earth were changing, the space around him became turbid, and the evil air flow surged rapidly. I don't know what happened!

This is where?

Gu Xiuyun looked around, and the jade in his hand had disappeared.

The scene in front of him was extremely strange, and the connection with his true body had completely disappeared.

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