Fortune Teller

Chapter 884 Blood Mist Space

In the void, strands of red blood mist climbed up and merged into Bai Kongze's body.

Gu Xiuyun's mind trembled slightly, and he quickly used the magical power of transforming the void. Then his expression changed. The surrounding space was completely different from the endless void, and the power of the internal space was also inexplicably bloody. It made people's minds palpitate, and they would fall into madness at any time.

"Isn't this endless void?"

"No, this is not a normal space at all."

Gu Xiuyun's face was solemn. Even in the world of Tianji Pan, Bai Kongze could use the magical power of transforming the sky to blend with the space, but he couldn't do it here.

The bloody space is extremely weird, and the invisible red blood mist is everywhere. No matter how Bai Kongze avoids it, the red blood mist always fills the air, eventually dyeing the entire transparent body completely blood red.


Gu Xiuyun clenched his fists and was shocked to find that he had strength, flesh, and even bones.

The red blood mist completely filled the Baikongze, turning from a ray of light into a real living being, and the mighty power was integrated into the body, which happened to be the level of the demon emperor in the true realm.

Bai Kongze's cultivation level is comparable to that of the early stage of the true artistic conception, but his essence is still a ray of light without any means of killing. But now he has real flesh and blood and strength. How can he not shock Gu Xiuyun?

"It has been six million years, and finally another sacrificer has come," a misty voice came from the void, "Don't be surprised, this is the mind space of Lord Killing and Lian. Everything is illusory. Although your body It is a ray of light, but in the space of mind, it is no different from normal creatures. As long as your will is strong enough and your Taoism is stable enough, you can even have the strength of a revered person."

"Idea space?"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes narrowed slightly and he looked around at the void.

A familiar bloody figure appeared in the distance. The figure gradually approached, and it turned out to be Pei Duanrong, one of the five elders of the Pei family.

Pei Duanrong was filled with murderous intent, his eyes as red as blood, staring at Bai Kongze like a ghost.

"Gu Xiuyun, today I want you to pay with blood!"

The blood-colored figure rushed towards Gu Xiuyun, and the pale white bone-shattering seal was pressed down with a crash. The power of this palm was more powerful than that of Pei Duanrong during his lifetime, and it had truly reached the level of Dou Xiao realm.

However, at this moment, Gu Xiuyun had already reached the true state of mind.


Swing out a palm.

Palm print to palm print, regular fluctuations instantly crushed the bone-shattering palm, and even Pei Duanrong collapsed into blood mist.

Those blood mist blended into Bai Kongze's body and became part of his power.

"My strength...has improved?"

Immediately afterwards, Gu Xiuyun was shocked. In the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, Pei Duanrong's memories appeared, including his Taoist insights and the secret technique of the Broken Bone Palm.

These images passed by in a flash, but they were firmly remembered in his mind. The Taoism practiced by Pei Duanrong was too superficial, and compared to the true meaning of the rules, it was not worth mentioning at all.

In the void, a figure condensed again.

Another of the five elders of the Pei family, Pei Duanshan...

A few breaths later, Pei Duanshan fell, and the blood mist around him merged into Bai Kongze's body, allowing his strength to increase again, and at the same time, countless memories and thoughts merged into the depths of his mind.

Figures appeared one after another, from the five elders of the Pei family to the ice spirit beast and the old dragon whale, including the master of the four Changli sects, Shangmiao Zhenren. Countless memories and distracting thoughts merged into the depths of his mind. Even Gu Xiuyun's will was somewhat unbearable.

These figures are all dead souls in his hands. From the realm of opening pulses to the top level, each of them has once dominated the world, but in the end they ended up dead.

After the dragon whale fell, a huge aura filled the air.

Taoist Li Kan appeared in the void.

"Finally reached the true artistic conception!"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes narrowed slightly.

After fighting for a long time, he has already seen the pattern. The blood mist starts from the weakest Douxiao Realm practitioners and becomes stronger and stronger. Pei Duanshan and Pei Duanrong are both included in the list because they both have combat prowess comparable to Douxiao Realm. Among them, every dead soul since then is much stronger than the two of them.

And Li Kan is the weakest among the fallen True Inspiration Powers.

As for Zhugu Demon King, Huang Zhuzhenren and others, those who died were their second clones, and their true bodies still exist in the world, so they are not really dead.

There are no them in the blood mist space.

The dead souls who appear here are all practitioners who have completely fallen.

"Sacrifice, you can kill the ninth-grade ancestor with your True Intention Realm initial stage cultivation, and you are barely qualified to participate in the trial, but it is not so easy to get the favor of the Slaughter and Refining Heavenly Lord."

A voice came from the void, "A killer must have the perseverance to cut off everything and the will to wipe out the world. Only in this way can he enter the path of killing."

"The Way of Killing?!"

Gu Xiuyun was suddenly startled.

Killing, cause and effect, life and death, and destiny all belong to the path of life, and each path is extremely difficult to understand.

Gu Xiuyun received the help of the horoscope, possessed the magical power of destiny, and experienced the past and present life, before he barely reached the threshold of destiny.

Listening to the voice in the void means that as long as you complete the trial, you can understand the way of killing?

"What the hell is this place?"

The void surged, and Taoist Li Kan rushed over with an indifferent expression.

The black and white light flashed in Gu Xiuyun's palm, and the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand condensed into shape.


The palm print was shot in the air, crushing Taoist Li Kan into a bloody mist, and the dissipated mist poured into Bai Kongze's body.

In an instant, a massive amount of memories flooded my mind like a tide.

The power of true artistic conception is far superior to that of the Douxiao realm in terms of Taoist understanding and secret techniques, and he has read countless classics. Countless memories flooded into his mind, making Bai Kongze extremely painful. For a moment, he couldn't tell whether he was Gu Xiuyun or Li Kan.

"Sacrifice, block this impact and grab the true meaning of the rules you need. The path of killing is the strongest path among all living beings, because this path can rob others through killing. This is the path to heaven."

A voice came from the void.

Gu Xiuyun tried his best to use his mind to erase the messy memories, leaving only the part about the true meaning of the rules. The massive memories merged with his mind. In just a few moments, he had a new understanding of the rules of earth and wood.


Gu Xiuyun's face was not excited, but showed fear.

Killing practitioners and seizing each other's memories is almost cruel. It is no longer a normal practice. If you have to give it a definition, it is a 'demon'.

The real devil.

"Terrible?" The voice in the void sneered, "The weak eat the strong and natural selection is the eternal truth. The weak are killed and become the material for the strong to practice. Is there anything wrong with that?"

The blood mist space did not stop changing. After Li Kan fell, another figure appeared. Taoist Huang Jie stood in the air, his eyes red as blood, staring at Bai Kongze.


The Five Elements Overturning Hand clapped down and killed Taoist Huang Zhi.

At this moment, Bai Kongze's cultivation has reached the middle stage of the true realm. Blood mist is surging all over his body. Every blood mist is a force. It is different from spiritual power or true energy, but a special energy derived from killing.

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