Throwing back the Chief's head, Ivo pointed his sword at the shaman and said, "Now it's your turn."

The shaman with fear on his face began to try to convince Ivo "I am the shaman of the tribe, if you kill me, then who will conduct the rituals now? Who will heal the sick, who will help during the birth, after all, who do you think will talk with the Goddess Flora? "

Some of the tribesmen agreed with the arguments of the shamans, even Vesta spoke out "Brother, although I also want to kill him, since he abandoned you, but in some ways he is right, without a shaman, it will be very difficult for us to survive"

Ivo grinned and said "We do not need such a deceitful shaman, it can only lead to even more problems, in addition to this, there are 5 replacements for him in our tribe, including me."

Hearing Ivo's words, many suddenly remembered that in addition to the shaman himself, there are also 5 shaman's disciples, two of whom have already been fully trained.

Do not blame them for their forgetfulness, now most of the people in the tribe are in an agitated state.

Ivo did not waste any more time, but simply began to quickly approach the shaman, while the old man, out of fear, began to back away, but then he was met by a crowd of people who supported Ivo. Finally deciding to defend himself, the old man pointed his hand at someone and began to create a spell scheme, while Ivo, sensing the accumulation of natural energy, quickly reacted using the [Grip] spell.

At first, the old man realized that something was tanning him, then drawing attention to Ivo, he understood the reason and, deciding to fight, created an aura of natural energy around himself to counteract mana..

And he began to succeed, Ivo felt that his grip had weakened and in order to keep the shaman, he would need to apply more mana until the old man's energy ran out.

But Ivo didn't want to do that, so while still keeping the [Grip] spells active, Ivo quickly ran up to the old man and stabbed him in the neck.

The old man was not a warrior, so he could not resist Ivo's quick blow in any way, so after a couple of seconds, the old man's head fell to the floor, on whose face an expression of fear and reluctance was preserved

Now that Ivo has dealt with the two main problems, he has other equally important problems.

Therefore, in order to establish his new status in the tribe, he began to loudly say, "Brothers, now that my revenge has been fulfilled, you wonder what will happen next?"

The crowd of people looked at each other, and then nodded at Ivo's question.

The guy smiled and said, "Naturally, since I killed the leader, I believe that by the right of the strongest, I must take his place and become the new chief of the tribe."

After his word, heated discussions began in the crowd, some agreed with this, mainly those whom Ivo trained in the past or had good relations, but there were also disagreements, these were some veterans and influential families.

One of the dissenters decided to speak out "Don't you think that you are too young for the position of a chief, how old are you? 16 or 17? "

Ivo replied "Yes, I am really young, I am only 17 years old, but I already possess such strength, and also went beyond our valley, which most of you have never done in your life."

One of the dissatisfied asked, "And what difference does that make?"

Ivo smiled and said "It means what I have seen much more than you have in your entire life, and believe me, I have also learned a lot, for example, now I know that those against whom you fought in the war are some of the weakest troops on the south "

Hearing this, everyone in the crowd frowned, although their opponents were really weak compared to them, but there were a lot of them, and they also had sorcerers on their side, because of whom all the tribes lost a lot of warriors, and now Ivo is talking about that they were some of the weakest

Ivo continued to say "But I assure you, now with me our tribe will become the strongest, we will capture the entire valley, and then, the southerners will no longer be such a threat as they are now, but for this I need your support. BROTHERS ARE YOU WITH ME ?! "

Inspired, the crowd began to shout loudly "CHIEF IVO !!!" "CHIEF IVO !!!" "CHIEF IVO !!!" "CHIEF IVO !!!"

Already behind these screams, the voices of the dissatisfied were not heard. To support the current mood, Ivo said "Since Fius organized such a feast for us, we have no right to refuse it, let's go back to the hall and celebrate the arrival of the new leader."

The crowd left with joyful shouts to continue the feast, but at that moment several people approached Ivo.

But before he had time to react, his mother hugged him tightly and began to cry on his chest, all the while wailing "This bastard, praise Goddess Flora that you survived, you have no idea how I suffered when I heard the news of your death."

Calming his mother, Ivo gently replied "It's okay mom, I will never leave you, I missed you too."

Kato also stood nearby and said, "Eh, who would have thought that not only was my son alive, but when he returned, he also became the leader of the tribe. I'm proud of you son "

Still hugging his mother, Ivo replied "Thank you, Dad."

Ceres, who stood next to me and was silent all the time, finally said "I…. Forgive me Ivo, I didn't think Vesta was right, I thought you were dead… ..I don't even know what to say"

Ivo smiled and said, "Don't say anything, Fius was counting on this, my sister did not believe in my death just because of her stubbornness."

Vesta, standing next to her, puffed out her cheek and lightly hit her brother's shoulder. Ivo laughed and said, "Okay, we'll have a lot of time to spend together, let's go to the gym and celebrate my return"

Everyone happily agreed and went to the big hall to celebrate the holiday.

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