Waking up the next day, Ivo found someone else in his bed, then turning his head, Ivo recognized this person. Ceres lay naked in bed with him.

Rubbing his temples, he began to remember everything that happened yesterday.

After the whole tribe began to celebrate, Ceres got very drunk, which eventually confessed to Ivo of her attraction to him, and also that Ivo's death also hit her mental state hard, so she tried to reassure herself and others that that Ivo really died.

Ivo was also drunk at the time, so when two drunk people start talking about a relationship, it usually leads to what Ivo has now.

Looking at the naked beauty next to him, Ivo began to recall the times when she tried to compete with Ivo, since then, although she recognized him as a winner, Ceres still has not changed in character, strong-willed and decisive.

Sometimes this combination can be confused with stubbornness, but no. Vesta is a stubborn person who achieves everything she wants, in his own way, but Ceres is more flexible in this regard.

Sighing, Ivo discovered that Ceres was stirring, turning her head, he noticed that the young girl also opened her eyes and looked at him intently..

After a minute, she finally spoke up, "So I didn't dream about it."

Ivo nodded and then thought it would be wrong to say "Let's forget everything", in the end she took courage and told everything about her feelings for him, so he gently touched her cheek, and then suddenly kissed her for her.

Surprised, Ceres did not resist at all, and when the kiss broke, she was breathing heavily. Calming down a bit, she said, "This is ... ..Let's talk about it later .... Now you are the leader of the tribe and you have a lot to do."

Agreeing with her, Ivo got out of bed and quickly put on a tunic, while Ceres put on her clothes made of wool and animal skin.

Leaving the room, Ivo also remembered that now, as a leader, he could not live in his parents' house and now he owns this large hall of the leader.

Finding himself in such an empty room, where only he and Ceres were, Ivo began to miss the times when he and his family together ate food prepared by his mother.

Sighing, Ivo quickly found the leftover food from the feast, had breakfast, and then sat down on his new stone throne / chair and asked Ceres to convene a council.

Ceres just nodded and left the room. After half an hour, all veterans and representatives of important families gathered in the leader's house. Among them, Ivo also noticed his father and sister.

Clapping his hands, Ivo calmed the crowd's conversations and announced, "As you know, I was out of the valley for a while, so I don't know the latest news about which tribe we destroyed or the results of the war."

One of the warriors came out and said "We captured the tribe of the salamanders, which were located in the north of the meadows, near the salt water. In their tribe, only men could become warriors, so basically after the war and our capture, only women and a few boys remained in the tribe of salamanders who had not yet undergone the ceremony. "

The warrior continued "During the war, more than half of the warriors of each tribe died, only very few people died in our tribe, as we now know this was the initial plan of the leader. After the war, most of the tribes stopped leaving their own territories for fear of losing more warriors, so the salamanders should not quickly find out about the capture of the tribe, but there is a problem. "

Ivo asked "What is the problem?"

The warrior replied "The Salamander tribe was one of those tribes that mined salt, as far as I know, only 3 tribes mine salt in the entire valley, the Salamander tribe by the sea, the wolf tribe in the north of the silver forest, there is also salt water and the eagle tribe in the center mountains Amshar. "

Listening to him, Ivo also bought a map of the valley from the system.

[Transaction successful -5FP]

In Ivo's head, all the information about everything in this valley appeared, The tribe of the crow is in the center of the silver forest, the remaining 12 tribes from left to right are called like this: Wolf, salamander, horse, armadillo, fox, eagle, white lion, snake, unicorn, hedgehog, bear and the last exterminated buffalo tribe.

The warrior went on to say, "Therefore, there is a high probability that these tribes may be visited to buy salt. Usually, the tribe of the wolf and the tribe of the salamander are visited only by the tribe of the horse, and already all the remaining tribes travel to the tribe of the horse and buy salt there. "

After thinking a little, the warrior added, "If we take into account the losses in the war and the consumption of salt, then in 3-5 months people from the horse tribe will definitely arrive in the Salamander tribe"

Ivo thought a little, and then decided "Announce to the whole tribe that we are moving to the place of the Salamander tribe and now our tribe of the Crow will be there"

Hearing this, many began to be indignant, because they had been here all their lives and they felt good. At this, Ivo waved his hand and said, "Your indignation on this issue is unnecessary, you must understand that when all the tribes learn about our attack on the wolf tribe and its capture, then everyone will take up arms against us, so we need to take a place where we will be easier to defend, the place near the water is good, we don't have to fight on all 4 sides, but only on 3. "

Ivo added "In addition, do not forget about salt, if in 3 months we can also capture the wolf tribe, then the only place where the tribes will be able to take salt is in the eagle tribe, but there will not be enough salt for everyone, we will have different the ways in which we can influence others, and most importantly, do not forget that the Titans from the legends have never been in one place, they constantly expanded their territories, but over the past 1000 years, our tribes still live in this valley, in the same place, we need to move on. "

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