After listening to Ivo's short speech, the veterans stopped protesting, although they were still not happy with the new leader's decision. After that, they began to report to Ivo about the general state of the tribe: the number of warriors, the population of the tribe, the amount of food, etc.

It was only by listening to this that Ivo realized that being a leader in an ancient tribe is difficult, they don't even know how to count. No, of course they can count a small amount, like one ax, two axes, etc. But when there are more objects, they use associations.

For example, saying that the amount of remaining food is enough to fill this room, etc.

Ivo sighed and decided that he still had a lot of work to do.

After some time, all the people left the chief's house and started preparing the tribe for the move. When the residents found out about this news, they also wanted to protest, but nevertheless, the veterans understood that now it was not necessary to arrange any unrest in the tribe, so the majority simply reassured their relatives and repeated Ivo's words.

The very next day, a horde of people stood at the exit of the tribe, according to Ivo's rough estimates, there should be about 15 thousand people here.. Examining these people, Ivo saw that, although reluctantly, they approached this issue responsibly and everyone did not shirk their responsibilities, even the children stopped indulging and obediently stood next to their families.

Nodding at such good order, Ivo began to supervise the resettlement of the tribe, in addition, he made a request to the system "System, please start keeping the calendar from this day, use the names from the earth as the name of the months, the dates after this day will be named" X year after resettlement ", and the dates before this day "X year before resettlement", referring to the knowledge of the Hellenistic countries, establish that there are 31 days in each month, which is a total of 372 days a year "

[Transaction successful -5FP, system modification in progress]

[1 year after resettlement, April 7]

Ivo smiled and continued on his way with his tribe.

[1 year after resettlement, 19 April]

Finally, after 12 days, the tribe finally arrived at a new location. It took much longer than when Ivo went to war, although the journey is much shorter.

This is due to the fact that now in this horde there are not only warriors, but also ordinary people, as well as captured people from the tribe, who have not yet fully developed good relations with others, so on the way Ivo constantly had to keep an eye on everything. so that no trouble happens.

Standing on a vast field, Ivo saw in front of him a huge and boundless ocean, a large river flows into this ocean, which stretches almost along the entire valley. On the right you can see the distant mountains, according to Ivo's calculations, if you hurry, you can reach them in 1 day.

To the left, in the distance, you can see a silver forest from which the Ivo tribe came. And now Ivo was left with the last unresolved question.

He bent down and dripped a little earth with his hand, playing with the earth in his hands, a wide smile appeared on Ivo's face, the earth he holds in his hands is black soil, one of the best soil for growing plants.

Now Ivo has full confidence that his tribe will be able to survive and develop.

After some time, Ivo found a suitable place for his tribe. It was located next to the river, and there was also an outlet to the sea nearby and in the future, it will be possible to build a port there, and thanks to the river, it will be possible to irrigate future crops.

A few hours later, Ivo was in his tent, and other veterans surrounded him.

Ivo said "First of all, we need to build houses for our tribe, although it is not very cold in winter, no one wants to live in a simple tent when there is snow around."

Hearing him, the veterans nodded in agreement

Ivo continued "As you know, I was in the southern lands and having been there, I can confidently say that all our houses, which some of us were so proud of, are absolute rubbish compared to the houses of the southern."

The veterans became indignant because some of them really did their best to equip their homes. But Ivo did not argue with them, he said "But although their houses are beautiful, their style does not at all fit our current situation. we do not have time to search for the necessary materials, so we need to create our own style, but at the same time so that such houses are warm and strong "

Clearing his throat, Ivo continued, "We will make small houses out of logs, until there should be enough for the first time, later we will definitely improve them."

The veterans were already accustomed to Ivo's unusual ideas, so they just agreed with it and didn't argue.

Why did Ivo make small houses, and not big and beautiful ones? Well, everything is simple here, these barbarians are practically not familiar with the concept of aesthetics, comfort and beauty, only the wealthy sometimes adorned themselves with beautiful bones and stones. Therefore, in order for them to have the desire to live in better houses, they must first get used to the simplest ones. And when they become addicted to comfort, Ivo will already start rebuilding the houses.

Having resolved this issue, the meeting began to discuss the next one.

One of the veterans came forward and said, "Chief, what should we do with food, we will only have enough until winter. As far as I know, all the tribes in the meadows usually raided south to replenish their supplies, and then traded the captured with other tribes in exchange for food. Everything was easier for the Salamander tribe, they exchanged salt for food, they did not have to raid south. "

Ivo sighed and finally said, "Brothers, I understand that this may seem offensive to you, but now it's time to admit that the time when you went hunting and your children and wives gathered food in the forests is over, now it's time for us to start growing our own food. "

Hearing this, everyone at first did not believe in his words, and then they exploded in a storm of indignation, they know what it means in the fields. One of the warriors shouted "Become the same as these weak southerners? Start digging in the dirt to hopefully get some food? NEVER?"

After listening to all the cries of the crowd, Ivo reassured everyone and then said "Yes, now we have to dig in the dirt as you said, but instead of getting some food, we will get much more than we get from hunting and gathering. Imagine if the tribes had the same number of warriors as the southerners, do you really think that we could feed everyone by hunting and gathering? "

One of the veterans replied, "Why not?"

Ivo chuckled and replied, "Don't you wonder why our tribe is constantly expanding hunting zones?"

The warrior scratched his head and shook his head. Another warrior standing in the crowd replied, "This is because there are fewer animals in the area where we used to hunt."

Ivo smiled and said, "You're right, the more hunting, the less possible food in the future, but let's say we can endlessly expand the hunting zones, but what will you do when the travel time between the hunting zone and the tribe is very long?"

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