Ivo said "Therefore, it is best to produce food close to the tribe, it will be easier for us to get it and we will be able to feed more people. In addition, you are still not forbidden to hunt, ordinary people and warriors who have decided so will mainly be engaged in farming. "

Hearing the last words, the veterans smiled, because in this case, no one can force them to dig in the mud.

Ivo chuckled inwardly, what a group of idiots, do you really think that you will have time to hunt.

Finally the meeting ended and the whole tribe began to move.

[1 year AR, 23 April]

If you observe the tribe, you can see how a constant stream of wood comes from the direction of the silver forest, and in the tribe itself, small wooden houses made of simple logs began to be built.

Of course, it is hard for barbarians to build flat houses without basic knowledge of geometry and mathematics, but somehow they cope under Ivo's guidance.

In addition, near the tribe where the river flows, you can see that many barbarians walk on the ground and constantly bend over to dig up the ground, after which they throw something.. Of course, these people became the first farmers in the tribe, since most of his tribesmen resisted doing this, Ivo had to appoint captured people from the Salamander tribe, but these people are mostly women.

When Ivo took refuge in the silver forest, he researched many plants to make poison, but in addition to poisonous ones, he also met edible ones, so Ivo sent several people into the silver forest to find these plants and sow them in the fields.

These were mainly: sugar beets, some kind of cereal plants, and potatoes. Naturally, everyone called these plants differently, but since Ivo was their discoverer, he had the honor to name them what he wanted.

He named these plants as follows: white beets, potatoes, and the last plant he called Knoss. Since Ivo had already seen wheat, barley, oats, and other already familiar plants in the republic, Ivo decided to name this completely new plant for him in his own way.

In appearance, this plant does not differ much from wheat, it is just taller and has a larger ear. Ivo has not tasted this new plant, but presumably, the taste should be different.

[1 year after relocation on July 11]

Several houses were already built in the settlement, for example, the house of the leader was built first, and the farmers were already used to working in the fields, although they still did not understand why all this was being done.

A meeting was being held in the chief's house at which the situation with the tribe was discussed. After listening to all the reports, Ivo said "Construction is in full swing and now we can be sure that by the winter everything will be fine with the houses, the fields have also been planted and it is expected that by the winter we will have a lot of food, but in order to store food we need we will also build a barn, we will talk about this later "

Clearing his throat, Ivo continued, "What should worry us now is the tribe of the wolf. You took part in the war, tell me, did any of you see how many people remained in their tribe? "

All the veterans began to remember all the events, but almost all of them could not remember this tribe. Then one of the warriors came out and said, "I talked with people from this tribe, they said that due to the fact that the tribe of the wolf and the tribe of the salamander were constantly competing, the leader of their tribe decided to bring all the warriors to this war to show his strength."

Lost in thought, the warrior continued to say, "As far as I remember, their army outnumbered ours, including those who remained in the tribe, but after the war most of them died, as it turned out their strength was only in quantity, not in quality."

Ivo thought, initially the Raven tribe sent 400 warriors to the war, but about 2600 warriors remained in the tribe itself, according to the veteran, there were about 6000 warriors in the wolf tribe, but most of them died, in addition to this, these warriors were weakening Ivo's warriors, which means that they have a pretty good chance of winning.

Ivo said "Okay, let's take most of our tribe's warriors and attack the wolf tribe, so we have more people and resources from their tribe."

The veterans finally agreed with Ivo's decision because these barbarians love to fight and will never refuse a good fight.

The next day, Ivo gathered about 2000 thousand people, and the remaining 1000 left to guard the tribe, yet dangerous creatures still roam the valley.

[1 year AR July 15]

Making his way through the silver forest, Ivo finally saw small barbarian shacks that were not much different in style from those of the Raven tribe before.

The warriors who were guarding the tribe also saw a large number of warriors from another tribe coming out of the forest, so one of the guards ran inside the tribe to warn the leader of their tribe.

Of course, Ivo could take advantage of the factor of surprise, but he decided not to do this, instead, he began to wait for the leader of their tribe.

Finally, a couple of minutes later, a man dressed in a rich skirt made of tiger wool with a spear in his hand came out to Ivo, he had a gray beard on his face and a large scar on his right eye, most likely with this eye, this leader no longer sees anything.

After examining his statistics, Ivo noticed that for a leader, such statistics are rather low, even his father is a little stronger than this leader.

The man spoke up, "Who are you and what brings you to our territory?"

Ivo watched all the warriors from the wolf tribe with a keen eye, and then said "I am the leader of the Raven tribe, we conquered the tribe of salamanders, now I inform you that we have come to capture your tribe."

Hearing this, many barbarians began to resent, someone even wanted to break out of the crowd and attack Ivo. But the leader stopped them, he understood that Ivo's warriors were much more numerous than in their tribe. He asked "Our tribe has never been at enmity with yours, if you come for salt, we can give you all the salt, but you must promise that you will not return."

Ivo chuckled and replied, "I told you that we came to conquer you, we are not interested in your salt. You have three choices: Surrender to the entire tribe and accept our rule, with this option no one will get hurt, you just join our tribe and listen to me as your new leader. "

"Another option, I can fight with you, if I win, your tribe will surrender, if you then I promise that we will leave. But you must understand that after this our tribe will no longer be so lenient towards you"

"And the last, the most unwanted option, we will simply kill all your warriors, and then we will capture all ordinary people. With this option, your tribe will suffer the most, choose "

The chief frowned, any of the three options were just terrible for their tribe, but still there was hope that Ivo would be honest with them if they surrendered.

His fellow tribesmen, on the contrary, were angry at this obvious provocation on the part of Ivo, and wanted the leader to choose the second or third option, then they would throw out their anger on the raven tribe.

Finally making up his mind, the Leader waved his hand so that everyone was silent and asked "What will happen if we surrender?"

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